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"If pop had blanketed you in the stable you would be fat, too." FREE-Get from your dealer free, the 54Book._ It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a sa Horse Blanket will malee your horse worth moro and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile ... 5A Boss Stable Atk for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to guit everyt body. If you can't get them from you? Úealer, write us. #ORSL BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE SA LABEL Manuftl by W. Atkes & Sons, Phllada., wb make tbe f amous Horsa Brand Baker Blanketa. S E i LI lio ■ J J ■ fiw iBs LltfMk -m Rnbber Shoes nnless wora unoomfortably tlght. generally slip off the feet. THE "COLCHESTEE" BüBBER CO. make all thelr shoes wlth Izutde of heel Um-d with rubber. This clim:s to the sboe and preveata Uie rubber trom slipping off. Cali for the Colchester "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALEJBY Wiii. Allaby, Jotan Uur;-, Doly A Felner, Li. Ornner, w. Relnhardt Co., X. D. Seyler Son. A.VX ARBOR. THE FIGURE "9." The figure 9 in our datos will mako fi long stojt, No man or woraan now liviii!' v. ill ovor date a iocument without aung tho figure 9. It stand iu the third placo in 1890, wbere U will rcmain ter years and then move up to hccond place ín 1900 wliere it will rest for om; hundred years. There is another "9" whlob has ulso oome to sta y It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the PMped that It has airead y moved up to first place, when it will permanent 1 y romuin It is callod tho "No Ö" High Arm Wneek-r & Wilfion Bewtng Machine The 'Zlo. 9" was endorsed for first piuco by tb experts of Europe at tlie Paris Expoeition of iSSfl where, after u severecontest with tho leading mu chines of tho world, it was uwarded tho. onl1 irand Prizegiven to faraily sewlng machines, ui jthers on exhibit baving reoelved lower awardi af gold medals, etc. The French Government also recognized Hs superiority by thedecoration of Mr. Nathaniol WliL-clor, Presiden tof the compuny. with the Crotis of the Legión ol Honor. The "No. 9" is not un oM machino improved upon, but is un eji.ircly new machino, anU the Grand Prize at Pari awarded it as the grandestadvance in KWintf machiue mecnanism of the age. Those who buy it can rent ussured, there. fore, of huving the vr, lutodt and best. WHEELER & WILSON MT'Ö 00., 18S and 187 Wabash Ave., Chioogo Sold by M. STABLER, II W. WiiNlilnirtnn-r. SCVCN SEVrHTEEW 3EVEHTY To cure Biliousncss, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take tho safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS ITae the SM ALL Sise (40 little Beans to the bottle). are the host conveniknt. Suitablo tor all Ages. Price of elther izc, asc. per Bottle. I ■ w W 1 1 ■ VI Halled for 4 ets. (ooppen or lUcipi). J.F.SMITHeO.VJ[eror"BlLIBEAN8,"ST.LOUIS MO. ■■■iBHaaaiBiMHi MAlTorWOMAlT 8houl carry some Life Insurance and así oPTiuar poticY, as now issued by th National Life Ins. Co., of vcitno.M. Povldes for any emergency that can arise. C in be paid for In; flve, ten, or twenty year ana contains the followlng guarantee: th!lh h valu,able Pon to many who maj ffoieci? pijpt dVefity HeCardy ft teBEAU. Special ABent, 1 BamlHon Blocu. f ANN ARBOR. MICH. Insurance, fieal Estáte and Loan Agencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN1. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST FI.OOK. nna u to tüeir advaiitai;e to cali on n v. roi%_ rent the following flrst elaw Fre jn-urn The rand Rapld "i„ ,,„ ,„ " SKSSir &- ï; - The 4'ltlzeiiN'Flrp Ihn , ï!.le Sí,"1"'" Flre I„SV,„.. The JHIlwaakee Mecbanlc'H lir. f The NewiiampNhlre Flrf In, r. The .riliHCNirii Flre lm. -... ï- InU, UoKKn -,.. ,,a We aleo Ime Life and Investmeui hoJiciei .. euM,0ü0 000. Persons aeulrlng Aociaent 'mui. S5T 5?ï. Offlce hou" ftoir - " ■ " " Wamllton Green. PAÏTTTftW J nonrlai; Shoea ara vilUliUn warrant rd, and t-vi-rr pair hut liit imnic and price stamped on bottom. ö W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Gr a In. The excellence and wearlng qualltlesof thls hoe cannot be better shown than dv the stront eudorsements of lts thousands of constant wearera. $E?OO Gentiinn Ilanil-srwed, an eletrnnt an-1 9 stvllsh dross Suoe whicli commends itself. $ .f,00 liand-ftcwed Welt. A fino calf Shoe uuequalled for style and durahllity. $0.50 (oodyenr Welt Is the standard dress O Mme, at a popular prlce. $0.50 lNilici'iiiiin'M Shoe isesppclally adapted w for rallroad men, farmers, etc. All mado iu Congress. Button and Lace. $3&$2SHOESlafds, have been most favorably received slnce introduced and the recent Improvements moke them superior to any shoes sold at these prices, Ask your Dealer, and ff he cannot upply yon sentí direct to factorv enclosing advertlsed prloe, or a postal for order blanke. W. Ij. DOUGLA3, Brockton Mass. Examltie v. I,. IxmiIhs 92. OO Mioe for (■iii 1 Iciim'ii and I.ihMc. WM. REINHARDT &. CO., 42 S. HAIN STREET, Ann Arbor. FOR MEN ONLY! LI i I ij 1 1 fWSFor LOST or PAILINO BtANHOOD; fcll tliTn I and NERVOUS DEBHITT: PsTTj, )lrtl!Weaknes8of Body and Kind, Effect rillllll'llllof Error orExceaaeiin Oidor Youpg. üulilr JMMIOnnrtillr llnlori'il. How In fnl.r. mii KlrrniIhriWKlll,l MIKTKI.(ll'KIXIHCitiI I'AKTMIII È9DÏ. Ab,aMtr onr.Ulr,, HOMK TKR1THK.T- Bnit In dj. Bn leUllj fl-om 60 Suir. and K.rflgn CoDDlriM. HrH Iban. D;arriptl Biiok, riplsnallgo anil proofi ll,l (icakdi ra. dir.aa ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFAtO. M. Y. WA1TT8D. il L LOC AL Or"' TRAVELING. 11 to ell our Nureery stock. Salary, Expense Steady Employmentguaranteed. CHASE BROTHERS COHPASY. 1 HIJ KAl tllat the NewKpaper Jut,; I MfS Ir ' ""tiBlng Agoncy of Heem M. Wi AVER t% SON. our au thorUed tureota


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