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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, Buch as To Rent, For Sala and Wants, not exceedlng three Unes, can e Inserted thrce weeks for 23 cents. w.vvri d. WANTEO- Puplls in Gymnastics. Special ratea to Studente. Apply at 46 South li.galls Street, or 46 Madisonst. SU VlAJI l'KI- Hay, oais, corn, potatoea, wood, TT etc, in exchange for house furuishing goods of a'l kind, nev and second hand, at No. S E. Huron-st. 29 WANTKO- Partuer In good estabïLshed busi ness, wilh Ï80U to $1,000 capital. Apply at Box 1119. 30 WAMTE- A furnace to tend, by a student who is trying to work hls way through college. Address F K J, or leave word at this office. 29 WANTKD - FARM.- A J6,50UÑewspaper property, in city of 7,000 iuhabitams, to exchaiige lor small farm. The very thiug for farmer who wishes to retire, and has college bred son wilh journalistic tendencies. Address C', this office. 31 W ANTEO- Immedíately, two or three solicitors. A good opporluuity to raake some morey. Work suitable to either lady or gentleman. Cali at this office. 2ótf FOR HAI.i:. FOR SA I.E- Pony for sale, cheap. Inquire at Bavlngc Bank, or oí S. Division-st. 28 i;K (iALK-üome fine Japaoese Napkins for r sale at The Registke office. A special lot at a big reduction in )rii:es. (Jood quality. 29 IjiUK Stl.K- First class ticket from Ann Arr bor to Tacoma. Washington and re!urn,S68.(jO. Regular rate 97.UO. A 2 Kkgistep. Office. (Vu sai.i; ok tteveral good V liouses in central pa l of the city. One well adapted for sudeuts' society house. Knquire of J. Q. A. Sessions. Atly., No. 5 N. .Main-st. tf Ko,B N j i-E- Thp oirt home of Samuel Cross man at the west end of Huron-st, Ann Arbor, Mich., consistini; of tweuty acres of Üne land upon which thlrtjf ycars of careful toil have left xnany valuable improvements. The property would eut up and make many very sjgnlly and desiraMe surburoan homes. It will ue sold whole or in part upon easy terms, long time, and low prices to close the estáte, Address D. L. Crossman, Adm., Williamston, Mich. 39 FOR RENT. Fon KKNT- Two Flats, and several saltes of rooms, in the new Sager block, 20 S. State-st. Inqulre at 18 3. State. 28tf i on iiKM-hvu new house, one brlck. F one framef modern improvements - steam and furnace heat; near the University. Apply to Hamilton & Greene. Hamlltoii block. 30 1OK KKAT- A pleasaut house un W. Llberty8t. Inquire at the Eber White farm. 29 ■jiOB Three suits of rooms and two F single rooms in Unity block. Apply to B. Brown, 8. StRte-st. tf MIS'EI,l,.Ni:Ol'N. COKA S. Vol, I. A Si D, teacher of music and paintlng. ö7 ThompBon-8t. 80_ LOST- A moillum i-ized black and tan foxhound Anybody finding same, notily and receive reward. B. K. Holmes, Forestaye_ 80 "O KWAKD- 1Ó will be pald to any pereon ÍX furnishing evidence to convict any person or persons for wilfully injurlDg our property on 2d 3 'reet, November 4, 1Ö90. Gruner, Cheever & Treadwell. 30 jnTvKSrïïtAÏ MI I.L.N Buukwheat Flour, the best in the world If your grocer does not keep it in stock, seud your order to the mili. Allmendinger Ji Sehneider. 28tf LS I- A pair ol gold Eye lasses, on West ÜS ertyst, between Mack & Schmid's store and Fifth-st. Finder will pleaseleave them at 17South Divisionst, and receive reward. 29 BUY YOITK WOOD at the 8aw Mili. corner Hill aud Packard-sts. All kinds of Stove and Cord Wood. 29 F. M. Hallock. qnrBüli4R WELLS do awny wlth impure JL water. There is not the least doubt that many of the most serious diseases are conveyed into healthy evstema by infeced water. The whole class of typhold aud malarial fevers are doubtless thus spread. Il is unfortuuate that this lact is not better known, or at least better considered, for lt isbetter known than it is well made use of. Now, there must be some remedy for thls as for all other evlls, and that remedy I propose to furnlsh. In all parts of the known world, below ihe surlace of vsryinï deptbs, are found living wai er, pure and cold, the thought of whlch makes a persou feel tnirsty. The ouly way 10 get thls pure water is by uslng the Tubular or Drive Well, made by N. F. Pbcdden, 30 N.Statest. Ann Arbor, who has had years of experience in sinking wells and repalrlog pumpS; 81 SCHOOI. DI liltKSS CUTT1SÍG.Girls wanted at M rs. C. H. Jones', No 4 North Fciurth ave, to learn Mme. Kellogg.s Freuch Tailorlng system. Bias, Dart and Freuch Sleeve taught. Clakses daily. Ten reasons why the Kellogg Frenen Tailor System is superior to all others : 1- Thedrafts are iromactual measurement.and must result in perieclly fitting garments, which can never be accompllshed by any chartor mode. 2- ,'o tryiug on or fitting isnecessary where this system is used. S- The system invented by Madame Kellogg is based upon mathematical principies, consisting of a tailoi's square and graded soales. 4- It ís the least compilcated of any known system, and more easily understood. 5- A good cutter, by the Kellogg French Tailor System, ean cut more garments in one day, and receive better wages, Ihan by any so-called model.", charta, or modes. 6- Itsaves time and the dangerofspoilinggoods, and gives better fits than eau be obtained by any other system. , 7- By this system. ladies with irregular forms can be fltted wlth the same accuracy and certainty as those with perff cc forms 8- The Kellogü French Tailor System is indorsed by every sklllful dress maker throughout the conntry as beiug the NE plus uj.tba of all known 9- Thé prlce places it within the reach of al who wish a system meeting the tequirements of al the changes that Madame Fashion may ordaiu and a Fystem that may be used in cutting all man ner of ladies' garments witt a guaiantee of a per fect fit. 15-1 challenge the world to produce a system so easily understood, containing a squarge and the true graded tcales, and producing tne same accu racy In Uiting a gariaeut. 31 Friendi of the Register, having business in the Probate Office, vnll please requtst their printing sent to this office.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register