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C. L Downer lost a valuable horse recently. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, an eiglit pound boy. Miss Diehei gave her young friends a card party at Mrs. Frank Busue's. Two well-known characters, Frank AnderBon and Ed. Burns, have left, for the pine woods. Lima. Tbe next meeting of the grange will be held at J. Stüims'on Friday, November 7. Mrs. M. Mitchell has sold the J. L. Mitchell farm to Mr. Hinderer, of Freedom, and Mr. F. Gilbert will move on the Beckwith place iu Sylvan. Cbelsea. Kempf Brothers' liank has the addition of two neat and attractive signs. Rev. Mr. Conrad, the new Baptist minister, arrived Sunday morning to commeuce his labore here. He expects to be settled this week in the parsonage. An alarm of fire sounded at noon on Saiurday. Fire was discovered in the apple dryer of Gilbert & Crowell. Soinebody must have become red-hot over politics and appruaclied too near the sulphur can. No serious damage was done, however. Mllan. Mrs. F. Leonard entertained guests last week. H. Knight visited Detroit the last of the week. Miss Minnie French visited Milan friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Berknap entertained visitors last week. C. M. Fuller's school closes Friday for a two week's vacaüon. D. W. Hiscnck left for Minneapolis, Minnesota, on business. Mrs. H. M. Burt and fon are stopping in Milan for a few days. The Miases Allen entertained guests from Ypsilanti last week. Mrs. Chas. Clark entertained friends from Mooreville last week. Miss Millie Hitchcock intends to epend the winter in Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. Chapin entertained guests from Ypsilanti last week Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are entertaining guests from Quincey this week. Prof. Stanley, of Ypsilanti, visited Milan friends the first of the week. Warren Babcock, jr., will teach school in the Lee district this winter. The Baptist Aid Society hold their tea social at Mrs. A. D. Jackson's Wednesday afternoon. C. L. Simmons, who bas been the guest of Attorney Williams and ;family a fev days, left for the east on Friday morning. Several of the Milan ladies met Thursday afternoon and organized what they cali the Ladies' Union Home Mission Society, for the purpose of'seeing to the wants of ndigent families in our village. The officers are as follows: President, Mrs. Morris Vincent; vicepresident, Mrs. E. Pyle; seöretary. Mrs. Lee Hitchcock; treasurer, Miss Sarah Wilson. Tpsilnull. Mrs. Wm. Eickey is back from a Detroit visit. Mrs. James Gilford starts this week for her home in Idaho. Mrs. Prof. Pease has been secured as leader of the Presbyterian choir. & Mark Crane, of Detroit, paid his many friends a visit last week Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Post have again closed their beautiful home and taken up their abode at the Hawkins house. Willie Stewart, whose hopeless case we mentioned last week, is lying in terrible sgony of which he is wholly conscious. His sad late ought to be a warning to the lads who still persist in trying to board moving trains. The first annual fall gams of the Normal Atbletic Association carne off last Saturday on the fair grounds with a eplendid attendance. The various contests were exciting, especially the final "tug-of-war" between picked men from college and normal, which was won by the former. Some dreadfully "funny" young men from a neighboring city paid Ypsï a visit Hallow'een night and tried to repaint the town. Of course the ladies' library building, which has just been put in nice shape, bad to have a dose of red paint on the stone trimmines, which ït took a smart man hours to clean off.


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