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Chlldren Cryfor Pltcher's Castoria. DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WIT,L BE AT THE ook House 9f oudsty, JVoveiuber 17, DR. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Abiy assiüted by a f all corps of competent p'iy sicians tina. eurjeons, treats wlth uaparallcled succets all Chronic Piscases and Diseascs oj the Eyt and Ear of every nature upon tha lateU soicui iflo principa. }le partlcularly Invites all whoso casca have boen ncglected, badly treated or pronounced incurable. Fatientswhoarefloiagw-'' under tho care ot their ownphyslciana nced uvi cüonus, asour provinco isto treatthose whc cannotfindreH'f otherwise. Believiii; thut ■■ cnceiB truthaud"truthismighty a: t wili pre vail' when known, and knowing iat difeiae tan be cured with positivo rertuinty. ho invitei iho Elilieted to rail and reccive aiivic; ree E.C bf !urd of their üiaeases. Thero is 110 tubject that requires so uwl Rluáy ft-:l experiencoas the trtutnieutiind C':, cl chronic dUeases. Theastonlstiiogsuciias rn nmarkablo cures performed by biui is oa lo a tiorouKh knowlcage of tho Etmcture and fanctons of the buman cystsra, and the cure of dl eiseby natural remediei. Letthosegiven ur ■ otberscall for ezaminatijn. Hohassuccessiui'y treatod tho following distases smcahisarrival iu this State: Lye and Ear diseata, Chronic Dtariioea, Chronic Infiammaiim oj tle U'omö, Ckronic lnflammalion of the Bladder, Pcinful or frreouliu MauttriuUion, Fever Sores and ULers, SiemHivna of Urine, Tape Worms, Croolcd Lunhaand EnUi'ira Joints, Spvial Curraturcs, Club Fout, Bip Joint Düeax, White Swelllng, IHtcharp ug Absccsses .Serility or Barrennaa, Kervousna " Qcneral bebility, Impotcncy, Visease Of the Kul 'lyoand B'aóder. Lezcorrhea or White, .„pies. Skin Dia eatts, Diispeptia, ConetipatUm, Bropty, Cáncer, Epileptic Fits, ÈrysiprJas, Gravel, (,oitre, Gket, Omorrhota, Hydroce!s,TmrGJismi8e,Hcadache, Pües,Bysteria,Syph.üis,St. Vitus Dance, Chron ie Dysenterv,Ênr larged TomUi, Fistida in Ano, Hernia qr Bupture, Ovarían Tumors, Paratysis, Protapsus Uterl, BronchUii, Asthnia, Catarrh, Serojiua, Consumption, Chronic Cough, Female Weakness, Spcrmatorrhea, Lheumatism,etc All8Urgicalopcratlons performed Free Ezamlnatlon of the Urine. Eacn pereou applying for treatmentchonld bring an onnce of their urine, which will receive acaretul chemical and microscópica! examination. Eemarkable Cares perfected in old cases which have bpen neglected or unskillfully treated. No experimenta or {allures. Parties treated by mail or expiera, but where poBsible persona cousultation preferred. Curable cases gua-iQteed. Listofquestionslree. W eatem Add ss, DB, FHIITH, Toledo. O.


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