Real Estate Transfers

The real estáte transfers for the week ending October 25, were as follows : Jacob Emerlck to Engene K. Emerlck. M acre of luid lying of and frontina 8 rds wlde on line of Henry st, 8iine $ 625 John Frey to Erneet Schaible. ekneK ec 20 Lodl 5,200 D. B. Rorison to Lucinda Rorlunn 8 acres parallel Ann Arr -■, YpKi'nuu 1 Mlchiel Zhn u ■) Heuvrta oue acre in ne)Kc8. Frrtxiwiii - 200 C. I-iu-liler to F U Cammit, one acre of laiid in wH nw!4 ec 6, York„ 100 L. Bordtne tu Gertrude and George Kiiler, s'i $ nwi sec il. Augusta 1,150 C. ivruwel lu Ëmma B.ione. lois VI and a7, Bauholomew's aJd, Yinilami 250 A M Finciiam to L. K. rurd, part ol lot 6 bockl.R S Smth's2nd add, Aun Arbor 400 Ypsi'aniiUUy to L A. McLxiiïlian, land on Chicaiio ave and ou Suninti st 325 O. A. Kelley to A. F. Ball, part of lot 7, D .yle's plat of Milan 125 Lcvi BoriUue to George Kipfer, Aucvista 1,1 0 M. 11. Frvderick tu Jnhn H. Lewis, Saltm.... U0 John Condón to J. aud M Kloan. lnts 8, , 10, 11 and 12, bldckM, DextT viliage 150 M. A. Andrew io lL H. Van Buren lotsl and 2, Kay wai's add,Oexter v.llage 200 Total number of transfers, 116; amounting lo - -. 110,016
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Jacob Emerick
Eugene K. Emerick
John Frey
Ernest Schaible
D. B. Rorison
Lucinda Rorison
Michael Zahn
W. J. Beuerle
C. Lashier
F. C. Cammit
L. Bordine
Gertrude Riffer
George Riffer
C. Cornwell
Emma Boone
A. M. Fincham
L. E. Ford
L. A. McLanahan
O. A. Kelley
A. F. Ball
Levi Bordine
George Ripfer
M. H. Frederick
John H. Lewis
John Condon
J. Sloan
M. Sloan
M. A. Andrews
C. M. Van Buren