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M. D'Ennery, anlhor of TwoOrphans, is eighty years oíd, but he ia still the busiest piaywright in France. At present he has even new melodramas under way. Leading authorities say the only proper way to treat catar rh is to tak e a constitutional remedy, like Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has been calculated that there are about 200,0(10 families living in London on about L1 a wtek, and they are in a large measure the ptople of one room. A Vitlmiblp Remedy. A letter from S. P. Wardwell, Boston, says : " I used Clarke's Exlract of Flai (Papillon) Catnrrh Cure in June last for Hay Fever with great satisfaction, and flnd ittheonly thingl haveseen which would allay, without irritation, the inflammation of the nostrils and throat. lts soothing and healing prooerties were marked and immediate." Large bottle $1.00. Clarke'a Flax Soap ia the latest and best. Try it. 25 cents. Aek for them at Eberbach & Son's drug store. A bell, cast recently for the Kharkow Cathedral, contains 08 per cent. of pure silver. It weighs 646 English pounds and its vibrations last several minutes. Adrice To Moche. Mrs. Winslow'8 Soothina Syrupshould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gum, aüays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for diarrboea. Twentyfive cents a hot t le. o Mrs. Davis, the wife of Senator Davis, of Minnesota, has gone to black. All her undergarments are bla k and she has discarded white bed clothing for black. The Pnrest and Best Articles known to medical science are nsed in preparing Hood'd Sursaparilla. Every ingrediënt is cirefully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. The medicine is prepared under the supervisión of thoroughly competent pharmacists, and every step in the process of manufacture is carefully watched with a'view to securing in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possible resul (.. o Wiggins, the weather prophet, believes in the transmigration of souls. It is not material, however, as to what Wiggins may believe or what he may prophesy. To Scrv Debllltated Men. If you will send us your address, we will mail youour illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming efifects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhond. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on trial. 0 Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. The pólice courts of New York do not exist for nothinsr. Last year they had 110,000 cases. This report is not very creditable to the city on Manhattan island. Ladies Try Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodiral troubles peculiar to wonnen. Established in Europe, 1839; England. 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the iils to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disoidered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor, Mich, 0 A single orange tree in Florida has been known to bear 8,000 oranges in a year. Such a yield is excessive, as a grove that will yield 1,500 to the tree is considered excellent. Dlseases Peculiar to Women. This title includes a number of the most distreesing affections to which humanity is liable. The sympathy set up by the various phases of female weakness are very numerous, and in no two cases exactly alike. The most prominent and universal symptoms are earing down pains, dragging sensations in abdomen, backache,leueorrhoea, nervousness, periodical headaches, sleeplessness, dizziness, loss of appetite, and painiul or suppressed or profuse menstruation. For all of these sympoms, as well as for the condition that causes them, Pe-ru-na is a reliable pecific. It at once relieves every case. t will not fail in a short time to pernanently benefit these derangements. t will, finally, entirely cure a great najority of them after all else has failed. Send for complete lecture on female oomplaints. Sent free by The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio. It appears that the great majority of persons commiting suicide in Japan are over fifty years of age. Next to the list comes persons between twenty and thirty years of age. Trutli stranger tliitn Mctloii. For twenty years I suffered untold agor.y from running fevor sores on my limbs from knees to ankles. The discharge was constant, averaging a pint a week. I had tried any and every remedy I could hear or read of and spent hundreds of dollars to find if not a cure, partial relief, but without avail. As a last resort and under a doctor's directions and who said it was my only hope, had consented to go to a hospital and undergo the painful operation of having the bone scraped. At this critical time, H. J. Nogar told me about Loose's Eed Clover Extract and the cures it had effected of friends of his, but I had lost hope, having tried all other blood medicines without avail. He bought one bottle for me, and inBisted on my taking it, which I did. I thought I "was benefited and bought three more. From the time the second bottle was taken I began to improve, My legs healed over the flrst time in twenty years. I continued taking your Red Clover until I had used ten bottles. My limbs are entirely well and have been for Ihree years. I know from my own experience and that of frieuds to whom I've recommmended it that Loose's Extract of Red Clover is the best blood medicine in existance. Youre, W. S. Hcngkrfobd, Dundee, Mich. To .1. M. Looee Red Clover Ca, Detroit, Mich. Write for testimoniáis and circulare. For eale by Eberbach Jc Son. A Kentncky moantainecr who sold his vote for 50 cents has been fined $175 and disfranchisetl. Cdkb kor Croup.- Use Dr. Thomaa' Kcleotric Oil according to directions. It is the best remedy for all sudden at tacks of colds, pain and inflammatiou and injures. George Blust swore so friirhtfully at Mrc Charles Graliam.near New Albany, Ind.. that she went into convulsiona and died. "Ohspeak, ye (hoslsof the dead.and 8ay what killed you?" The answer carne, borne on the fierre eset wind : " Cold ! cold ! cold I " Then let ua be thankful that since thea we have Dr. Buli's Cough Syrup. The father of a family wasseen ately hearing eight nvershoes of fassorted ize "neeted" like Chinese puzzle boxes. They sat under the muonlight wilh clasped hands trying to guess "what ëtar would be their home when love became immortal " but soon, alas how soon she caught a cold arfd they had temporarily to stop guessing. They cured her, however, with one bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Edward McDonald, of Allentown, P-., thlnks be owns the smallest dog. H ■ five months old and weighs four ounce Sbe Was Cumpletely Cnred. A daughter of my customer suffered from suppressed tnenstruation, and her health was completely wrecked. At my suggestion she uRed one bottle of Bradfteld's Female Regulator, whlch cured her. J. VV. Hkllüms, Water Valley, Mies. Write The Bradfleld Reg Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by all druggists. Men keep young by continuing to work. When men retire they have invited old age to come in and take possession. Llttle TbluKS Tbut Teil. It is the little things that teil- little brothers for instance, who hide away in the parlor while sister entertains her beau, etc. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are little things that teil. They teil on the liver and tone up the system. So small and y et so effectual, they are' rapidly supplanting the old style pill. Ad infallible remedy for Sick and Billious Headaches, Biliousness and Constipation. Put up in vials, convenient to carry. Their use attended wilh no discomfort. Bismarck's wile is very domest. She is an expert with a needie and ia famous as a cook. She regards these as accomplish menta and is proud of them, and so is the prince. The ■nudsomeat.of All Colns. This pioud distinction is generally conceded to the United States' twenty dollar go!d piece, a marvel of beauty in design and finish. The loveliest of God's handiwork is a handsome woman, if in the bloora of health ; if ehe is not, Dr. Pieroe'd Favorite Prescription will restore hr. Ladies' who use this peerless remedy areunanimous inits praise, for it cui-es th ise countless ills which are thebaneof theirsex - irregularities, dragging-down pains, inflammation, hysteria,, and the "allgone" sensations which burelen their daily Uves. A tonic and nervine, without alcohol. Seasiile 11-rtations do not last becauee they are bmldedon the sand. - Somerville Journal. Wan I.uiijf. This is the queer name of a Chinese laundryman in Hartford, but he has probably two lunga like most of us. Sorae crying babies seera to have a donen. Lunas Bhould be sound, or the voioe will have a weakly sound. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery makes strong lungs, drives the couh away, generates goud blood, tones the nerves, builds up the human wreek and makes "another man" of him. Nightsweats, blood-spittiiig, short breath, bronchitis, asthraa and all the alarm - ing forerunners of Consumption are positively cured by tliiaunapproachable remedy. If taken in time, Conaumption itself can be baiiled. A New York money prince bas recently ordered a set of brass floor registers plated with gold, in an exceedingly orcate design. The register will be placed in the owner's palace. W11AT (lKÏr Editorial nifferenee of Opinión ou au Important Subject. What is the force that ousts disease ; and which is the aiost convenient appar&tus for applying it? How far is the regular physician useful to us because we believe in him, and how far are his pilla and powders and tonics only the material representativos of his personal influence on our health? Tbe regular doctors cure; the homceopathic doctors cure ; the Hahnemannites cure; and so do the faith cures and the mina cures, and the so-called Cbristian scientiste, and the four-dollarand-a-half advertising itinerants, and the patent medicine man. They all hit and they all mis, and the great differ ence - one great difference - in the result is that when the regular doctors lose a patiënt no ono grumbles, and Wbn the irregular doctors lose one the coniniunity stands on end and howls. - Rochester Union atid Advertiser. Nature cures, hut nature can be aided, hindered or defeated in the curative, process. And the Commercial's contention is that it is the part of rational beings to seek umi trust the advice of men of good characier who have studied the human sys' oiii and learned, as far as modern scienee lights the way, how far they can aid nature and how they can best avoid obstrueting her. - Buffalb Commercial. It is not ou r purpose to consider the evils that result frotn employing the unscrupulous, the ignorant, charlatans and quacksto prescribe for the malidies that afflict the human famtly. We simply declare that the physician who knows something is better that the physician who knows nothinc;, or Very little indeed aboiu the etructure and theconditionsof the human systeui. Of course " he does not know it all." - Rochester Morning Herald. I have usee Warner's Safe Cure and but for its timely use would have been, I verily believe, in my grave from what the doctors terined Bright's Disease. - D. F. Sceriner, senior Editor Scioto Gazette, Chillicothe, Ohio, in a letter dated June 30, 1S90.


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