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What A Somerset, (pa.) County Man Thinks Of The Invalid's Hotel And Surgical Institute, Located At Buffalo, N. Y.

What A Somerset, (pa.) County Man Thinks Of The Invalid's Hotel And Surgical Institute, Located At Buffalo, N. Y. image
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W. H. fililler.of Stoyestwou, i'a., wno has been suffermg ior nearly a quarter of a century from an affection of taekidneys, reauiting in the necessity of a Surgical operatiou after consulting and bei ug treated by a number of our ovvn doctors, as well as receiving the treattnent a,nd advice of eome of the most emicent professional men of t! land, finally became acquainted witu the aboVu institute and their mode and means of treatment. After duo correspondence with the World's Dispenaary Medical Association, the propnetors of the lnvalid'a Hotel, he was induced to Tisit said institution. On arriving there and after being fully acquainted with the abundant means they po.-sess, he lost no time in making the necessary arrangements for the required treatment. After remaining for nearly four weeks at the Invalid's Hotel, where you receive the kindest and best treatment, and where patients are loth to leave, after recovery,he returnedto hia family and frienda a cured and happy man. In giving this to the public, Mr. Miller wishes to say that he owes the aforesaid Institute nothing but his best wishes. And the fact that his own success and great relief is die to similar testimoniáis from others wlio were successfully treated there for all manner of chronic diseases from every State and Territory of the Union, Canada, Mexico and South America. It is a marvel of Buccess. He further taya, should tuis fall to the notice of any sutferers from chronic diseasea euch as seem to baíüe the skill of your own phvsieian - but firet and above all give your own physicians a fair and impartía! triul, and all the available means ofl'ered, as Somerset county uiay justly feel proud of her medical men, who spare no raeans nor time in the treatment of all cases entrusted to their charge. And i f these fail, in many cases, H will be an act of charity to point you to a place where a probable cure may be effecteil, whichis the humble intent of the abovo communication. The above association is courteous, prompt and reliable. - Somerset (Pa.) Herald.


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