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Candied - Violets! S2.00 per lb. " MOST EXCELLENT." Chocolates 1 Bon Bons, 50c and 75c per lb. HANGSTERFER'S. friejis'Ch: Hand-Made Creams, Sold at 40 cente per lb, now 25 cenls Frenen Caramel, Buttercups, Chocolates, Cocoanut Bare, Feanut Bare, Cips, Molasses and Vanilla Cream Candy every day. 38 S. MAIN St., AX ARBOR. When Baby was sick, we ge her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria When she had Children, she gvre them Castor;. foolc's Oo-trfcoü. Boot COMPOUND ComDosed of Cotton Boot, Tansy and Pennyroyal- a reoent dl0OTer7 Dy an old physician. Ia tuceetêfuüy ut cd Safe, EffectuaL Prioe $1, by mail, sealed.' Ladies, aak your drofgiit for Cook's Cotton Boot Compoond and tak no substituto, or inolose 2 stampa for seslad partioulars. Addr POND HLI COMPANT, No. 3 Fliher Blook, UI Woodward ar., Detroit, Mich. G. H. WILD, MERCHANT TAILOR Is showing the largest stock of FJLZiZi COODS. He has the finest Tiuirsi'.ltlM.s In Ann Arbor. Examine G. H. Wild's stock of Englisli Dress Suitingsl All the latest Novelties can be 6een at No. 2 Washington St., Near Haln. WE ARE NOW OPEN READY FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW QUARTERS No. 32 E. Huron Street, with a largo Stock of NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS of all Kinds of Household Goods, Furnlture, Car pets Stoves. Harnees, Farm Implemento, &C. Also a full line of Tinware. Goods Bought Sold and Exchanged. Many goodsjust as good as new for half price. Come and sec cr. s. iin.isri?r. NO. 32 E. HURON ST. - - Ann Arbor. AI CAITIMPQ Teacnes lts students VALulNIIINtOa tradeandthen strts Sotjaat CiW them in railroad service. xlJU.U ur send fr circulara. TCI CTDAPUV VALENTINE BROTHERS, I L.LLnnArHY 13-lüJanesville.VVls. ever made. likc SKHMf" derful lamp!" A lamp OQkSI (s$$ absolutely nonVSBJL jffciMwtvIiiaf cxploRlve and un" VjMg9H mSrJ hreakahle, which VjBgOHIS WtL gives a clear, oft, nSBSOBB 7Bs Purer and brighter SttB than electric' light, ff Oh more cheerful than BBBEOi 19 eitherl Thatlampis WBwWaPaa" "The Rochester.' ffo Snwht, ITo Bmen, Ho Broten Chimneys. Onlr flve jears old. anfl over two millioiij In se. It must bo a Bood lamp to make sucn a telling success. Indeed it is, for lamps may come ana lampa may no. but tlie "Rochester" shlnes oo foreverl Over 2,000 urtlsttc yanctiesHanging and Table Lamps, Banquet and Study, Vaso and Piano lamps- every kjud, in Bronze, l'orcelain, Brass, Nickel and Black Wronght Iron. Ask. tlie lamp dealer for it. Look forthe trade. mark stamp: "The Rochesteb." Ifhehasnt the genuine Rochester and the style yon want, or if there is no lamp-store near, send to us direct for free illustrated catalogue (and reduced priceHst), and we will box and send you any lamp safely by express, right to your door. , KOCHESTER I.AJI1' CO., 43 Park Place, New York. Mawuiacturers, and tole Ottmers ofRochtster Patenta, The Largett Imv Store in the World.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register