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Chicago, Nov. 8.- The Tribune says The Democratie land-slide has had an appreciable effect upon the politloa oomplexion of the United States Senate. That body in the Pif ty-second Congress wlll have 88 members. The Republioans had calculated that it would stand 51 to 87 in their favor. Tuesday's election, however, disappointed them in Illtnois, Kansas, New York, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Wisoonsin. The Legislature in gome of these States is doubtful, and others is certainly Democratie In the light of the latest returns the Senate will probably stand as follows: Republicana, 45; Demoorats, 89; Farmers' AUiance, 1 (from Kansas); doubtíul, 3. The returns coming in of the vote for members of the Lower House continue to show gains for the Demócrata and the Farmers' Alliance. The relativo Btrongth of the parties in the House wlll probably be as follows: Demócrata, 824; Ropublicans, 91; Farmers' Allianoe Demócrata, 18; Farmers' Alliance, 8. ILLINOIS. Spbingfield, Ili, Nov. 8. - Returns have become suffiolently complete to announce decisively the result of the State ticket The Demócrata have won, and Edwin S. Wilson, of Olney, is ejected State Treasurer by 11,838 and Hunry Raab, of Belleville, Superintendent of Public Instruction by 88, 640. The following are the Congressmenelect from the State: First district, Abner Taylor, Rep. ; Second, Lawrence E. Mcüann. Dem. ; Third, Allen E. Dnrborow, Dem. ; Fourth, Walter C. Newberry, Dem. ; Flfth, Alben J. Hopklns, Rep. ; Slxtt, Robert R. Hitt, Rep.; Seventh, Thomas j. Henderson, Rep. ; Elgtath. Lewis Stewrd, Dem. Tíinth, H. W. Snow, Dem. ; Tenth, Philip S. Post, Rep. ; Eleventh. Benjaimin T. Cabio, Dem. ; Twelfth, Scott Wike, Dem. ; Thlrteenth, Wllllam M. Springer, Dem. : Fourteenth, Owei Soott, Dem.; Fiiteentb, 8. T. Busey, Dem,; Blxteenth, George T. Flthlan, Dem. ; Seventeenth, Edward Lane, Dem. ; Elghteenth, Wllllam 8. Forman, Dem.; Nlneteenth, James B. Williams, Dem.; Twentieth, GeorgeW. Smlth Hep. The Demócrata will have 100 votes in the Thirty-seventh General Agsembly, the Republicana 101 and the F. M. B. A. 8. The Senate will stand as follows: Republicana, 27; Demócrata, 24. The House make-up will be: Demoerats, 7ö; Republicana, 74; P, M. B. A., 8. IOWA. De8 Moinks, Ia., Nov. 8. - Returns from ninety counties give McFarland 178,179 and Chamberlain 170,548; McFarland'a plurality, 2,030. lt is estimated that the other counties, nine in number, will increase McFarland'g plurality to 8,441, a net pain of 10,500 over lagtyear. The indications are that the nert Congreasional delegation from Iowa will bo as follows: Flxst district. Seerley, Dem. ; Second, Havei, Dem. ; Third, Henderson, Rep. ; Fourth, Butler, Dem. Fifth, Hamilton, Dom.; Slxth, White, Dem. ; Seventh, Hsyes, short term, aad Pull, ftill term. both Reps. ; Eighth, Fliok, Rep.: Ninth, Bowinan, Dem. ; Tenth, Doliver, Rep. ; Eleventh Perkins. ReD. INDIANA., Ind., Nov. 11. - Official returns from all but seven counties in this State and unofficial returns from these seven give Matthews (Dem.) for Secretary of State 19,035 plurality. The Leglslature is Democratie in both houses. OHIO. Colcmbus, O., Nov. 8.- The Rspublio-, an State Committee issues an address to, the Republicana of Ohio eongratulatinjf, them upon the victory of Tueaday in spite of the exertionsof Chairman Brice of the National Democratie Committee and his preaence in the State precedinff the election. Tlio committee says that' the reault is an indorsenient of the McKinley law and the Administraron of Preaident Ilarriaon and is a decisión in favor of American as against foreign ídtereata. From official and unoBlcial returns roceived from all the countias of the State except Aahland. Columbia, Coshooton, Jackson, Marión, Medina, Monroe, Noble, Paulding and Tuscarawaa, and estimating them the same as they were last year on the vote for Governor, the plurality of D. J. Ryan, Republicjm candidato for Secretary of State,is 15,129. KANSAS. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 8. - The oí-, flcial canvass of the votes cast at the late election in Kansas is being made at Topeka and has progressed f ar enough to show that the entire Republioan State! ticket has been elected with the exoep-, tionof A. R. Kellogg, who is defeated for re-election as Attorney-üeneral by Ives, the Farmers' Alliance candidato. The Republican majority is placed at about 10,000. The vote on Congressmen is not changed hy the official oount. The Kansas delegation will atand 2 Republicana and 5 Farmera' Alliance. The Legislature is Btill believed to be controlled by ths Farmers' Alliance. MÍBRASKA. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 8. - The foUowing ia given out from Republican headquarters at midnight: The election of the entire Republican State ticket with iheexception of Governor by pluralities ranging from 1,500 to 0,00ü is assured. Returns from all but 6 counties make the figures on Governor as follows: Richards, Rop., 07,ö0S; Boyd, Dem., 69,880; Powers, Ind., GS,417. Lincoi.n, Neb., Nov. 10. - The voters decided by 40,000 majority to retain high license and local option as the best mode of temperance. SOUTH DAKOTA. St. Paul, Minn. , Nov. t'. - In South Dakota the Independents have conceded the election of the Republican State ticket, and the latest reports seem to indiacto the election of a Republican majority in the Legislature, insurinfr the re-election of Senator Moody. Pierre has won the permanent capital by from 8,000 to 10,000 majority, although Iluron does not yet concedo that faot. Late Friday Chairman Peemiler, of the Democratie committee, conceded the elaction of both Repúblicas neasmen and most of the State licket, bntolaimed the Governor and enough of the Leffislaturo to uive the majority to the Alliance and Demócrata. WASHINGTON. Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 8.- In the recent election the Bepublicans elected Wilson to Congress by about 8.000 majority. They have the Lejf islature by 100 majority on joint ballot. Tho offlcers of every county in the State are Hepublican except tbree. The contest for United States Senator is between Squires, of Taooma, the proscnt incumbent, Jud„-e Calkins, of Tacoma, and Nelson ücnnett, the millionaire, of Tacoma. PKSNSYLVANIA. Philvdelpiiia, Nov. 8. - Some slight changes discovered in computing the official count on several counties bring the plurality for Pattison, Dem., for Governor, up to 17,ü73; Watres, Rep., for Lieutenant Oovernor, haa 18,075 plurality, and Stevvart, Rep., for Secretary of Internal Affairs, 19, 120 plurality. The Kepublicani will have majority of 50 on joint ballot in the Legislatura, a loss oí 32 as compared with the present Lejfísl ature.


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