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Company A will give a Thanksgiving ball. _____ Mrs.O. M. Martin received her friends on Tuesday evening. There are 594 persons in this county who receive pensions. Arthur J. Waters, of Manchester, bas filed bonds as notary public. A valuable mare belonging to A. P. Ferguson died on Sunday last. A student was arrested last Thursday for bicycling on the sidewalks. J. J. Gibson has opened a new photographic gallery at Battle Creek. Men are working night and day, setting up new retorts at the gas works. Mrs. Gilbert Bliss was severely burnt, onMonday.byan explosión of gasolene. The third ward school closed Monday on account of diphtheria in the janitor's family. The Toledo and Ann Arbor road earned $31,784 during the month of October. Dr. VV. F. Breakey and wife give a reception this evening to their uaany friends. The Wolverine Cycle Club wijl give a hop at the rink on Friday evening, November 21. F. Rapp, of Pittefield, died on Saturday of consumption. He was sixty-six years old. Prof. Scott's bible class at St. Andrew's church, will discuss " Evolution and Christianity." Geo. Parker and Miss Mary MacDonald were married at St. Thomas' church on Tuesday morning. The choir of Zion's church sang last Sunday at the consecration of the new church in Dundee. Dr. Buckley spoke on " Reason and Christianity " at the Methodist church last Sunday evening. Church services were held for the first time, last Sunday, ia the new second Baptist church. A dozen membere of the Wolverine bicycle club and their ladies attended a dance in Saline last Thursday night. An ice cream social will be given Friday evening at the M. E. church. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Bishop Keane, rector of the new Catholic university at Washington, may lecture in this city some time in May. The new iron bridge will be placed in position, next Sunday, at the first crossing east of the Michigan Central depot. About G50 pupils are at present enrolled in the high school. The number will be 700 before the end of the year. Rev. W. D. Kelly, the talented preacher of Brooklyn, N. Y., will address the Wesleyan Guild on some Sunday in December. The concert given by Giltnore's band on Friday last was fully up to the expectations of the audience. Every number was encored. Henry Merrithew, of Reed City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merrithew, of Ann Arbor, has been elected prosecuting attorney of Osceola county. The high price which potatoes now cotnmand is in strong contrast to what they once brought. J. W. Maynard saya that in his youth lie frequently sold potatoes for a shilling a bushel. Mrs. S. M. Dick, will epeak at Cropsey's Hall next Sunday afternoon at 3 p, m. All members of V. C. T. U. are cordially invited to be present. George Jewell, on returning to his home in the sixth ward. last Baturday night, was knocked down by some footpads. They stole every cent he had with him. Amariah F. Freeman, the defeated candidate for prosecuting attorney, was in the city on Tuesday. He says that he has shed no tears over his failure to break the democratie column. A gang of trampa made themselves very disagreeable to the people living about two miles east of this city, on Moaday evening, and fled from tho pólice who were sent after them. The news of the death of Ernest Hosack, who was married last winter to Miss Minnie Kempf, of this city, has been received. He died last Saturday at his home in Fredericktown. Ohio. Andrew Schiappacassee apppared before Justice Pond, on Monday, to answer the charge of assault and battery upon Thomas H. Mason. The matter was seltled by the payment of $10 fine and costs. Geo. J. Sioll was married to Miss Mary E. Thurston, of Pinckney, last night, at the residence of the bridegroom's father, John Stoll. The newly married couple were treated tp a serenade by the members of Company A. At the Unity Club, Monday evening, November 17, Prof. P. C. Freer will read a paper on " The Periodic System of the Element," Miss Zulla Hurd will rtad some select reading and Miss Lucy Cole will sing sonie favorite Irish nielodies. The Register bas received from Thos. M. Cooley the second annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States, prepared for the inter-state commerce commission by Prof. Adams. It is a volume of 662 p.urpp, replete with interesting info'rii . ■. Robert Runs, uuc _i uio liremen, attempted to slide down the firea&ed pole in tlit! engine house, last Friday, and came down sooner tlia.ii he anticipated. His foot struck tlie door in snch a way as to break two bone?. He will be laid up several weeks. The ladies of Bethlehem church will hold a bazaar at tlie rink next week, from Monday to Thursday, for the benefit ol the new church fuud. Fancy and useful articles of every description will be on fale. Musical selections will be rendered every evening. All are cordially invited. Chas. W. Holland, of Toronto, Canada, and Mise Ella May Roberts, of Ypsilanti, were made man and wife by Justice Butts on Monday last. The bridegroom is 21 years old and the bride 20. A cartoon which appeared in the window of Sheehan's book store yesterday was the cause of a good deal of comment, it being a representaron of the rumpus of Tuesday night. It is the handiwork of Mr. Dennis Donahue of Brooklyn, Mich. The Jeffersonian and Webster societies propose to treat their friends to a fifty cent leoture for twenty-five cents. The public has never before had an opportunity to hear Eobert Nourse at that price. He will speak in Univereity hall next Saturday evening. Mathew W. Barthel evidently is a brute. His wife, Katie Barthel, whom he married five years ago, sues for a divorce on the grounda of cruelty and desertion. He left her at South Lyon about May 1, 1890. He has been in the habit of beating her and calling her vile names. The Ann Arbor stockholders of the new Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti road are the following: J. T. Jacobs, C. E. Híecodc, G. F. Allmendínger, H. T. Morton, F. A. Howlett.W. B.Smith.T. J. Keech, J. L. Rose, A. L. Noble, M. J. Fritz, W. D. Harriman, J. H. Wade.B. E. Thompson. C. G. Tavlor and J. E. Beal. Thedemocrats celebrated their victory last Saturday night with a torchüght procession and speech. They were addressed by Gov. Felch, Capt. Manlv, P. G. Suekey', J. V.Sheehan.V. C. Vaughn, of this city, J. J. Enright, of Detroit, Mr. Crampton, of Monrnn, Congressmanelect Gorman and M. H. Hosford, of Detroit. On Saturday night overcoats were stolen from 38 Division-st, and on Sunday night overcoats were stolen from 48 Division-st. On Saturday afternoon smak thieves purloined $7.50 from students rooming at 5 Maynard. An overcoat was also stolen from Fred Stiinson, 11 Catherine-st, and two from a boarding house on Lawrence-st. The board of canvassers were in session on Tuesday and AVednesday revising the election returns. The total vote in the county for governor was 9113. Winans receiving 5201, Turner, 3313 ; and Partridge, 599. Winan's plurality is 1888; that of Gorman 1361; McCormick,l:?90; Gregory, 53; Lowder, 795; Dwyer, 1R14; Browñ, 852; Brehm, 1473; Lehman, 1001; Seerv. 1258. Candi. Ufes for state offices are already showirig tlieir colors in this city. It is an open secret that Mayor Manly desires to be made warden of the state penitentiary, and a Detroit paper mentions E. B. Pond for comraissioner of railroads. Mr. Pond, h wever, says that he has no aspiralions in that direction. Would-be oil inspectors are numerous in this vicinity. The school board met on Tuesday evening and transacted sorae routine business. The treasurer was authorized to ask the city banks for bids for handling the school money. A diploma in the commercial course was granted to Ed. H. Hudson. The selpction of a text-book in Roman history was referred to the proper committee. Olher business was transacted of minor importan ce. At their recent meeting in Ann Arbor, the VV. C. T. TL, of Washtenaw county, elected the followingofficers: President, Ann Bassett, of Ypsilanti; recording secretary, Mrs. Hattie M. Doig, Ann Arbor; corresponding secretary, and treasurer, Mrs. M. J. Warner, of Ypsilanti. In the temperance industrial school of this city there are. rr was reported, npward8 of ninety children, instructed by twelve teachers. Burglars have again been abroad. About half past one o'clock Sunday morning two men climbed over the fence in the rear of Wm. Arnold's jewelry store and succeeded in forcine an entrance throngh the window. They next opened the door in the partition in the back end of the store and in po doing rang an alarm bell wliich awakened Mr. Arnold. Before the latter conld eet down stairs, the burglars managpil to steal about $50 worth of jewelry, which they dropped in their hasty aMempt to climb the fence back of the store. Tlirpe years ago last September a frienrlly neighbor told Frfderick Fraenkel that she who is now Mrs. Mary Frapnkel was coming over to this country from tho fatherland. Rhe came and not long after said Frederiek proposed to said Mary, the former bsinf sixty years of age and the latter fifty-seven. At flrst she refused, but by dint of continnpd importunities the young man finallv won his snit, under the condition that Fniderick should take care of his bride's rrandchild. They were married and settled on a farm near Waterloo. Very soon Frederiok began to show signs of uktlinesí'. He grew rongh to his wife and the .little boy and amused himself by pushing her against the wall, etc. Then he would get drunk and raisp Cain generally. Mrp. Fraenkel is tireil of such doings and asks judge K i une for a divorcp, whicb, if her statements are correct, should certainly f granted.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register