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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advettlsements, tmch as To Rent, For Sale, and Wints. not exceeding three lines, can be Inipr ed 'hrpo weeks inr art mii. WA TeTI WA ft I Kil- Mille of rooms by a lady. Pnce fromS'to U.M. Aüdrcss c. box 81 Ann Arhor. 3 ASI KI- By a ymi g Germán, to rent a small farm, orsome laud to wolk on shares. Addiesal, legi-h-rulnee. 3J W K TK-Work, by an emrgetlc youi.g man AddrS3 M. M. K. No. 1 S. Uwalls st Si UTA IK II- simaiion to do commou nurting, at nuedniiar perdny. Diniuheria iu-es. lu lier week. Apply at Register Office, L. 32 W'H A good cui.k lor 6m.ll tamily iminediately. Address 43 E. Calhcrine-st. 81_ WAftTKD- a goodgirl at No. Lawreneest to do geuerai houuework. Mrs. F. stoillet Si_ Wa.N' l'Ki- linies for maktiiK and repalriug all kind of fur wurk. AUo suiiiugs, mutis. etc Ttrrms very reajsuuabie. MiüS jhaw. 14 William-st. 31 U'AM'M)- t ynuiig mau lo run laiiiiury wagon aud work lii ihe store. Cali at -'1 á. Main st 31 A sime nf uufuruished iooms. AddressN. O this i fllce al MOftKY to loan un rml estaie in um lo snit, at 7 perceut. Addross lock box 300), F. J. M. 81_ WtATKD- I.UOiJ customers to buy Kreun Dresed Fish - Whiietish. Trout. Blackbass, Catfih. sttugeoii, Eels. etc. 19 N. Slalu-tt, oppo8lte P. (.. Artbur Ilauon. 31 WAVIKI- rupils In Gymnastiek Special rale lo Student. Apply ut 46 Suuth 1. galis street. or 46 Madisoust. 3u WA NTKl- Wartuer in gooil eiablished bu.ines. wilh Ï8uu to Jl.OoO capital. Ai-'-'v t Box 1119. 30'r.l- -Alt.l.-A 6. IM ,C,UKI property, In city of 7.0ti inbabltanis. lo i-jchango tor Minail fartn 'Ihe very tbiiiK for faruier who wlshex lo retire, and has college bred kou wilh Journalbtic teuducies. A.ulasi C'. this office. 31 WAÑTKI- Immediatelv, two or three tol icitors. A gooil o, purlunny t rnake mi'iie mo:-ey. Work suttahle lo tither lady ur gnitle man. ('all at tlits office. 25lf AS IKK-A lady who has two or three hours JeiMire each day eau uiake raoney by assIstiiiK me in my buslnei. A'idre.'Ot wiili -ella(i()resed stamped envelope, Mrs. A. M. Anstin. 4 Uniiy Blnck. Ann Arbor. Mtch. Manager Braneh Office of Mis Flora A. Jone' Kamuus Bluxli of Roses," lor the complexion. 31 _____ KK AI.E. " LOR HALE-A good Karm nf 60 acres. all hlnh r land. Inquire of A. F. Smith. F. O. Box 1S7. , Ann Arbor. 32 FOK MA I.E- ('edar Posta - from Ulilverílly fence- cheaper than you ean -neak nut In the ulght and steal them. J. V Judson, 2 State st. ÍVüiT"KÍrS"r- Hoiue to Reut, one mile futör Univrslly- one dollar per week. Inquire dt 18 South Ingalls st ■ 32 FjK KK.vr- A small aud mveulent House for reut cheap- four aud a-half blocks from Campus. Cll and examine propeityat 16 SnUih Observatory-8'. 32 FOR NAI.KTÏIKAP- Iwo Ingraln Carpwu, ncariy new- 4 and 17 yards. Apply at this offlee 31 tlB A I.E- New Milch Cow- half grade Jersey ; four years ol.l. U. C. Markham, weet end Madisnn st. 81 LMK ÑAI.K oh K t: N7!'- e veral good F houses in central pa t of the city. One well adapted for súdenla' society house. Kuqulre of J. Q. A. Bewlons, Atly.. No. 5 N. Maln-st. tf L'OK Mi.K-'lk old home cl Samuel Cross r man at the west end of Huron-st, Ann Arbor. Mich., consistlng of twenty acres of Sne land upon whlch tblrty years of careful toil hare lelt many valuahle improvaments. The property would cut up and make many very slghtly and desirable surburfan homes. It will be sold whole or in part upon easy terms, long time, and low prlces to close the estáte, Address D. L. Crossman, Adm.. Willlamston. Mich. 8_ fob Kiiirr. ÖK To tmall famlly, Rooms for houseiceeping, in nood neighbornood, near the business part ol the city. Apply to Moore & Ta ber. Si MR KE i- Second story oí brlck store, 22 Soulh State-st. J. P. Jurison. 82 Fok KKÑ '- Two Flats, and several tunes of r rooms, In the new Sager block, 2U 3. state .t. Inquire at 18 3. State. 28if 1OK HEXI-lwu new liouse. one brlck. " one frame, modern improvements- steim and furnace hea'; near ihe Univerhity. Apply to Hamllton & Greene. HamHtnn hlH-k ü" K'OK KK.T- Tnree tullí ol rouurn aii iu single rooms in Unity block. Apply to H. Brown. ij Stle-st. tf n iMrKi.i.AiM-:!". ,ÖÜNÏ- Vltc. welghlng about 150 pouuda " was taken upby Elmore Jacobus.S-EaMCathe rlnest. Ownercan have isme by proving nroperty and p-iyliKt for this notlce Sz Iovr- a Uold Chain, on LÍbify7Mam or J Washliigtin-8i. Finder pitase leave at Goodtpeed's shoe store, anl receive reward. 82 TAUKA N. ViaUM), teacher of muslc and Vpalnt'ng. Thompson-sr. so LOHT- A medium Mzed black aud lan fozhound Anybody tindiug same, nolify and receive reward. B. E. Holmes, Forest ave 30 fiö wül be paTdüTan7 person furnisbing evldence to couvict any pcrwm or persons for wilfully lnjuring our property on 2d urett. November 4, 1890. Qruner, Cheever & Treadwell. 30 FiTÈSrTitAl, MII.I.M Buckwheat Flour, the best in the world If your grocer does not keep It in stock, send your order to the mili. Allmendli'giT & Hihnelder. 28tf B.1NW deslrons ol living near the Uuiveretty. 1 offer in exchange for a residence in the City of Ann Arbor, a fine home In theenlerpriMnft cliy of Bdttle Creek, beau'Ifully and convenientty located (on Jeffer-ou-st, 199i and worth about ïü.Oimi. Address or cali on Rutsell C. Keeve, Dexter, Mich. 80tf 1,'OK XMA.%E1E - 775 aere pUntaton, P nicely located near AmeliCourt House. Va. It has the best of soil and eood llmber. and is nicely watered with prings and brooks ani stocktd wlth flsh. Is a good grain and would make agood htouk farm. Uood home market at Richmond aud from there good boat communication to Washington, Baltiiuore, Norfolk, New Vork, and other good poiuts. Take the year through there ia no healthier or pleaanter ctimate Uian that part of oíd Virginia. Title perfect, no Incumbrances. For value, teu dollars an acre. I wlll pay difference, or if in my favor will glve 5, 10, 15. or 0 ycara time. I wish to xchangc for a farm - one nt ar Ann Arbor or Ypsllan i pr - ferred. Addre.-s J. B. Uelbrldge, 49a TrumbullAvenue, Detroit. i l'KVLtlt w KI.I.M do awiy wilh impure water. Tliere is not ihe least doubt lhnt many of the most serlous dlseasts are couveyed into healtliy systems by inleced water. Tne whole class of typhoid and raalarial fevers are doubtless timsi sprcail. li isunfortuiiatethaiihiH tact is not better known. or at least bette. considered, lor it is beller kuovvnthau U iswcll made use of. Now, there must bekome remeily lor ilils a.s fornll otnfr evlls. and that remedy I propose lo furnish. In 11 parts of Ihe kimwu w rld. behw ii)esnna(;e of thegruuud. at viryitis; deptbs. u;e lound living wa er, pure aiidcld tbc tbouuht of inch malea a pt-rsun feel tnirsty. 'Ihe only way la Kt-t this pure water ia by using ihe Tubulnr or Drive Well, made by N. K. I'iuddks, 80 N. state st. -win Arbor, who has had yerir-, of experieuce in siukiug wclla Ud rt-pairing pumps 31 YOUR ATTENTION ! DRAPERY PAINÏINGJ A LL KINDS OF ART1ST1C PAINTING done Mrs. M. SMITH, JH E. liaron Mreet. 4W Please cali and leave your order. 838


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Ann Arbor Register