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A very important morsel of neivs circulating in fasliion:ible eireles is that new figures are to be ntroduced in the cotillion this season. O f course, it creates "intense excitement." When great prep.irntions were being made in London for the celebration of the üreat Queen'n ,ínbi]ee,loyal citizene anxious to particípate were rapidly curing all their acbes anl pains beforehand, by a generóos u.-e of' Salvation Oil. IG. H. WILD, MERCBANT TAÏL0R is sbowlng the largcst stock il FALL GOODE. He has llie finest lluilsKimcs In Aun Arbor. Examine G. H. Wild's stock of tlnglish Dress Suitingsiü All the latest Noveltics can be scen at No. 2 Washington SI., ,nr Main. llYOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. lo Spruce Stree NEW YORK. DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK. WILL BE AT THE ook II mr, Sfonday, November 17. DR. FRUTH, -OF THE Provident Medical DIrpensary, NEW YORK CITY, AKy assisted by a f uil corps of rc,.r.nctent physicians and Burgoons, trcats w::'.i uaparalleled Buceéis a'.l Chronic Dücascs and Diñases oj the Eye and Lar of every nature upon the lcteit scic-.-.tiflo princip.,.. Tío particularly Invite all whose cases havo beca ncglected, badl7 treated or pronouaccd incurabla. Fattcnts who -e doing wc'. I undcr tbocareof theirowuphysiiiacs ncol nor ca!' on us, as our provinco is to treat those who eannot find reli I othorwise. B::ovine that sciem-eis truth and "truth ismiglüy aud wil] prevail, when known, end knowing tuat diseasc can be cured with positive rcrtuinty, he invitet he alllicted to cali end reeeive advice iree and bc curod of their disensos. There is no mbject thnt roqnires bo much Mudy a-;d experienceas the trtatment a nd cm of chronic diseftes. Thea--tonishingBiicL'ess puii rrraarkable cures performed by him is due to a thorough knowleage of the strnciiire and func tions of the human sysl;m, and the cure of dü easeby natural remedies. Let those gi ven up by otherscall for examination. Hehassuccesstully treaud the íollowing discases eincehisarrival in thia State: Eyc and Ear dimites, Chronic Diar toet, Chronic Inflammatim oj the Womb, Chronic Inflnmmalion of the B'aMer, Painful -rt Irregula; Mcrutrualion, Frver Sorts and UI ers, Incontinenci of Vriite, Tape Worms, Vrooked Limbsand Enlargea Joints, Spinal Curnituret, Club Foot, Bip Joint Dixatti White SwcUing, IHivha'ffmg Jbtrwe. Sterilitu or Barrenntit, tiervnimct and General Debiltíy, Impotencu, Pitease of the Kidnry and B'addn: Leucorrhea or Whites, Blotches, Pimples, Skin Pi tam, Dvspepria, Conttipution, ïkopty, Cáncer, Epileptie Fit$, Ervnpcias, Orara, doitre, Oleet, Oonorrhoea, tlydrore'IJcarrjXseaíe.IJeatfache, Piles, Bys'ena.Suphila.St. Vitut Dance.Chronie DymUerv.Énlarqtd Tonsits, Fültdain Ano, Bernia gr Supturr Ovarían Tumors, Paralysis, Proapau4 Uteri, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Scrojula, Consumption, Chronic Cough, Female Wcaknes, Spermatorrhea Kheumalism,etc. Allsurgtcalopcratlonsperformed Free Examlautlnn of tbe Urine. Each persoQ. applying for treatmentKbcrald, bring an ounce of their urfne, which willreceiveacaxeiul chemical and microscnpiVal exfimination. Kemarkable Care perfected In oíd cases which have bn ncgHoted or uoskillfuiiy treated. No expc inpnt.s or failures. Parties treated by mail r express, but where possibie personal consultation pruíerred. Curable cuses gus'iuteed, Listof quesiions, íree. Western Add ess, R. FRITE: 'I'oletlo. O. LQÖSE'S EXTRACT RBJD CLOVERBLpSSO Female TVeakness Sores Ulcern Tamor AI)m--es, Blood Poisoningr, Salt Khrm Catarrh, Krjuipola, Kheaniatlsm an.l i Hlood and Skin Dineases Prick Si. per P) Bottle. or 6 Bottles for }. i Ib can Solid Eiti Usa J. M. LOOSE RED CLOVER CC Detroit. Mich. Sold b n drugrtt.


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