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BLANKETSjSÜT I UTH " How fat I'd get if I had one." FREE- Get from your dealer free, the yÁ Book._ It has kandsome pictures and valuable information about horses. ïwo or three dollars ibr a sa Horse Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile . . . 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at pricea to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE 5A LABEL Manuf'd by Wm. Atres Sons. Pnllada., who make the famoua Horse Brand Baker Blanket Rnbber Shoes tinless woru "oncoinfortably Ught, generally Hlip off tho feet. THE "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. make all theír shoes wlth lnsldo of heel ïlned wlth rubtxr. Thls cllnwt to the Bhoe and prevente the rubber from Blipping off. Cali for the Colchester w "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR 8ALE BY Wm. Allnlij. Jolin BurK, Ioly A IVIinT. I.. (Jriincr. v. K Inliardt A Co., A. I. Si')Iit A Sim. ■ AIIBOR. THE FIGURE "9." The figure 9 in our dates wil] malee a long stey, No man or woman now living will ever date a document without usmg the figure 9. It standf In the third place in 1890, where it will remain ter ycars and then move up to secoud place in 1900 whcre it will rest for one ïuindred years. Thorc is another "9" which tm ulso come to stay It ís unllkc tito figuro 9 in our dates in the résped that it has already moved up to first place, wben it will permanontly remain. It is oalled the "No D" HI3Ï Arm Wueelcr & VVllflOD Sowing Machine The ' iP was ondorsed forflrst plaooby lik experts of Ruropoat the Pur!i Expoeltiott of 188Ö where, after a severecontcst wtth tbo leading nu chines of the world, it was awardod tlie onl; Grand Prlze givcn to family sewliig machima, al others on -xhibit having reoetved lowt;r awardi of gold ni -Jais, etc. The French Government also reoofnlzed Itssuperlorttyby thedecomtionof Mr. Katli. :ü- J Whecler, PrtisidtMitof thecompuny. witb the Cloafl of the Legión oí Honor. The "No. 9" is not an o ld machino improved upon, bit is an eatlrdy Bw machine, and ihe Grand Prize at Paris waa ftwarded it as the grand estadvancein Buwfhu ruuoh)n meotmnlitu of the age, Tlioso wlio buy it. cm r t awured, therefore of haviug tbs lutcát and best. WHEELER & "WILSON ÏTFG Oat 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago ld by M. STABLER. Il u M'Mblnvton-B. SZVEH SEVtWTECW SCVENTY fo cnre Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, tako the safe and certain reinedy, SMITH'S BILÉ JEANS Use the SÜIALL Slie (40 littlc Roans to the bottle). Theï are the most contenient. Sitl3l tor All Age. Prlce of elther ie, 2l%c. per Bottle. iIOCIIin"T IT 7l"'H0T0QRVUflt [ iNSIMBT'"""'U PANEL 8IZB■%IVWIIMUiiledfor4cu. (toppen orauuipi). J.r.SMITHCO.Mer.,rBU.KBÏA.NS.iT.lOUIS Ml. taUllUIl iirriuUi'il. mul evrry pair has Iiíh 11 it in f umi price fttamped on bottouu W. L DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Gvmln. Tbe excellence and wearlnar quailtlesof thte abe cannot be better sfaowa than by the strong endorsemenU of lts thou&ands of constant wearen. SfS-OO Genuine Hand-ewed, an elegant an-i ZJ ityllsb dress Sboe whlch commendi ltaelf. SI.M Itand-newed Welt. A line calf Sboe ■ uaequalled for style and durabillty. SÖ.5O Goodyear Welt Is the itandard dreas O Shoe, at a popular prlce. SO. SO PoHceiiinn'a 8hoe ís esppclally adaptod w for rallroad men, farmers, etc. AU made la Congress, Button and Laco. $3&$, have been most favorably recelved since lntroduced and the recent ImproTements make them uperlor to any shoes Bold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and if he cannot upply Ton Mnd direct to factory eneloslng adicrtlsed prlce, or postal for ordt-r blanks. W. Eh DOUGLA8, IlrocktoD, Masa. Exnmlnc W. I.. noDKlas 82.00 8taoe lor Genllpmen and I.adies. WM. REINHARDT & C0.f 42 S. MAIN STREET, A mi Arltor. "OR MEN ONLY! JlaJ-ffnFor LOSTorFAILINO MANEOOD; lin MSI I11 ttnd NERVOÜS DLBIXITY: 'il I il ífl 1 1 1 Weakn"8 of Body and Kind, Effect - .lililU MllJof Errorsor Excessea in Old or Younsr, '. sal, iobü Tl iMIOOn fnlly Kpftlorpd. How totnlant and (tthfnWKk, ( MlKVKI.O'Ptl (MU, VNA l'AK I SOK ÍIOIíV. tkullr unfaliinir HO-UK TKKATMKXT- Reneflti In a dar '. . tp.tlïy from 6ü Sut and Farrtvn ( nnrtrln. WrH thtra. L WA17TSD. L LOC AL OR" THAVELING. 11 !■ -11 our Noreery stock. Salary. Expeute .icady Emplojment guaranleed. 4'IIASE HIU.TIIHtS COJIPAXT. VHIC nXDCD's.i'niï"lPh"lrlp% N. W. AVER BON. iruu Uiorlzed v-DM


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