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William Hall was arrested for drunkenueí-8 yesterday. Congreeational fair during the first week in December. William Walsh bas secured an increase of pension. Tbe conncil, last MonJay, provided for two addilional patrolmen. James Gulik, of ilie third wan!, diel on Tboreday last at the age of eighiy-six. James Smith, lnink, will spend ten dys in, beginning wiih yeisterday. The Schnetzenverein have decided to bold a prize contest on Thankegiving day. . Prof. Steere will address the Ladies Aid Society at the Methodist cbureh tonight. , Julia Appleton, wife of F. A. Randall, died on Saturday last. She was seventyfive years of age. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. James L. Skinner, Tiiesday, Nov. 18, an eight and onehalf pound'boy. Eight large mail boxes for newspapers und packages have been placed at several corners about the city. Robert Nourse epoke at the Congreeaiional clmrch last Snnday night on " Why I am not an Infidel." Mary Myer, of Saline, flfiks for a divnrce from her husband, Julius Meyer, who, as ehe says, cruelly deserted her. Edward Fitzerald. aged fixty-fonr died on Snn.Iay last. HU funeral took place on Tuesday at St. Thomas' cbureh. Mtr. Slocnm, of Detroit, has endowed a second lectureship for the Hobait Guild un 'Evidentes of ( hristianity.' A. N. Brown a 'd Miss Clara J. Hiscock, both of Ann Arbor, were marlied on Wednesday by Rev. J. M. Geltton. The trial o ' the four students nd on lown boy rrested on Tuesday, the II h, Tor diwirderly conduct, was poslponeu from Monday to December 3. Jethro Maybee, Alexander Morrison nnd Herman 'Knapp, were arrested on Tnes-day evening for robbing John Martin on Saturday night last. W. H. Rice, of 8. Division-st, died on last Friday after an illness of less than a week. He resided for a long time ai Dixhnro, w.ere he was engaged in farming. C. M. Osgood is thankful for 1,035 bushels of corn just harvested from 11 acres of ground. He thinks that a pretty good yield as this is an off year lor corn. The Unity Club will give a rainbow social in the parlors of the Unitarian church, Monday evening, November 24. All members and friends cordialiy invited. Refreshments will be served. On Tuesday at the home of the bride occurred the wedding of Frank Smiih, of Charlotte, Mich , and Miss Mary Moore, of Ann Arbor, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. M. Gelaton. At the session of the circuit court, Monday, a divorce was granted to Helen vy Hewett from her husband Walter H witt, of Ypsilanti. The erounds of Mie divorce were failure to provide support. J. C. WoodsonH the student arrested under the state etatute for rnshing in the postoffice, appeared before Justice Pond yesterday morninp. Owing to Mr. Pond's illness the trial was postponed till Monday next. Some of the eveuts of Thanksgiving day will be a hop in Granger's hall, a concert at the Germania hotel, and a dance at Whitmore Lake. The Chequamegon orchestra will furnish music for all three entertainments. The Furpliced choir at St. Andrew's church will sing for the first time one week from next Snndav. That day ír St. Andrew's day, Advent Sunday, and the first anniversary of Rev. Mr. Tatlock's assumption of the pastúrate. At the meeting last Monday, the city council decided to purchase land next to the old city cemetery in the fifth ward ; to-wit, two lots belonging to Martin Seabolt, $200, and one a;re and a third belonging' to E. P. William?, $375. The Washtenaw Evening Conrier- bcg pardon, we mean Times - will issue its first number next Monday. Fred C. Brown will be managing editor and George S Hill business manager. The paper will be owned by a stock company. Rev. G. E. Britten, formerly of this city, has sent The Register a sample box of beet Bugar manufactnred at Grand Island, Neb. The sugar has a nice color and taste, It is manufactured at the best equipped beet sugar factory in the world. Two young men, one from Ypsilanti and one from Jackson, bave been arrested for stealing overcoats in Chelsea. They were brought back here Tuesday and will be tried Saturday. It is reported that they liave stolen andpawned some twenty-five coats. Charles L. Fincke, who married the daughter of the late Samuel Hutcninson, well know as the former proprietor of the Cook Hotel, Millen house and other property in this vicinity, died recently at Ashville, S. C. He is related to Mrs. T. S. Mann, of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Mirv A ï-ivermore will lecture Uiiiiy Cluh at the Unitarian ChurcU i.kxl ö.iiuiuay eveninjr, her subject being "Perils of the Renublic." Mrs. Livermore is well and favorably known in Ann Arbor, having been on the lecture association conrse, on the Uuity Club Program, and having also lectuitü at the opeta house. The ladies of the Charitable Uniou wish to provide Thanksgivin? dinners for the worthy destitule lamilies of the city, and in order to do so ihey ask the geñerous public to dónate such articles as are necessary to furnish them wilh a (ood dinner. Donations can be left with Miss Órown, No. 13 S. State-st on Wtdnesday beforej'rhanksgiving. The ladies of the Germán Bethlehem church have been holding a erysuccesBful bzar in ihe rink. The mom is beanlilülly feetooned with fl,tgs and limit Fani-y articles of the bfcst qualily and (ireatest variety are dis played. At the north end of the rink is the refret-hmeil rooui, whete lunches, ice ureum and K-monade aie served. The bazar will il'we this evening. There is no royal rond to learnine, and to juile from the repons recently revrived from A nu Arbor tliete is no royal rad to getting a eollpiiaie educallutt. It woulil mUo feem that. the local government of Ann Arbor- like that of auoiher town lio fan her from Ann Arbor than thal place is from here- tanda in need of overhanling.- Chicago News. Bishop Garrelt will dehver fix lectures on ihe Phil'icojihy ot the Inoarnation before the H.jbiirt Guild, as follows: Ï.The Philosophy of the Infinite, Sunilay, Nov. 23; 2. The Evolution -Spencer, Friday, Nov. 28; 3. Idealism - Uegel, unday, Nov. 3n; 4. The Per8on of Christ, Fri.lay, Uec. 5; ó. Sin, Sunday, Dec. 7; Ü. Kedt mplion, Friday, üec. 12; 7. The Kingdom of God, Sunday, Uec. 1 Biirglars made anolher raid on Monday niglit. They walked into the house of Mr. Ainspangh, at 8 North State-at, and into the room occiipied by thrfe junior laws: Perrv Smith. frank H. Gale, and Jack C. Water.--. Smith lost a coat and a fine gold watch ; Gale, a Sigma Chi fraternity pin worth $25 and Waters an and S10 in money. The total amotn.t of property lost is rated at S15O On Snnday e'-ning several negroes stopped Mayor Mnly and wife. as they were rrossinir Ihe Detroitst briditp. and insolemly asked for a ride. The Mayor j'imped out ml a hand to hand contest refiiltpd. One "f 'he motor men came lo help Mr. Man'.v and he lso was i'volved in the "scrap." Th5 colored men apologized to the Mayor the next morning, claimins; that drunkenness prometed their violence. A correspondent writes: "Now that onr street railway is p'ncl) an assured succe'-s and w co'iVPliipn, W8 hope our i-iiiznns will do II in their power to aid ihe cmpany in ixtending tlie line. Let nn more obs':tcles be place I in the way. It is a decided advantnge to every proi'crty owner, really enhances the value "f bis real esiale to have the line nass hi-i door or within a short distance. It is time people saw this and withdre' all opoosition T!ie annnal meeting of the Washten:"v pomolugical snciety will be held P e é. A report will be presenied by C. Pi.rsliall for the committee on transporta' ion. Other committees and officers will report also. Topics: Jaoob Ganzhorn on Prof Galloway's experimenta with pear blight, Kugene Frueauff will speak on the mltivation of the sngar beet in conni'. tion with the sugar industry. There will le an exhibit of the fruits of the seaM.n. Arthur Brown, county cltrk elect, and Mif8 Cora Pulcipher were murried at the home of the brideV párenla yeMerday afternoon. Only a few intímate friends of theyoungcouple were present. The wedding ceremony was performpd by Rev. A. S.Carman. Mr.and Mrs. Brown left on the 2:17 train for Minneapolis and other western pointe. They will return afier their honeymoon and take posstssion of their new home, recently purehafed at 63 South División. Many residents of this city will remember Elkanah P. Camp, who lived in this city for a numberof years, and will be grieved to learn of his death, which oocurred at Sedalia, Colo., on the 14th. Mr. Camp was born in Monroe county, N. Y., December 20, 1818. He moved to Michigan in the year 1835 with his párente, and nis oldest brother still resides near Ann Arbor. In 1852 he crossed the plains to California. Hf aflerwards relurned to Michigan and from the spring of 1880 heresidedseven years in Ann Arbor city. He then moved to Colorado, where all his three children had preceded him, viz: Mrs. Rnby, M. CliHse and Charles E Camp, of Sedalia, Colo., and Mrs. Laura E. Isbell, of Riverside, Cal. A recent issue of the Bay City Tribune contains the information that the Industrial works there are to be enlaraed so as to employ froni 200 to 300 men, and that Ernest Perry, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Engineer ('89 U.of. M.,) has been promoted to the superintendenc. Among their recent orders are, - one 35 ton wrecking crane, two 10 ton and one 15 ton traveling crines, seven 10 and 25 tonjibcranes,3 pile dri vers, one rail saw and 4 transfer tables. Their work is all heavy machinery. The Tribune praisee Mr. Pcrry highly, and all this npe.ak.s well for the Un'iversity, which fits our young men to take charge of such great business enterprises within one year after graduation. The following persons have been ilrawn as jurors for the December term of court: W. VV. Watts, A. D. Markham, Michael Schneider, George Hangsterfer, Eli S. Manly, Horace Purfield, Ann Arbor; Henry Braun, Ann Arbor town; Christ Henninp, Augusta; Henry R. Palmer, Bridaewater; G tilob Anders, Dexter; Jacob Reinold, Freedom; J. F. Frey, Lima; W. J. Howlett, Lyndon Mathew Rentschler, Lodi; AlbertAMs worth. Manchester; Chai les Prey, North field; W. H. Ellsworth, Pittsfield; W. P Holmes, Salem; John Lutz, Saline; G E. Moore, Scio; G. E. Raymond, Sharon J. A.Wilbur, Superior; H. J. Kriise, Sylva; Johnson Backus, Webster; H Mc Michael, York; John Grane, Ypsilant town; J. Worden, H. E. Dickinson, Ypsi lanti city; Canpar Rinsey and Win. Ar nold, Ann Arbor city. Shortly before noon yesterday, the wedding of Miss Genevieve Storms, o this city, and N. P. Jacobs, of Chicago took place at the residence of the Liride's mother. The afluir was a very qniet one, only the immediate friends of both parties being present. Rev. A S Carman performed the marriage cere mony. The bride's cosiume was dove colored silk. The newly luarried coulo lef: on the 2:17 train ïor their future homeat2G21 South Park Avenue, Chi cago. Mr. Jacobs is a prominent rea eslate man of Chicago, and the brid one of Arm Arbor's most estimabl young ladies. The wedding was at tended by the following friends fron abroüd : Mrs. Dr. liatón, of Syracuse, IS Y. ; Mr.. Dr. Dickinson, of Corydon Iowa; Mrs. Kersey and Miás Kersey, o New B'dford, Lowa; Mr. Parker, of M Clements, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register