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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisement. mcb as Tn Rent. Por Sile, amt Wnnts. not exccedlng three liuee. can be inscred three weeks for 25 ni. ÏIAXTKII. WANTKI.- Girl to do hou twork in family of four. No chi dren Kerervuce e xpeeted ; Inqulreat M Sou h Universlty ave. 35 II" r:i.- a good man to work on (arm. T % mlle north of Delhi Milla. W. . Tubbs. 35 W4WTEO- Allthoseihatneed WeatherStrips for their doors aud Windows please aiidres or leave orders at .'8 Ncirth Slate-st, where ou can flnd the best WeatherStrips. All work wafranted. 34 B. F. FrRNiM WtNTEI- Immedlately. two or tbreesolicItors. A good oporlunity t make lome mo:ey. Work suitahle to eilher lady or g utleman. Cali at this office. 25tf VI7ASÏTEI- younn lady y ho wishes to take T a complete oourse in (horthand and typewritlng and pay her tuition by doing lmht office work, that will help to fit her tor a posltion as a shorthand amanuensis Apply at the School of Shorthand, No. 20 .-'outh State st, thlrd fluor. tf WNTE't-0ne load of Oats and Vota. No. 8 South Mainst., Ann Arbor. 35 FOR MALE. FOR JH.LB-H' use and lot in nood locatlon. Address N. ü., tnls office. 33if , OK A good cow and calf. Arply,J.S r Mann 82 E. Hurón St., Aun Arb.r. 2w I7IK SI,E- New house on northeast corner F of fhurch and Willard-sts. Apply at house, or 8 & Bnron. S4 FpwR BALK- 120 acre Farm, six miles from city; or will exchange forcily property, Apply aU3East Liberty st. 31 FOK S1I.K -CnnarybirdsaiHlliniiets, byMrs. aaa il. BftEMt Polier tt u tOK SI,K CHIÍAP.- A phaetou almost new. Inquire at Ihis ofBie. 35 13R SAÜR OK KKSfl'- .-everal good F housps in central pa t of the city. One wtli adapted for siidents' society houe. Knqulreof J. (. A ScsMons. Atly , No. 5 N. Main-st. tf MB 0 Acre larm, y% miles trom city with mil k business, tngether or separate, or will ex'-hange for smalt house and lot for part pay. P. O. bon liffa A. V Bmlth. 39 Ij-'OK s i.K II K, - Hiirse, leigh, bilKKy. r tliree spring wagons and harness Add.ess.Boi hMIK One pairof single bob sleighs and me pair of d' tibie b bs. Will exc auge tbr wood, tny. orgrain. 2_' State Street 30 POR ittvr. F-K KESÍT.- A suite of rooms, 65 S. Fourü.' furace heat. Hó H'iiB Ki:.l',-u. il Miinst office rooms. Also large hall over E. V, Mills A Co 's store. 35 e il. ft orden, IUK KEMT- One vury d ►irl)lu Suite, wuh snuth exposure- hcateii by stove. AIkm a delightiu Single Room. heated by furnace, at 25 E. Lawrence-t 37 f HOK KK r-To Klats, and several suites o rooms. In the new jager blotk, 20 3. Stale-st. Inquire at 1H S. state. JStf MK K.T- Turee tultii of rooms auil two single rooms in Unity block. Apply to B. Brown, ïi. Stutc-st. tf IOK KKNT- Suit of inru.rms.tH-d Rooms and F one Furnlshed room. 16 Volland st. 86 F K HKN r 1H K A l'ftrtof house, un"(urni-hed Doub:e Parlors below and three rooms wilt) two closet nbove. 10 Wilmot -t. 35 ÏMtK KENr.-A nloe suit of mifnriiished rooms, heated by furnace Here is a bargaiu. Address 2. Kegisis,tur Office. MIS KI.I.1NKOI . rONT. - A medium sized brown Irish retriever vThe finder will besuitably rewarded Ifhe will return the fioj to No. 42 East Maiiison St. 35 I ■ !''!- i gentleman's Overo uit. Ownercan P f;li(l it t.ycallinsat 17 W. DYKIXi. Cleaning and Repairing Ulotbn neatly done hy Mrs. D. Madikï, 8 N. Fifth-st. Prioes lowest and m t fayldloua work, 41 p ui u.l. lilli of Plain -lewirid, 11 at 9. Twelfth-tt Cutting and Fitting a Specialtv. UsK o.X ik Al. HUIS Buckwheal Flour, the best in the word If yoiir grocer does nut keep it In stock, send yot:r order to the mili. MlmendlrKi r & hneider I-Klt SI l Itll'l IO lit. cv. Barapte prices: Harper's Moath Weekly or B las $265: Forum. $1.25; Weekly Frce Press te J urna), f 90. W. :ri IJ PISTO destrous of living ncar th 1)1 OÍTtT i of Anii Arbor, a fine home In theenterprisl of Baltic ('rci'k, bcau'ifully and con cated (on Ji :" aiul wonh aboui Ï2.i. Address or cali on Kusstli C. R( Mlch. COR EXCHAKGE - 775 ere plunl V nieely located neur Amelia Oonrt House, Va. It has the best of soil and sood tlmber, and is nicely water "vvith Fprings ani brnoks and stockd with fish. Is good gratn and wontd make a good stock farm. üood home marktt at Richniond and from there good boat oomniQDleatloQ to Washington. Baltimore, Norfolk. New Vork, and other good polnt. Tuke the ypar ihroush there is no bealthier or pleaanter uliraate than that part of oíd Virginia. Tite perfect, no inrninbranccs. For cash valne. ten dollars an acre. I will pay diffcrence, or if in my favor will give 5, 10. 15. or 20 yeare time. I wish to exchange f.r a farm- one ncar Ann Arbor or Ypsilan'i pre ferred. Address J. B. Delbridge, 493 TrumbullAvenue. Detroit. Iti-ii I Estufe For !.■. State of Slichigan, Tounty of Washtenaw- ss In the matter of ïhe estáte of William H. Dell. deesed. Nutlce Is hereby glven that in pursuancc of an order granted tl the undersigned exeentor of the lat will and testament of the said deceased by the Honorable Judge of Probate fnr the Couniy of V'ashtenaw, on the slxteenth day of December, A. D., 1890, there will he sold at public vendue. to the highest bidder at the late redt nee of s id decased on the premises below described in the township of Saline, in the Couuty f Washtenaw. in sald state, on VVednesday. the fourth day of February. A. D. 1891. at ten o clock in the forenoon of tbat day (subject to all encumbranees by mortxage or otherwlse exisüng at the time nf the death of sald deceased) the foilowlng described real estáte, towit: The noriheast quarttr of the rorthwest quarter of sectlon ten (10). Also part of the west half of the northeast quarter of said sectlon ten (10): commencing at thenorth quarter post.thence Fouth thirty one (31)chalns and thirty (30) links. , henee north sixty (60) degrees, east nine (9) chalns and twentyfie C'5) links, thence north ;hree (3 degrees, thirty (30) minutes, westtwentyseven C27) chains twenty-nve (25) links, thence north eighty-even 87) degrees thirty (SO) min'.'. .. west e'ight (8) ehalns and sevei.ty-five (75) inks to the jilare of beginning. Also commencng in the middlc of tho Chicago road where the center north and sonth line of st ction ten (10) crossei the Faid road. and runnlrg thence fouth on said line thirty-three (3i) chains, nine (9) luks, thence east thirteen (IS) chains. thence north thlrty-Mx (36) chains and slxteen (16) links n h post.thence south sixty thrce nd 75-100 63.75) degrees, west twenty-elgot (28) links, thence no-th nine '. degrees. west three (3) chains and hlrty six (S6) lints lo the center or Chicago road, henee síiuh sixty-three tid 7Ï-I00 (03 75) degrees. west along the center of said road thirteen (K) chains and sixty iive (65) links to the place of beginning. All of faid land lying and beingon ection ten (10) in township four ( 1) south range flve(5) easl, Saline, Washtenuw County, Michigan. Jesse A. Deli-. Dated December 16, 1S00. txecutor. Friendt of the Register, having business in he Probate Office, will please requesi their nhiting sent to this office. 4


Old News
Ann Arbor Register