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Michigan State News

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The ore shipments durinj the year from the Lake Superior región shows the foliowing totals by ports and ranges: BY PORTS lom Ton. Marnu"fc . 1.316 356 Two Ha bors .. 8Ï Escanal-.a %Mi 2V St. Ignace . ... 15911 AM.. and 2.!OO.yi!G;ad3tor.e 60.254 BY RANGES Toni Ton. Marquette 65WOogebc 2,240 169 M" nomine . ...8. 158.010 VermUUon &?& "t Gr.ip.d to'.al Ircjir. districts 8.US.860 The Xorrie leads the list with 823,289 tons and the (hapin is eecond with 663,472 tons. The Champion, Cieveland, Lake Superior, Lake Angeline, Florence, Aurcra. Urothertcn, Minnesota, Chandler and Queen Group are all well abore thp 200,000-ton mark. Health in Michigan. Reports to the State Board of Health by seventy-two obsrrvcr.-. In different parts of the State for the week ended Di mber B Indicated that infiammation of thebowels, cholera infantutn, pleuritis, pneumonía and tnembranouscroupUi" ereasedi and cerebro-epinal meningitis, typho-malarial fever and inilaramation of the bralp decreased in area "f prevalence. Diphtheria vas rep irted at thirty-two places, scarletfeveratforty-five, typhoid féverattwenty-oneand measlea at seven places. A Nw Wnture. The exeeutive bo;ird of tho Patrons of lndustry of Michigan havo orjfunized a company, with a capital stock of $100,000, to be called thfi Patrón' Commercial Union of Michigan. C. N. Deland, of Jacl-son, is President; George D. Moore, of Medina, Vice-Preidont; D. A. Reynolds, of Lyons, Secretary, and Charles H. Morse, of Carson, Treasurer. The office will be at Lansinj, with branch offices at different points if necessary. SulTerin; f.r Foorl Tlirui-li liirli. Mrs. Laura Clermont, a woman worth many thouaands of dollars, was found alone in one of herhousos in Kalamazoo n a helple=s and destitute condition. She had for some time boen mentally unable to look after her interests, and somo inciOents in her past career had ed to hor being ostracized by hor neijfhbors. She was dependent upon charity for food until somo one was apointed to lake charge of her property. S n ii day -School Assoctation. The tnirtieth annual convention of the State Sunday-School Association was held at Lansing. Rev. II. S. Jordán, of Lansin?, was elected president, and ïev. E. VV. Miller, of i5ig Rapids, secre.ary. The secretary's report showed hat there were 310,000 Sunday-school upils in the State, 88,500 teachers and (,600 schools. Piedles were made to the amount of $2. 100 for carryinjf on the work of the coming year. Klllel While lluiitlnc. Wllliam Raer, a merebant tailor at Manistee for over twenty years, was killed while huntinj. Hi body was found lyinsr bstween two logs. He had vidently been climbing over the logs, dragging bis gun. which discharged lts load into his right side. near the third rib, burninp his hand and clothing. The shot penetratod the body without scatterin;,', making a terrible wound. A Brutal MiirdiT. A drnnkon row occurred in a lumber camp about three miles south of Iron Mountain between a dumb man named 3eorga Riggs and D. Gray over a bottle of whisky. Cray struek Rig'g's in the stomach with an axe, inflicting1 a fatal wound. The munlerer was eaptured. Short i'ut Newsy ítem. The Monroe County Savngs Bank is tho latest Dundce insütution. A sneak tblel stolo the turkeys which were presenteJ to Nichols' Memorial Home at Grand Rapids for aThanksgiving dinner. Dr. Jared Kibbo, one of tho oldest dentists in tho State, died at his home at Port Hurón, aged "0 yoars. He was a nativa of Vermont. Lafayette Mackey's 6-yfarold girl's clothes caiiffht firo at Manisteo and she was burned to death before the flamea could be extinguished. Philo Porter died at Coldwator the other morning, aged 77 years. He had rosided in liranch Cour. ty fiíty-five years. The coroner's jury at Port Hurón decided that Josf-ph Watson, thought to bave boen murdered, was killed by falling down cellar at the "llome-l'late" saloon. The L:iko Shore Raihvay Company ha3 named their new mail car "Governor Luce." Tho total valué of building improvoments at Hay City tho lat year is estimatedatSl,50'},0J0. Father Buyse, of Jackson, gavo a tramp an oíd vest. The wanderer found $14 in the inside pocket, and returned the money to the priest The experimental station belonging to Thomas A. Edison, at IIumboldt,was burned. The loss was heavy. The Converse Manufacturing Company' s furniture ñnishin room and contents at Newaysro were entirely doBtroyed by flre. Loss, about $25,000. It cost the State 568,005.23 to care for 887 children at the public school at Coldwater during the last two years. The average number present in the building was about 200. Mrs. Evaline A. Metcalf died at Fowlerville. She was one of the old pioneers, bcing the second white woman to settle in that towiiship with her liusband in 1835. In Garfield township Robertand Jude Smith (brothers) quarreled about Bome timber, and Robert shot his brother ■with an old shotgun, killing him instantly. The raurderer gave himsell up. Lillie Myers, daughter of Joseph Myers, of Brookfield, committed suicido by taking a dose of carbolic acid, She was a handsome girl of 18 years. and her family is at a loss to account for the deed.


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