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Washington, Dec. 10. - In the Senato yesterday billa were introduced to reduce the uruount of United States bonds tobe required of National banks and to replace tbeir surrendered notes, and to provide for the free coinage oi silver, and for the amendment of the tariff bilí on the subject of cablea, cordage and twine. The olections bilí was íurther discussed. The bilí to establish a public farm in each county within the limits of the Republic was indeflnitely postponed. Washington, Dec. 11. - In the Senato yesterday the House bill to authorize the payment of drawback or rebate on tobáceo (to correct an omission in tbs tariff bill) was taken upand passed, and it dow goes to the President for his approval. Billa were introducid to provide for coinago at the branh mint at Denver. Col.; to arnend the silver act of last session, and to dcüue the line of the army and to increase lts efficiency, the number of enlisted men not to exceed 80,00'). The House amendments to tha the Senate bilis for public buildings at Madison, Ind., Sioux City, Ia., and Rock Island, 111., were concurred in. The elections bill was discussed. The House bill to authorize the payment of drawback or rebate on tobáceo was passed. Washington. Dec. 12. - In the Senate yesterday a bill was reported favorably appropriating L320.001) for the education ef children in Alaska. A resoiution was presentid to inqulre lnto ths practicability and the advisabüity of establishing postal savings banks. The elections bill was aga n diicussed. Washington, Dec. 18, - The resoiution to ascertain whether tho right to vote at any eliction as denied to any legal voter in the country was discussed in the United Sta tea Sonate yesterday as was lso the elertion bill. The House bilis for puLlie buildings at Davenport, Ia., and Bioomington, 111., wero repo ted favoral ly. Wasiumjiux. Dec. 15. - Bills were introduced in the Senate on Saturday to establish a r oord and pension office in the War Department, and to establish a marine board for the advanceinent of the intemst of the inerchant marine. The elections bill was furthcr discussed Washington, Dec. 10. - Bills were passed in the Senate yesterday enlaryng the riglits of homesteaders on the public lands. and for the ereetion oí a public building ut 1'argo, N. D., at a cobt of 9100,000. Bills ore introduced appropriatmg L50,000 for a public building ut Mint. Mich.. and directing the purchase of silver bullion and the Issue of Treasury notes. The elections bill was ag'ain discussed. BOL'SK. Washington. Deo. io. -In the House yesterdav ihe resoiution to remove the remains of General Granl to Arlington Cemet' ry was dofeaied bj a voló of 153 to 93. 'i lie Couïressional apportionment bill vas int uüuced. It pi'ovides that after tlie tbird day of Man-h, 1S93, the Houseshall i o componed of 856 members. The Suites tb at nould have an increasi il lepietuniaiion are: Aiabama, Ij Ark ns is, a; California, I; Colorado, 1; Georgia, 1; Huno s, 2; Kansas, 1; MasBachusetts, 1: tuicliigan, 1: Minnesota, 2; Missouri, 1; Neliraka, 3; Xew Jersey, 1; Oreffon, i: l'i nnsylvania, 2; Tennessee, .1; 'lcx.s. :J; Washington, 1; Wise.onsin, 1. The representation from the other States wou Id remain changed. The followlng bilis for the j erection of public uuiliiing's were passed with a litnltation oí -o!t as stated: Mank;:to, Minn.ífiHO,lPneblo, Col.... IIW.OOO Meridiiin. Miss. .O.U0u,Si ux City, la. - iToungstown, O. ;:. v Limn. ü 80,000 Camüru. At ■ Ore.. 400.00U Bioux Fali. S U i:,l. -0.1 H.,,iiii!:ili.lll. 1UO,(X Btcckton, Cal... sC'i.Mo l,aX),00) Beatrice. Neb.. 6U.OU0 1 - .. ioü.000 Davvnpurt. la.. I m, 0 100.0UO Rock lsha.d, lw. T:ilO' K.icklord. 111 ... HlO.OOO South Uc"i. u.l. looge, la.. 75,000 Fargo, N V. .. 1. 0,0U0]8.eLoy'gn, Wla 50.00J Madlsou. Ind.. rn ucm Washington, Dec. 11. - In the House yesterdav a bill was introduced to restore the law in relation to importations of tir-plate as it was before the McKinle .' bill was passed. A bill for the relief of the mission lndiansin California was passed. J. W. Hathaway, of Montana, ra elected postmaster of the House. Washington, Dec. 12. - Bills were passed in the House yesterday to prevent tbs manufacture of counterfeit iies and molds; providing a penalty for iny person who shall viólate the eleclion laws of States, and the fortiñeations bill. Bills were introduced to pay t the widowof Chief-Justice Waite tha balance of the salary for the year In whicb be dlcd, ; nd to readjust the lalaries of postmasters. The salary of the postmaster at Washington is fixed kt $0,000, and in no case is the salary of ny postmaster to exceed this umount except in Ne York, where the salary Is fixod ut $8. 000 Washington, Dec. In the House yesterday the reapportionment bill, based on a repregentation of S5ü members of the House, was favorably reported. .Bills were introduced to revive th grade of Lieutenant-General of tbe army; to a limited post and telegraph service, and providing that appllcations for cilizenship shall be advertised so ihat persons wishing to oppose the grantlng of naturalización papers may be noufied when to appear, and that applicanta for naturalization shall pas a -atisf; ctorv examination on the iiistoryof the United States, the Federal coustitution and the constitution of Uu' Sta'c where the spplioant residís. Washihutos. Dec. 1". - In the House on Saturday the bill to provide for the lnspectiou oí live cattle and beef products intiiiileil for export to forelgn countrieN was defeatt d. w siiingion. Dec. 8, - r.ilK were inti luccd In the House to authorize National banks to loan cuoney on real estil- Rocurity. and appropriating J uj i . esta .1! .h u goldiers' home t Chattanoog'a and Chicknmauga Xational Military Park. The bill for the adjustment and payment of claims arising from Indian depredations was passed. It provides for the appointment by the President of three judg-es, to inquLre into and adjudícate all claims for property of citizens taken by Indians without just causo.


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