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NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 1891. The Tarlir and the Farmer. ROSWELLG. HORRv OF MICHIGAN, Tb wittlest, brigh test and moit successf ui of RepublicmQ campaign orators, long a member of Congress, sound and safo as a legislator and a thorough Protectionist, has been engaged by The New Yorlc Tribune to help flght the battle for Frotectlon during the coming year. Every issue of Tha Weekly Tribune wlll contaln extended ezplanations of the new TarlfT and the advantages of Protection, polut by polnt. ïlr. Horr wül also invite from the public and wlll answer qutions or phases of the Tariff which perplex the mlnds of tbs propia. Bofarasother dutieswill permlt, ha will airo address gatherlngs of Farmers this winter (Instituts, Clubs, etc.) as the representativo of The Tribune, concernlng the Tariif. Those who wüih Mr. Horr to address them should commuuicat at onoe with The Tribune. Y o u ii k Men who wlth to Succeed. Many a man feels the lacle of early dlrectlon of bis energies and arly inculcatiou or the maxlras which promote character and success in af ter life. ÜTery such man would gladly see the young men of to day bitter guided than be was. The Tribun has plannad the f ollowinj; artlcles, which wül appear la thls paper only: 'lil hall I of By 8 S. Packard, President of Packard's Business College. fiiLïolloii. for the Hoy on the Farm who re Amblilnu. Py the Hou. J. H. Brigham, Master of the National Giauge. Kducation without the Help of a College. By President C. K. Adams, ofCornell. A of " Hovr to Win Fortune." By Andrew Carnegle, whose remarkable artielo of last pring was o full of eaconragemetit to poormen. multlillclty of Payine Occnpatlons In the I nlted State. By ihe Hon. Cairull ï. Wrlght. A Talk IVItli American Boj. By P. T. Barnum, of Hridgeport. Conn. Gxnmpl, iit llio Hiato rf ot onrown Country. By Gen. A. S. Webb, the gallaut soldier. Importan of Good Dltnnert, Tha Views of Ward McAlllster. A Collego litliu ailon joixl for all; what Is beet lor Ilioae ivlio cannot eot 1. By Prosideut Wiluaui l'epper, Uuiversity of Pennsylvanla. The Tribune will print from week to week wellconsidered answers to any questions by younï meu or womt-n, in any part of tho country. Yilul Topics of the Duy. Present Noedn and Future Siotie of American Arirulturc. By the Hun. Jeiniah liuk. Proper Fnnctlon of tlie ninorltj In LegUlation. By tha Hon. Julius C. Burruws, Kalamazoo. Vlllnso Impruvement Aunrln'.lnnr, thi-lr practica bilt t y In Uu ral Dllrl t, wltli tlio Story of rerlaln Mojí I IIlaee. By the Hon. B. G. Norlurop, ol Cliuion, Conn. ' Principie In Politica and the Vlrtue of Courage. By the Ilou. Jauies ö. Clarknon, of lowa. Influences of the Labor IWovenient upon Human Progre. By Sinmel Gumpers, Preuideut of the American ïedoration of Ulbor. Amerlca's Subnrban and Rural Homes. By Qeorge PalisM-r, of New York. Warehouscs for Farm Prodmit. By L. L. Polk, Presideut of the Katioual Farmer' Alliance. Glaclera of the tullecí Stntra. By Professor Israel C. Iiussell, fcxplorerof AiasUa. Ollicr Feature. Durine 1S01 Th Tribuns will print a valnaU series of artieles bp its owu travefing correepondent, on the agiicultme of tlie Uritc .1 t tatts, wiih explana! ious of number of model furnis. A practical farmer I now in t rarce, visiting the farms and farm-buil dii g of thut tliriftit of the uati.ns at the orld. He vriil report upon the dairy. graiu, itock and othtr branchBS of Fronch farm ing in lllustratidarticlcs. Mrs. Annie Witten mey er, President of the Woman Relief Co-pi, will contribute a column of notes and neirg to Tue Tribune 's G. A. K pare eTery week. Admirabl letters of travel in the Southern Statei, illustmtnd, will be printed The Home Oircle columns will be varied hy lllustrated artieles on d-coration. faahions and subjects of intense intereit to women. Writlen for pcople with little morer. Mrs. Bayard Ta lor, the wldow of Bayard Taylor, will wdt articles on Cooktry. She i remarkable housnkeeper. Foreign letters, ood storli, th news of the day, thn best of market repr.rts, book ntiens and Uterary new, witty jokes, etc., etc. The Tribune Is printed in large type and broad columns, aud Is the easiest paper to raad la the country. Premtumf. Premium T.lrt for 1891, containlncmanynew and itU L?'?? 2"'lb9 nt to any PpücaLt, free. ,oLhe ' T-r; free fir tho rest of J890. 8emi-wpkli-, $2 00; free for the rest of 1890. Dailv. $10.00. s.mday Tribnne $■ '.OoT Tribune Monthly, 2.00. Pamp'e copl f,e Th TaiBus, New York. FOR TEACHERS, Slngeis and Practical Students of Mualc NORMAL COUKSE IN THE Ml ICNl M; F HUSIC - AKD - TUE ABT OF TIA(IIIV Every f aturday, S to 1:30 p. m , for twenty weck bcglnning November 22d. at 21 8. Fiftb-st Tn.llon. $3.00. 81 ORÍN CADY.


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