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Sotne remarkable onres of deafnefs are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Never fails to cure earache. Winter [is on in earnest in Russia, many of the ri ers bein frozen over and the ground covered with deepsnow. Stated by H. B. Cocbran, druggist, Lancaster, Pa. Have guaranteed over 300 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia, sour atomach, bilious attacks, liver and kidney trouble. Burglars made a clean sweep o( the Pocatell, Idaho, postoffice recently night, blowing open the safe and securing over $800. A Lady's reriect umpitnlon. Painless Childbirth, our new book, tells how any woman may become a mother without suffering any pain whatever. Also how to treat and overeóme morning sicknesa, swelled limbs and other evils attending pregnancy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians as the wife's true private companion. Send two-cent stamp for descriptivo circulara and confidential letter, sent in aeal envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland. 0 Tbere are glaciers in the Himalayas wliich are from thirty to sixty miles in length, and there is one thirty-three miles long which is flanked on either sides by twogiant peaks over 27,000 feet high. The Pa rest and Best Articles known to medical scence are used in preparing Hood'a Sarsaparilla. Every ingrediënt is carefully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. The medicine is prepared under the supervisión of thoroughly competent pharmacists, and every step in the process of manufacture is carefully watched with a view to securing in Hood'a Sarsaparilla the best possible result. 0 Wardena and keepers say that, as a rule, twenty-year prisoners don't survive their terms, and that as a rule, also, they are the bestbehaved men in their charge. A Letter From Home. Says:- I have used your Extract of Red Clover in my family for the past year, with great success, more particularly as regards my wife, who has derived greater and permanent relief by its use, after suffering and beingtreatedby many physicians for years. I consider it my family medicine. As a Tonic and spring and fall medicine it is without equal. Por Constipation, Dyspepsia and StomachTroubleitis without doubt the very best medicine on the market to day. You are at liberty to use this as you see fit and I shall be glad at any time to give my experience with your Extract of Red Clover to any one who may write or enquire of me. Yours, J. A. Belyka, 293 High St. W.Detroit. To J. M. Loose Red Clover Co., Detroit Mioh. Write for fu rther Testimoniáis. For ■ale by Eberbach & Son. The man who walks through life on a carpet of velvet is the one who thinks twice before he speaksonce. I.adlpn Trj Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organa in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839 ; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the ills to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disordered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor. Micb. 0 In Massachusetts they cali burglars "midnight mechanics." In some other sections of the country they cali them out and hang them. High water has greatly damaged the ship canal of Manchester, Eng., and 4,500 navvies are idle in consequence. The Cnlyersal Verdict of The People Who have used Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papilion) Skin Cura award it the first and highest place as a remedial agent in all cases of Skin disease. Erysipelas, Eczema, Pimples, unslightly blotches, humilating eruptions, Boils, Carbunclos, Tetter, etc, all yield to this wonderful preparation at once. Price $1.00 for a large bottle at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store. Clarke's Flax Soap is good for the skin try it. Price 25 cents. Eberbach & Son. Dr. A. M. Turner of Falkville, Ala., while insane Sunday night, choked his wife and little daughterto death. A Love Sons In M Flat. " My modest, matchless Madeline! Mark my melodious midnlgbt moans; Much may my melting music mean- My modulate mouotones. " This voung man stayed out too late, serenading his lady love. He caught a cold, which developed into catarrh, but he cured it with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, a sovereign specificfor chronic cases, "cold in the head," Catarrhal Headache. It correcta the tainted breath, stops the offensive discharges, heals the irritated throat and nose, leaving the head clear, and smell and taste unimpared. It costs but 50 cents, and the proprietors offer in good faith $500 for a case they cannot cure. Col. W. F Sapp, of Council Bluffs, one of the best known politicians of Iowa, died Saturday afternoon, aged 66. wCXju Some Stratiffe JHisnomers. Much of the Russia leather comes from Connecticuit, Bordeaux wine from California, Italian marble from Kentucky, French lace from New York, and Spanish mackerel from the New Jersey coast. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cotnes from Buffalo N. Y., but there is nothing in its name to criticiae, for it is truly golden in value, as thousands gladly testify. Consumption is averted by its use, and it has wrought many positive cures. It corrects torpid liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, banishes dyspepsiaand scrofula, renews the lease of Ufe, and topes up the systetn as nothing else will do. What is more, is it is gnaranteed to do all this, or the price is refunded.


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