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A popular air with the ladies- "Sweet buy and buy." Wliy Hit Wlfe is "Fidsety." I have the best cook )n the town, Whose bread is dellrtous and white; Her coiTee ís frasrant and brown, Her pastry a perfect delight. But she daily eomplainsnf the worry they hring - She's my own darling wife,but a fiiigety thing! Your wife is worn out, and needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescridtion, the only medicine guaranteed tocure debilitated women. Ho w many overworked American ladies we see with lack-lustre eyes and haggard faces, growing old before their time, from those exhausting ailments that men know notbing of. They can be permanently cured by this remedy, as numberless grateful women will attest. Price refunded, if it fails to give satisfaction in every case. See guarantee printed on bottle-wrapper. Women have returned to their senses, and are again wearing their own hair llrtnkcrs, Doctors, Lawyers, Carpenters, Druggists. Engineers, Mechanicp, in fact we have recommendations from people in all stations of life, testifying tothe wonderful cures that Sulphur Bitters have effected. Send for testimoniáis. See another column. 2 "The Gein of Tennetrace Vnley." It is in the Valley of Tennesaee, a name synonomous with the "rich planter before the war," that the greatest developments in the New South are apparent. Diyton, a city of 0,000, surrounded by an inexhaustible supply of coal, iron and timbér, is the "Gem City of the Valley," and offers unparalleled opportunities to northern men, monpy and brains. Two furnaces are now in full blast and "behind in orders." Among the other industries now in operation are two flour milis, pump works, with a cast iron pipe works, a stove foundry and a huge rolling mili under way. A strong northern syndicate has been formed to promote the interests of Dayton, and under their auspicues a grand public auction sale of lots will occur at Dayton, Dec. 3,4 and 5' To accommodate those desiring to attend the sale, the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton R. R. will sell excursión tickets at one fare for the round trip from all points on the line on Dec. 2 and 3. For rates and further information cali on or address any C. H. & D. Agent, or E. O. McCormick, General passenger and Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. Send for a handsome album of Dayton views Ampie accommodations at the hotels for all. 0 In some of our restaurants the cus tomer is the one who does the most waiting. A Jlcrllwl Notlce. From time to time for some months past we have called attention to the mammoth advertisement of Dr. Fruth which appears in our columns. In these notices we have purposely refrained from the expression of a personal opinión of the Doctor. His continued visita to our city and the constantly increasing numbers that thronjj at each tucceeding visit, coupled with the important fact that not a word of dissatiafaction has come to our ears from any one of his patients, makes it a duty to our readers that we personally cali attention to the work the Doctor is doing. The evidences in our community of his superior skill are but the legitimate resalta of hia y ears of experience nd training in the principal centera of medical learning. Those who have not consulted Dr. Fruth should certainly not fail to do so. A consultation will coat Cyou nothing, and it may be the means of bringing you health and happiness. Dr. Fruth will be at the Cook House from 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. 0 It is said that red cheeks can be produced by rubbing the face with ice. It it has long been known that red noses could be produced by rubbing the lips with glass. A Chance to Hake Jloney. Mr. Editor: - I boughc one of GrifBth's machines for plating with gold, silver or nickel and it works to perfection. No sooner did the paoplehfiar of it than I had more spoons, knives, forks and jeweiry than I could plate n a month. The first week I cleared $31.30, the first month $167.85, and I think by .Tuly lst I will have $1,000 cash and give my farmconsiderable attention, too. My daughter made $27.40 in four days. Any person can get one of these machines by seoding $3 to W. H. Griffith & Co., Zanesville, O., or can obtain circulara by addressiog them. You can learn to use the machine in one hour. As this is my first lucky streak, I give my experierjce, hoping othera may be benefited as much as I have been. Yours truly, 0 M. O. MOREHEAD. Catarrh is not a local but a constitutional disease, and rpquires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla to effect a cure. The greatest punishment toa prisoner is enforced idleness, but the greatest trial some women can undergo is to have a new bonnet in the house on a rainy Sunday. Califorui Kxcurkimis. The Wa"bash railroad hascommenced the sale of low rate single and round trip tourist tickets to all principal Pacific coast points, giving a wide choice of routes both goinj: and returning.with an extreme limit of six months. Stop overs wijl be granted at pleasure on all round trip tickets, west of the Missouri River, and by tak ing the Wabash route but one change of cars is necessary between Toledo and Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, City of Mexico, and Portland, Ore. Free palace reclining chair cars, elegant aleeping and dinin.' cars on all trains. For lowest rates, cali on P. E. Dombausjh, passenger and ticket agent. 308 Madison St., Todleo, Ohio. 0 The English never much liked the Scotch, yet it is said there are more Scotch in London than in Edinburg. Alinost Killed. I was almost killed by the doctors, who treated me for bleeding piles. It cost me over $100 without relief. I took Sulphur Bitters for two months, and now I am well. - Gus Hall, Troy, N. Y. , 2 When Babj was sick, we grs her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When shu became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whei' -'he had Children, she gve them Castoria. Wn. CAPITAL, $250,000. EcystauB MortgagG C:mpany Offers for sale, at par anuaccruji interest, lts own seven per cent. firat mortgage cor.pon bonds (in amount from 8250 to $5,000) on Improved farm and city property. Semi-annual interest. Absolute guarautee of interest and principal. Interest payable In Ann Arbor. For particuiars in regard o these safe and deslrable loans, consult W. D. HARRIMAN, Att'y, Ann Arbor, Míen. V[!Mfe4HB. Sniip líltle fortunes hBTP been madeat JBJUPjSM wurk Tor uu, bj Ann Page, Auitin, l tfS V . , JMjBB"1 linn, whererer you re. Even bef 7 "X MaVr inner re ily earninif from f5 to U ''{' Lflv AU(tm. Weihowyouhow 1 1 HL and ititri jou. Can work in spare tims mjJKB ert. t'ftllurc unknowD AmoQfr them Il.llu][lt.. o.lluiBuÓi-óilluúdMulni G. H. WILD, MERCHANT TAILOR il ihowlng the largort stock of F ALL GOODS. He hu the flnest TKOVSKKIXJS In Ann Arbor. Examine G. H. Wild 's stock of English Dress Suitings= All the latest Koyeltles can be seen at .. 2 Washington St., JVear Main. YOUR ATTENTION I DRAPERY PAINTING ! A LL KINDS OP ARTISTIC PAINTING done Mrs. M, SMITH, 28 E. IIuriMi Ntreet. $&■ Please cali and leave your order. 838 $3 Mitchell's Kidney Piasters J --J Absorb all disease in ;hu Kiducys and fi{y I restore them toa hcalthyconditioTi. h J Old chronlo kidney euflcrcrs eaj (l they got no relief nnül t'.cj fctod PUISTER.S. 'old hyIni!Tsrverywhcre, or6cntl:y muil for50o Plaater AVork, I.owell, Mass. ■ fl 9 I Ril CV"1'""' "'d '"■"'blJ'. fcr thoie of ■ SI V I 1 I 9 ,.,,,. n do lb. wort K,.V 10 ].■,,' Vit furnisli cvi'rvlliiitï. Ve stait yuu. Nu rihk. Toa enn dprotu your laro moniftnls, or nlt your time to tlic work. 'IhUiftau ittirely nw lbad,nnt briitgs wonlerful auci-rts to trary n otkcr( BeKtantraaraftsnilng fr.m #L'ó t SO pcrwfek and urnrds, and more BfttTR liltlo exiterirncc. We can furniih you the fnt. plovraent and tearh you K1ÏKK. No stxweto rxplaiD herc. Full :i:.:-it' ■■ Hiliü. '1'JBiVE 1; C'.,411jTS1a, HU,


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