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"If p;ip had blankctcd you in the stable you would be fat, too." FREE-Get from your dealer free, the ' í Book. It lias hand8ome pietures and aluable inforraation about horses. IVd or three dollars for a Sa Ilorse Blaiikct wilt niake your horse wórtli mora and cat less to keop warm. 5A Five Mile , , . 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 80 other styles at prices to snit every-. body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. #ORSt BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHC S'A LABEL Manurd by Wm. Atbeh & Sons, Phlla4a., who make the iamous Horse Brand Baker Blanke. Robber Shoea unie woru tmcomfortablj üght, generalij alip off the feet THE 'COLCHESTER" EÜBBEB Cd. make au thelr ihoe wlth timide of heel Uned wltk rubber. Tbls clins to the boe and provent Uu rubber from lipping off. CaU for the "ColchMtCT" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY Wm. Allnby, John Boric, noly ; Feiner, I.. Grnner, W. Kclnlinrtlt A Co., A. I. Soy I.-r Son. A1V9T ARBOR. Xo cnre Bilionsness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Coroplaints, tako the saté and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the SMAI-t Size (401ittlc Bcana to Ilic bOttlc). ÏHEY ARE THE MOST COSVKNIENT. Suitable ox cl Age. Prlco of either size, 25c. per Bottle. K IXIbIKat''I''U panel size f 1 jt V 1 1 ■ VI Muilcil for 4 cü. (copper. or stuinp. J.F.SMlTHAC0.MaJiersofBII.EBEAX8."$T.l0IIIS MO. TUE FIGUKE "9." The figure D in our datos wil] makn n long stay. No man or woman now living will evor date s jocument without using the flguro 9. It stanii in tho third place in 1890, hete it will remain ter years and then move up to tcond place in 1900 where it will rest for onc bundivd yeara. Thore is another "9" which lias ulso como to stoy It is unlike the figuro 9 in our dutes in tho teapeerf that it has already moved np to first plaoe, when it will perraanontly remain. ït is oalled tbs "Xo 9" High Arra Wheeler A U'ilson Sewing Machine The ' lo. 9" was oadorsod for first place by thf experts of Europe at the Paris F.xpoeilion of 18SS wht're, after a severe contest with the leading ma chines of ihc world, it was avadod tho onl; Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, al others on exhibit having received lower avard& of gold mcdals, etc. The French Government also recognized itssuperiorityby thodecomtionof Mr. Katlianiil Wliwler, President of the company, with the Cross of the Legión of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an old machine Improved upon, but is an enürrly IftOW machino, and the Grand Prizc at Paris was awarded it as the grandest advunce in sewing machine mechanism of tha age. Thoso who buy it can rest assurcd, there (ore, of having the very latest and best WHEELER & WILSON STFG 00., K3 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STÁBLER,! '11 W. liluKton-. MAN orWOMAN ' Shoul carry some Life Insurance and AJÍ OITION POIJCT, as now Issutd by the National Life Ins. Co, ;F VKRHONT. Provides for any emergency that can irise, can be paid for In flve, ten, or twenty yeara and contalns the followlng guaranteat: FIRST- A paid np pol ley afler three yeari whien amount is wrltten on the face of tb pollcy. SECOWD- Itgnaranteesyonan ANNOALCse Valué, or if the ínsured needs, or desirea to rat money, the Company will loan on thia policy, and itlll keep the policy Ín forcé. This Í8 a great ad vantage to a pereon who may need moner Ín business or to protect credit. THIRD-It guarantees extended Insuranca ror tne full amount of Insurance, for so long time as the cash valué will pay for il. Thts Ís a valuable 'option to many who maj Ihrough physfcal, or flnancial mistonune deíire their policy carried. . ín fact this PoIíct tyotect? gaijijt VdVer?ty ín Business, and also makes an absolute provií. ion m case of deatb, for wife, children or creditora Remember this Policy Is ONLY written by the National Life Insu;ance Company of Montpelier, tti C. I. l!i; r. Special Atoul, 1 Hamllton Block, f AXN ARBOK. MICH. Insurance, fieal Estáte and Loas gencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST Hooit. Partles destrine to buy or sell Real Estáte wiU find lt to thelr advantage to cali on na. We represem the following Srst class Fire Insuranóo 80WOoS) "8 aa aggreBate c?itaiof erar The rand RapidH ■, ,,,s Co The Ohlo Farmer' .. Co., i usure only dwellluvsi. The Oerinnn Flre Ins. ■„., The People's Flre Iiin. ' . The lll.iis-Kirc Ins. Co., The Westbater Flre ín, co., The Hllwaukee Hechaulc's FJre ín Co., Tfie New IlampNhlre Flre Ins. Co.. The Northwestern Fire Ins. Co. rom6?! L0W' Lo8Be 1Iber1lUy adjusted and paid WeaUoliroe Life and Inrestment Folidea Ín Ssnn%í.tUaÍLife In.suran Company. Aaleo 55.000,000. Pereons desirtng AcolaenUníxurjnoe, can haye yearly Pollcie wrltten for them or Traveler1 Coupon Insurance Ticket iwoed at Iw Ratea In the Standard Accident Inannoo Oompany of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loaiiat Sdaïfril' Offloehonrfto 8V.ii.toS". Hamllton Orna. CI7RB9 "lB(Í'lttBW " ' ÍLíKíip fAffPinW W. I" Dongln Shoea are lAUUUN wiirriintril. and ever; pnir iin his mime and price atamped on bottouu W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Cnlf and I.aced Waterproof Gralu. The excellence and wearlngr qualltlesof this slvx cannot be better shown than by the stroníf endorsments of ita thousands of constant wearers. $L-.00 (Jcnuine Hnnd.noved, an elegant ni O etylish ilrcss shno whlch commends lteelf. íyi.OO Ilniid-Nrwed Welt. A fine calí Shoa 4 unequallctl for style and durabillty. SO.50 Uoodycar Welt ia the standard dres O Shoe, at a popular prlce. $o.50 l'oliccniHii' Shoe is especlally adaptod w forrallroad nien, farmerg, etc. All mado lu Congreso Buttun and Lace. $3&$2SHOESlafd,Es, fiave been most favorably recelved slnce Introduo'i and the recent Improvements niake tbem superior to any ihoes Bold at thest1 pricea. Ask your Dealer, and lf he canno upply yoa send direct to factorr encloslng advertisoa pnce, or DOStal lor order blanks. W. L. 1OI GLAS, lïrockton, Han. Examine W. L. Donfflas 92.00 Sbo for Gentlemen and Lttdiea. WM. REINHARDT & CO., 12 S. MAIN STKF.r. r, Ann Arbor. FOR MEN ONLY! 1 V J I aJ ■ I -jmFor LOST or FAILHf 0 MANH0OD; ■ llM . I f i'lfQeneral and NERVOUS DLBILITY; PV71 4 y I UÊ I ■ I Weaknew of Body and Mina, Cffeots rllllrl kI I llnf Errortor Xxeeiies in Oíd or Tounc, Kobait, Nobl MiMIlKH) fiillj lintnrrd. How tnfnlim Mi ftrengthpnVKAR,lMKVK[,(irr;iKiIt(..lSAI'inTSOFftï. ibtoUttlr anfalllof HOÏ1K TRKATHKM- BDit In df. Uta tMtlfj h-om 50 Sute and Fsrelga ('oaatríci. TTrlte thM. DeiprlptWo Book. iplDtien nd proofa mIÍMl (Míl#d) tr-m AddM ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. Y. C ALESMEII WAWTBD. il L LOCAL OR I' TRAVEL ING. Il to lell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expense Steady Employment guaranteed. CHAME BROTHERS COXPAXT. I SIS 1 SSLsHtlalng Ageney of Mornr N. W. AVER 8OM. ov autborlied agenta


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