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A I CMIMPQ Teaches its students VA LLINIlNt. O a trade and then Marl Snxjrrr CW them in milrmul service rlUULi KJP uend f.r circular TELEGRAPHY !1T;k.ev0ers IlYOU WISH to Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. ever made, like BUái " "KSHHn" derful lamp!" A lamp OSJkJSfej S? absolutrly nonBLá9M3 explosivo and unV#Sívj!JjH8flFy brcakable, which xJ-LJS:"Si gEj gives a oloai soft iSiEfiiMWpMHBjMQ brilliant wliitclight 88&Bi8sï? of 85 candle power! fia&S&SiSr Purer and brighter BmJNar than gas light, softer j===S than electric light, . S. more cheerful than ÏKISïi eitber! Thatlampis TipöBSay "The Rochester." Ko Smokt, Ko Smdl, No Broken Chimneya. Only flve years old. and over two millionsln 11 se. lt must 1)0 a good lamp to muko suen a teil. nu success. Indeed lt 3, for lampa may come an lampa muy aa, but tiie "Rocbester" ebinns oc foreverl Over ',000 niliHtic vanetiCBIlanginK and Table I.amps, Banquet and Study, Vase and Piano l.amps- evory kind, In Bronze, Torcelain, Hrass, Nickel and Ulack Wrouttht Iron. Ask tbo lamp dealer for lt. Look fnr tbe tradc-. mark stamp: "The Rochkstkh." Ifhihasnt the eeauinc Rocbester and the style you want. or If there ia no lamp-store near, send to us direct for free illustrated catalogue (and reduced prlcolist), and we will box and send you auy lamp safel; by express, right to your door. ROCHESTEIt LAMP CO., 43 Park Place, New York. Maimtaet urers, and tole OimetoJRochfrter Patenté The Laroext famv Ston In llu V WE. ARE NOW OPEN READY FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW QUARTERS No. 32 E. nuron Street, with a largo Stock of NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS of all Kinds of Household Goods, Furntture, Car pets.stoves. Harnea. Farm Implements, &c. Also a full line of Tinware. Goods Bought Sold and Exchanged. Many goodsjust as Rood as new for half price. Come aud see J". S. TsEASSSTJsr, NO. 32 E. HURON ST. - - Ann Arbor. GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1878. S.Iaker&Cö.'s Di8aKï8SI Gocoa from which tho exoess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more económica!, costing less than one cent o cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adaptcd for invalida as woll as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers evorywhero. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. L"4oo33:'s Oo-fctcwï. Koot Bffimb compound ■ layromnosod of Cotton Ror.t, Tansy and %s_í IVnnyroyal- a recent discovery by an Cokl physician. Is successfuUy uacd monthty- Safe, Êffectual. Price $1, by mail, Bealed. Ladies, ask your drucsist for Coolt's Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Address POND LIÏ.Y COMPANï, No. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mloh. LOÖSPSIXTRAÜÏ uur OloverIlossoi Female Weakness Sores, Ulcer, Tumors Abscesses, Hlood PoisoninB, Salt Bheum Catarrh, Erysipelas, Kheumatism anl 1 ISlood and Skin Diseases. Price %i. per Pin Bottle. or 6 Bottles for 85. I Ib can Solid Extra 62.50. J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. soid bv aii druggists.


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Ann Arbor Register