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BUSINESS CARDÖ. p E. WILLIAMS, Attorney at l.w, Milán, Mlch. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal usiness given prompt attention. A LEX. W. HAMILTON AttornTatLa. W.ll rracticein both State and United Staei Oourts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst flooi A the new briek block, corner of Hurón and Fom i Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK iTsTÖRAGE. Now we are ready with a New Brick Storchouse for the Etorage of Households, Pianos, Books and Stoves. Pianos and Fornitura carefully moved. All kindsof Heavy and Light draying. FRKIOH r WORK. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telewbone 82. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalízed Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, And all felnrts of worfc In connectlon wltb lie boye promptly esccated. - Shop Cr ofChu-ch-st and S üniversity ave. Teleptone : P. O. Box 1248. MARY F. MILEY'S ART EMBRQ1DERY AMD STAMPING ROOMS. All Materials for Fancy Work constautly on Hand. Zephyrs, Yarn. Germantown „Wools, Canvas. Felts, etc. Agent for the P. D. Corset. MART F. JIII-KÏ. ko. 20 E. WasblnEton-8t., Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN'S INSURANCE BUREAU No. 67 E. Hurón St., Ann iVrfoor. o Oldest agency in the city. Established nearly half a century, and representing over flfty mil11 on of assests. Home Ins. Co., Of N. Y 8,931.160 Continental 5'21'' Niágara 2,490,654 Girard, of Pa - 1,482,899 Oriental, of Hartford 1.805,663 Commercial Union Ins. Co., of London,.13,089,277 Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co .18,786,094 Loses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. C. H. MILIiEN. Henry Richards, Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, PBNOB POSTS, MAPLE FLOORING, etc., aleo And all kinds of Plrewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv AGENT FOR THE CBAUFION BINDERS AND tfOWERS, lïo. 9 Detroit St.. Ann Arbor, Mlcb. LUMBER ! LTJMBER ! LUMBER ! you contémplate building oal) at FERDON ram yard Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., ar d get our figures for all kinds oi LUMBEK We manufacture our ovn Lurnbei and qruarantee VERY LOW PRICES. JS-Glve os a cali mul we will make lt Co your lntrest. an oar liirye and vrell Kraded stock fïilly snstalni oar HMscrt (Ion. JAHE8 TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KBECH. Sopt. TfíiT6T!ír 9 CïtP A BRT "P ITOS. S A.JSTI3 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo , Michigan. Have aliavs on hand a complete Stock oi evc th'SRlní &ROCËRY LINE! Teas, Coífees and Sugars AU prime Articles bought for Cash and can sell at low figures. Our irequent large invoices of Teas is a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALJTY AND PRIOE. We roast our own coffees every week. always fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see us. _J& TiOFRST Class Tho LarncBt. Fantest nml Flnet In the World. Pasaenfceraccomodotionsunexcelled. NEW YORK. LONOONDíRRY AND GLASGOW KTHIlHi A. 1M'. 97. I AVCÜUKlA.Jin. 24. CIROSI V. .Tan 1. KTHI IM. Kf-b. 7. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. CAtEDQNIA I ee. m. [TAU, Dec.10. CALIFORNI v. Dec 27. SALOON, CLASS AND STEERAGE IMRCEKUfMlisTliHB IL CMTlitiinL PoiHS. Excursión Tlok ilubleto return by fillitr the Pie un (orto of. Ireland, or ElTerMersey &8oui i of li land.or Naples & Gibraltar. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CS1U.T. DRAFIS ANÜ KONEY URtfERS forany auiuuac at lowest currant ratea. Apply to sny of our local apents, or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JA IIAt'H. Alilll. %P Jflfi ïS" ■■■■■!' ■'-'■ IM--1; Hip. i.t ,,. r.„„ .. tLl il II! fi ■■'■ r ii.mivtlon.wlll wurkimlu.Iriousl . YfHrhith.-ir -u t . Kil M4.% 1i. r. vorllipy Hvc.I wlllaifoftirol ■ the s'-.ummnor.-miilMvm.iK.i M lilth your.n Nim tb.tanioul No mouey fbf munlt-HSMio .t it'ulai Ibove. VumK bdi] q ItMiuad. I dr !■ lut ■ii vvvrkur ftoni ench ilifiriit iitci untv ; have nlrt-a-ly -cuiflit I pruvlded with mpluynirnt I Itiif nuinb-T, wh.i re maklng ovei ) 34KM a rerrwcb. IikM V ..i.l KO3.II. ri.ll urlkolari.FHfeE. Al,lr.„.i ni !'.■. M r ■- a. Aimmta, Mulne. y;M Aove anythiny lo seU, or lo rent; if yon have lost any valuablr thing ; if you have lovnd any valualh Ihiwj] if you want rooms, board, worí, or anytling under the run, adverüxe il in the " Want" column of The Register. "lëgals. Kenl Eslnte l'or N-ilr. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw- ss In the maller of the eMate of William H. Dell. 'lereased. Nutlce is hereby given tbat in pnrsuancc of an ortler (ranted t') the undersigm-'i executorof the la't will and testament of I'.ie taid deceased by the Honorable Judge of Irobatefor the Counly of Washtenaw, on the s xleenth day of December, A. D.. 1890, there will l:e sold at public vendue. to the highest bidder, at the late residenne of s ld deceased on the premises below described in the townshipof Saline, in the Couuly f Wasbtenaw iu said state, on Wednesday, the founh day of February, A. D. 1891. at ten o'clock in the forunoon of that day (subject to all encumbrantes by mortgage or otherwise existing at the fine of the deaih of said deceased the foilowing described real estáte, towit: The norlheast quarter of the rorthwest quarter of section ten (10). Also pari of the west balfof the northeast quarter of said section ten (10); commencing at the north quarter post.thence eouth thirty one (31) chains and thirty (30) links, thence north sixty (60) degrees, east nine (9) chains and twenty-fke C'5) links, thence north three (3) degrees, thirty (30) minutes, westtwentyseven (27) chains twenty-five (25) links, thence north eighty-Feven (87) degrees thirty (30) minutes, west eight (8) chains and feveuty-flve (75) links to the place of beginning. Also commencing In the middle of the Chicago road where the center north and south line of stction ten (10) crosses the said road, and running thence south on said line thirty-three (33) chains, nine (9) links, thence east thiiteen (13) chains. thence north ihirty-six (36) chains end sixteen (16) links to a post, thence sauth sixtythree and 76-100 (63.75) degrees, west twenty-eignt (28) links, thence north nine (9) degrees. west three (3) chains and thirty six (86) üuks to the center of Chicago road, thence s uih sixty-three and 75-100 (63.75) degrees, wesl along the center of said road thirteen (13) charns and sixty flve (6S) links to the place of beginning. All of faid land lying and being on section ten (10) in township four ( 4) south range flve(5) east, Saline, Washtenaw County, Michigan. j JESSE A. DELL. Dited December 16, 1890. 46 Kxecutor. ? . Kotice of Cbancery Salp. In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in Chancery. Jrade and entered on the thirteenth day of October, A. D. 1890, in a certain cause therein pending wherein Dallas Werren, Administrator of the estáte of Hiram Warren, deceased, is complainant and Martin Kerns.Kosina Kerns and John George Kerns, are defendants, Notice is Hereby Given, That I shallsell at public auction orvendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the east main entrance to the Court Houss, in the City of Ann Albor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court of said County), on Wednesday, the twenty-eighth day of January, A. D. 1891, at 10 o'cloek in the forenoon of said day, all those certain tracts or pareéis of land in the township of Salem, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, aud desertbed as lollows, to-wlt: Begiuning at the south-west corner of Section numbereighteeu, in town one south of range number seveu east, running thence north flve chains to a stake in the center of the highway on the town line of Salem and N'orthfield, thence east flve chains to astake from whichan apple tree six inches in dlametei. and being north twenty-eight degrees, west eighty-eight links, thence south five chains to a stake in tho ceuter of the highway, running thence east from the aforesaid fection corner, thence west flve chains in the eeutre of the highway to the place of beginning, contaluing two acres and one half of land, be the same more or less. Also, beginning five chains east of the south-west corner of said section eljjhtoen in said township of Salem and running thence east along the section line in the center of the highway flfteen chains and eleven links to a stake, thence north parallel to the west line of said gection thirty five chains and sixtyfour links to a ttake on the east and west quaiter line from whichabeech tree twenty-four inches in diameter, bearing west 60 degrees east fifty-six links, and sugar maple eighteen inches iu diameter, bearing north twenty-uine degrees, west forty-five links, thence along the quarter line fifteen chains and sixteen links to a. stake five chains and eight links east of the quaiter post in the west line of the section and Irom which a beech tree twentyeight inches In diameter being north five degrees, east seventy-five links, and white oak tree thirty inches in diameter being north thirty-eight degrees, west ninety-uine links, thence south parallel to the west line of seclion twenty niue chains and eighty-four links tqa stake from which an apple tree six inches in diameter being north twentyeight degrees, west eighty-eight links, thence west eight links.thence south five chains to the place of begiuning, containing fifty-three acres aud twtniy one hundredths of an acre, be the same more or less. Dated this teuth day of December, A. D., 1890. Patkick McKernan. Circuit Oourt Commissloner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Sawyer & Knowlton, Solicitora for Complainant. ConinilssioiicrH' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 County of Washtenaw, J6 s' The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commlssioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demandsofallperson8 ogainst the estáte of lorenzo Sawyer, late of said County, deceased, hereby give notice thutsix months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Credltors to presen t their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meel at the store of R. S. Armstrong in the Village of Chelsea. in said County, on Wednesday the 25th ilay of Febrnary, and on Monday, the 'Jbih day of May, next, at ten o'clock a. M. ol each of said days, to receive examine and adjust said claims. Dated Nov. 25. 1890. MICHAEL J. NOYES, j -„.i-,,ROLLA s. AliMSTROXG, } Commissioner?. Probate Xotice. STATE OK MICHIGAN,! County of Washtenaw, j ■ At a sefsion of the Probate Court fcr the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the iiist day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety. Precent, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Proliatc. In the matter of the estáte of William H. IUce1 deceased. On leading and filing the petition.duly verifietl, of Sarah E. Rice. praying that administration of said estáte may be granted to herself and Ralph Rice, or somc other suitable person. Thertupnu it is ördered, That Mouday, the 29th day of December instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition. and that tho heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a íession of said Court, Uien to be holden at the Probate Ollice in the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it ís furtner Ordcrcü, that said petitioner give notice 'to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and. the hearing thereof, by causlng a eopy of this order to be published iu the Ann Arbot Rf.cistkb, a ncwspaper printed and circulated in said couuty. three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. Judge of Probate. f A true ropy] ÏÏH. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 35


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Ann Arbor Register