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NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 1891. The Tui-iir and tlio Farmer. ROSWELL G. HORR, OF MICHIGAN, The wittiest, brightest and most luccemful of Repubücau campaign or&lort, long a merober of Cougresa, sound and safe as a legislator and a thorough Protectionist, bas been engaged by 'llie New York Tribune to help flglit the battlelorProtection during the coming year. Every issue oí Th Weekly Tribune will contaln extended explanations of tbe new Tariff aud ihe advantages of Protection, polut by pc int. Mr. Horr will also invite from the public and will answer qttestions or phases of the Tariff which perplex the miad of the people. Sofarasother dutieswill permlt, he will airo address Katheringsof Farmers thls winter (Institutes, clubs, etc.) as the representativo of The . Tribune, concerning the Tariff. Thoe who ish Mr. Horr to address them sbould communicate at once with The Tribune. Young Men wlio wUli to Succcetl. Many a man feels the lacle of early dire ction of hls energlet and early Inculcatlou of the maxima whieh promote character and success In af ter life. Every such man would gladly see the young inen of to day botter guided than ue was. The Tribuno has plannad the followiug artlcles, whieh will appear ín this paper oitly: Wint hall I Do? By 8. S. Packard, President of Fackard's Busines College. NuïkoIIoiii for llie Bojs on Ilie Farm who are Ambllloua. Ity the I'.uu. J. 11. lirigham, Master of the National (ïinu -. Kducntton nilliout the Heli t a College. By President C. K. Adanis, of Con Hl. A 'unlIiiiiHiloii or "Uiv to lln Fortuue.' By Andrew Carnrgie, who-ii" rem&rkable artielo of lst pring was so f uil of enconragemetit to poormen. Ifliiltlpliclty of Paylne OcoiipafSona In tbe Inited State. By the ilon. Carroll D. Wright. A Talk AVI til American Boys. By P. T. Barnmn. of Itridgeport. Conn. Iiramrl. ■ In llie llls(ry ot ournwii Country. By Gen. A. S. Webb, the gallaut soldier. Importanc of Good ITIannerx. The views of Ward JlcAllister. A College Kducallon good for all; wliat la best for Iliose who caimot eet II. By President William l'epiwr, Uoiversity of Ptjnngylrania. The Tribune will print from week to week wellconsidered answers to any aurslinna bv youuj men or women, in any part of the couuti y. Viiul Topic or tlio Iij . Preaent Needs and Future Scope of American Aurlrnliure. By the limi. Ji-reiniah Kurk. Proper Fnnctlons of tlie ITIInorlt) In I.eslslatlon. By tb IIuu. Julius C turro, Kalamazoo. Vlllnse Imprortnitnt Asnrlatln, thlrirartl'ahllli) In Uu rul I)llrl l, wltn tli Mory of cerlaln .tlodi 1 IIltn. By the Ilon. B. G. Koi turop, of CUnloo, Conn. Principie In Politics and tbe Vli-iiie of Couragt, By the Ilon. James B, C'lai Ukou, of Iowa. Influence of tbe Iabor .iliitniirnl npon HomtnPro{ri, By Smuel (ionipers, President of the American ïetieraiiun of Labor. Amerlca'a Subarban and Rural Homes. By fléorge Palis.r, of New York. Warebouses for Farm Prodttn. Py L. L. Polk, President of the Katlonal Farmrra' AJliance. Glaclers of tbe (nltrd States. Py Professor Israel C. liuwtell, Kxploierof Alaika. Ollicr I'ralurci. Durin 1S91 Th Tribun will print a vmhurM series uf artioles bv its owm traveíu k i'orrpspomtent, on tlieagriculture of the Üsltrd M.-.ies, wiiL explaoatious of m, number of inoriel furuis. A practical farmer U now in y raí ce , visitittR the farms and farm-building of tht ttiriftit ft the agricultur&l nations of tlie woi ld, iïe wiil roport upon the dairy. erain, utock and other branches or gronolifármingin illustratídarticVs. Mr. Annio Vittnruyer, President of the Wnman's Relif Corp% will conlribute a column ot notes nnd news to Tuo Tiibuno's O. A. K. page every neek. AdmirabU letters of travel in the So'itlwra States i 1 1 ti -r r ucd, will be printed The HotiiB Oircle columns willlte variad hy itlustrated artioles on d-coration, fanhions atul müJtwts of lntciiss interet to women. Writlen tor peoplo wit.h litttft iliflf, Mrs. Biyar.iTav ' r, the widow of Bayard Tylor, wil! wrile arUcle on Cix.kery. She Is a remarkable ImttsAkeeper. Foreign Isttnrs, ïxd stnns, the neits of the dav. toabMCol mai kt rep rts, book reiiens and literary iibw-, witty jokpR, etc. rtr. Tho Tribune Is printed in largo type and brnad columns, and Is the saaiMt paper to raad in tho oountry. Premliira. Premium r.ít for 18Í11, coiiiainingmaurnew and uful nrtk-l-ï, will bo sent lo any pplièaDt free The Weekly, $1.00 a year; free for the rest of 1890. Smtii-woeklv. S2.00; freo for tlie reu of 1690. Dailv. (in.on. Snnday Tribune. Si.00. Iribuno Muuthly, 5-. '. BamptAooptM free. Ths I KiKi-MT., New York. BRING YOUR MAGAZINES TO THE REGISTER BINDERY and have thpm Bound fcefore some of the nuiubfirs are lost. B All work dona i" First-Class order


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