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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitlsemenbi, such u To Rent, For Sala and Wants, not excceding threo lines, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WA1STEU. WANTED. IMMIDIATELT-Tvo or three good Girli, to do general housework. Inquire at Mra. Snyder's, No. 7 Myuard It W ASTEO- An Agent to sell Jl&jr's (,'ough Syrup, well Introducid, Good Pay, Ldy or Gentleman. Inquire for M. C. Reeve, Room 3, 3d floor, Hamllton Block. 38 FOB HALE. [7OR8AL.E- Farm for sale or exen ange for city JT properly. Inquire at M Thompsonst, 42 POR NA i.E CM AP - ATPhaeton-almost F new. Inquire at this office. 39 FOK MLR OK 667 acre farm. Good buildings, near depot- 60 m. to Washington, JlOperacre. Addresa Ü.O. BuntlDg, Guineys, Caroline Co., Va. 49 L'OK HouseañdTot In sroodïocatlon. V Address N. G., this office. 33tf L"1"" na I.E "or KKXT- Several good r huus-j-s i 11 central pa.t of the city. One well adapted for sudeuts' society house. Knquire of J. (J. a .-'esions, Atty., No. 5 N. Maiu-st. tf L OK NAL.K- 60 Acre farm, 4]4 miles from f city with milk business, together or separate, or wlll exchange for small house and lot for part )ay. P.O. box 1876. A. F. Hmith. FOB REXT. FOK One very deslrable Suite, with south exposure - heated by stove. ALvo, a deUgntful Ingle Room, heated by furnace, at 25 E. l.avrence-st. 37 L?oii BENT- Two Flats, and several suites of F rooms, in the new Sager block, 20 S. Ktalc-st. Inquire at 18 S. State. 281 1 ■ MCELIiASEODW. FOC. D- On the eve. of the 28th of December, a blackand tan Dog ; owner can have him by provins Droperty an.l paying ibrtliis "ad." Inquire at Moors & Taber' book store. 39 irioit rent- Two BUlte or well ftin F rotims. -juli:;s C"imI) BABW for Bale-16x2i. No. 18 Mui - ITro 88 Vvi r tltl.i: PATENT PKOPKKTÏwlll be traded for ReHl Estáte or Stocks, or sold . F. B. Broek, 7ö Atlantic Building. WasibIngton, 1. C. 3s DYIvlXi, ('leuning mul Repalring Clothes neatly dono by Mrs. I. M mjaby, -i X. Fiftli-st. 9 lowest and most fustMi ua work. 11 ÏrOB Ai.i. kim-, oí pi ti sewlng, cali at ' 48 S. Twelfth-tt. i;utiing and Fitting a Specialty. UslKKMUAI. nn,l,s Back w heat Flour, the best in the wor'd If your grocer does not keep it in stock, send your order to the mil!. AllmrndlDgei i Schneider. 28if Nt. N!AIKI(KI I1H KIIMION AKN . Sample prices: Harper's Monthly. $(l ó Weekly or Iirizar,i3.3ï: Century, 3.65; 3t Nlchulas. 2.65: Fnrum. $4.26; Weekly Free Press, - ,85; Ladies' Home Journai. S 90. W. W. Keman 19 South Fifth 81 . Ann Arbor. Hi:l. desiroua of living naar the Dulvi 1 I offer in exchange for a residence in the City of Aun Arbor, afine ii"mein theenterprising ciiy of BattleCreek, beau'ifully and convonientiy located (011 JefTersoD-st, 19V nnd worth liout 8,0O0. Address or cali on Ru&ull C. Keeve, Dexter, Mich. 301 f ! THE MEHLIN PIANO. 1 1 ï Very Hlghest Grade. j) ALLMEND1NGEK PIANO AND ORGAN CO., j General Agenta. JNiinwoüDMinroMnnonmniinDaJi [TheMehlin Piano] Mkeits Examinatïon. f allmendinger piano and organ co. f f General Agents. f -THE MEHLIN PIANO Prices Reasonable. Quality Ilighest. 1 ALLMENDIXGER PIANO AND ORGAN Oeneral Agents. HllllllllllllllWHHIIIMIIIIilllHIIIIIII tl ::!litmit!!il]h!riimiiiiH. jÍtHE MEHLIN PIANo do not let prejudlce prevent an Examination.ji ALLMENDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO., Á General Agent. ]t i i 1 1 i i ■ i i ■ i I t i i t t i i - ■ ■ t r ■ T t 1 1 - - ] '- The Mehlin Piano! EYERY KNOWN IXPJtOrtJMBlT. ALLMENDINGER HAiïO AND ORGAK CO. è-.x General Ayent. Jjí goococoocooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -TÏLE MEHLIN -j g AIXMKNDINGEE PIANO ORGAS CO., Gr. WluiUsale and Retail Agent, g i Ann AitBoK, Micit. 000000000000000 M wow lS MEKLIH PÏANo!]] jj Qnaiantced 91x1 } IAN CO., ({ The Meh I (t ! ÏGAN CO.,;""3 f, dit ' i, t, . ; (, ■', i, i. i


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