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The LK'Xtcr la'lT ir.-:ribe Motie pile forthe tramp liften. In the B' are enrolle! 141 pupil, fiftv une of whoin are in t e high school. Dr. Ruu-ay.of !. r i , wiil help ilie South Lon" .e.dicute lbir new eliureb. The Ntin..l Loan mul Ii.v. m-i.t Company h.ive oigtniz -l u local I rl in Maneneetnr. It i said lUa' win.l was o lnu'li Jast weck o i ai'öouut 0,f 'hu MKinl.y bill.- CheW-ii Standard. The Luthewna of Wliittakwr have subscribe.) $700 or$800 for a newrlmnh to be built there uex mm". Eev. BurtU tt, of Saline, delivered u poem, ñatead of a sern , ! ■ recent nnion iiieeiiuü of the chnrcliet). The M hm h ster Entefprine wonder why tha farmer of thia part of the country do not undertak.-ielery raising. Fred Heinintrer, of Saline, is now sans thninb. His Iihm.I iw in tact with b haw ia tbe mili of Simm & Reeve. Swear off - you prorniiu.! and promieil, now brin tl'-1' wod. Oikland Excelsior. - Some wod and -unie wood nol. The D.jxter Leader h ia been ■ hanved froui au eight-polumn f i'io Ui fiv uolnmnquarto. It. looks very nie in its new Bbapt. Mon De is overrun with chii-kcns. Nearly a tho-ïsarni hive been '-:i tered at ihe S.nt li.rn Mi.-hig in p nltry asbibitioi). A Chelaea lady, Mr?. Sorgaar.), pui lier hand into h kettle of ioilint; .-. ltt ■--. The band was cooked and u.isiliec ne of mii' li fuffíi In the Methodiui Suoday S.-: ooi nf South Lyon ihereisone itny l.. itu notthiuk biiui'elftooold for euub i biiiK. Hia yer numbw 80. Tbe Saline school biard has enpaged W. Ñ. Lister, of YpsiUnti, au principal and Mr-i. 8. E. McCorab, ol Grand Kapids, up prteeptrew The hyper-modeat jjirl, of GraHS Lak, declines' t' leave the house in winler time the trees all stand uut ■with bare limhs and naked tiiiuk-. Pihaw! A North Lakc granner aays the fl owingis acheap way of keepingstock in a good condition: Givetbemall thenood etraw, either wheaior oats, and a "protuise" of a puil ofoatsat tlienext feeding time. JHuiiry Irke, and wife, of Lyhdon, recenily celebrated their golded wt-dding. KepreeentatiTea of four t"iierations were prefierit. The fombinfd Hgtts oftheseveu oldest persona at the tn ner table was 960 yeare. Last week five of Salinu's oldest mm dents paew-il awny. Th ey were the fol lovcing: Mre. Marcia Bnrronhs oftril 68; .Mr. C. A E Culver. afW I 6(1; Williarn Diinn, agnd 83; Mrs. Rheinfrank, uxed 80; Mr?. Hmrit-t Sangre.', agtd 57. The Washtenaw Lode F. & A M , "f Dexter, haselected the 'olio wing uffitvt.-: 3. W. Spoor, W. M.; C. V. Stebliin, S. W.; CbM. K. Coy. J. W ; H. M. Idc, Treaeurer; L.C Hodinan, -ecretary; A. Lathrop. S. D.; E Ejve, J. D.; R. Sleator, Steward; P. Sackett, Stewar(; John Joy, lyler. A tourse of lecluras will be jiveii in Dexter by the C. M. B. A. The fo'lOTTing ure the ppeakerc: Rev. Iouis Cook; C. S. S. K., Wrdnesdhv, Januarv J4 Rev. M.J. Dowling, S. J., WedneAlav. Jantiary 28; Et Rot. 3. S. Foley: D. IJ. Thumlay. Fehruary 19; Rev. P. Couner, C S.C., Wednesilay, March4. The Chelsea " letsons " are attrarting considerable attention. They breathethe right spirit.- Register. Several moreappear in this issue. líe. d them, and teil us if you can see any thing good in the ialoun. Also yn, Christian (so ralled) what would you Ihink of Cniist if you saw him enler a Baloou touet a drink? -Chelsea Standard. Meridian chapter Ni. 4S R. A M., (,f Manchester, have ele:ted the foliowina officers: H. P., J. H. Kiogüley; K , 1'. !'. Blosser; S., Frank Spafard; Cap. of H., Mat.'.D. Blosser; P. S., E. M Conkiin; U. A. C, Fred Spafard, M. 3d V., Sun'l McCord; M. 2nd V., A. G. Cape; M. l-i V., G. J. Haeusslei; Treasurer, J. D. VanDuyn; Secretary, J. A. Goydyear; Sentinel, S. Hammon. The authorities of the Univeisily fiave been making inqniries as to the whereabouts of alumni that have Irarn lost track of in recent yearx, for record, and mie of the gradúate of the Uw deparlment haa been located. He ;n öanged at San Francisco, Cal., in IKS-, for murdsr. His name wa Llnyd I. Majors. - Ypgilanti Seniiut!. Jauloua brother, why o raeau in thy l i' :he University? Interextingexerci.sea ere hel.l at die ffethodist charch, Dexter, on New Year'sere. They conaiated of a maimwl nd hterary program, followed by lovefea8t, communion and a watch meeting. Among the f„-atnres of the program were several selections by the male quartette, and interesting talks by Dr. T. J. Ritter on "Temperance," and on "Elementa of Suctvfs" by R. C. Reeve Recitations were renderéd by Misse Anna Wallace, Cora Reeve and Miss Smith. A yerv interesting feature, not in the program, was the presentation to Mr. McMahon, by Dr. Ritter, in behal of tbe society, of a handsome study chair and to Mrs. McMahon, by Alfred Divis inbehalfof her Sunday-school class of sbible holder and n Oxford bible - Ueiter Leader. A farmer in the state of Wyoming jaised this season 947 bushelsof potatoes on a single acre of land. He soki them ror S714 and also won a prize of $500 offered. by a New Vork paper for the biggjsj acre of potatoes in the United States. It was a íremendous erop. If be had only raised one fourth as much, or 243 bushels to the acre, it would have been a better paying business than any mercantile or manufacturing enterprise done on the same capital. We believe anskilled but careful and energetic farining will average such a ield, whilo s man of skill will put it up to 400 bush els an acre. A farm conducted on tha basis would be a steady gold mine, and unlike a gold mine be erowins more


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