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NEW Wn'KKTisKMF.NTS. PARiKER'S HAIR BA!,SAM IBH Cleanses and beau tifies the ha ir. ''"■ JBeTer Fails to Restore Qrjy I 'W "ÏBSSa Halï to il? Touthful Color, f, i ,-. "'. -JmËgB Cures scalp diwiises & hair falliiiir. 5? fit'camïgl m a Druirts t te Parker 's Ginder Tcrtie. it en res the worüï Cough, Weak Limga, Debility, Indigestión, PaiD,Take Lntfme.SOcto. HENDERCOrïNS. The on] rCotTw. Stopi all puin. 15c at ruggist9, or HiüCUX & CO., N. Y. ff%UM ttk RNESS & HEA9 R0I5ES CUflEDbj Mita Zft Rp ■"' INVI8UÍLK TÜBUUB EAR ñrtiMf. SiirpraiifiiiirhcrffallKvmMliMrftll. SoIdhyF.HISCOX. lj, &wa lir'UwAj, Aew Kurk. Write fr toook UÍ pi-vgb t'KÜ. OFALLPtASXLRS ,S i'ur :ii.i..y years used and pre- J Tjscribcd by Physicians, but only Ziecently jntretclueed generally. RJ ADR.GROSYENOR'S SgT peleaP'Sics RJ PLASTERS. T E?) The best Porous Piaster madeSQ ?!'rr'! aclies,pains and weak 1 'laces.) p SUnlike other piasters, so be sure(tí Band get the genuine with the pic-P . picture of a bell on the back-dotn.)""" I EsC'Kosvf.nor & Richards, Boston.tR BOIUNG WATER OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMrORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TiNS ONLY. (VhenBab; v,.-.-. .-,.:.. i. ,_.■■ her Castoria. WheD she waa a Ctiikl, she cried for Castoria 7h. -h.' li -a:n" Miss. she clung to Castoria. (Vht -ie had CSiildren, she gave thom Castori 7 y mHË' piuii-'rs are easily cñrniiifr from SS to ll.IInllctt ().,HuiS!.jillauil,)lulno THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR w! !" 8- j [ ■ A .EL jLnnk JLsst' V=? !■ Sait Rheum, Eczema, Wounds, Burns, Sores, Creup, Bronchitis, Etc, FÏÏ3CE 50 CENTS. Send ihreo two-oent stamp3 for free sample bos and book. TAR-OID SOAP ABSOLÜTELY PURE, FOR MEDICINAL, TO1LF-T. BATH AND NURSERY PURPt&ES. TAE-OID CO., Chicago, IU. B A pamphlet of Information ör" H.straot of the laws, Showiux Hovr toffif V 'SïtJcw Vork. J-áfiffjjw THE FIGURE '9." The figure 9 in our dates will raako a long etay. No man or woraan now living will ever date c iocuraent without using the figuro 9. It standf In the third place in IS90, wbere it will remain ter years and then movo up to secoud place in 1000 where It will rest for ono b.undred years. Thereisanother"9n which has nlso como toetay It Ís unlike the figure 9 in our dutes Ín the respee1 that it has already moved up lo first poe, when It will permanently remain. It is called the "No Ö" High Arm Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine The "To. 9" was eudorsed for flrst place by th experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of 18fÖ where, af ter a severe contest with the leading m:i chines of the world, it was awardod tho onl? Grand Prize given to family scwing machines, il others on eshibit having reoetved lower uwanh of gold mcdals, etc The French Government also recognized ïtssuperiority by thodecorutionof Mr. Kathanil Wheeler, President of the compauy with the Cross of the Legión of Honor. The "No. 9" la not an old miichine improved upon, but is an entirnly new machino, and Iho Grand Prize at Pnris was awarded it as the grand estadvanco in BOWIur machine mecnunism of the age, Those who buy it cun rost aseured, therotore, oí having tbc vory latest aud best. WHEELER & WILSON IVFFG OCX, 185 aud 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago L iSold by H. STABLEK, - II W. Toledo, Ann Arnor & Nortb Mícüigan Ry. lime Table going into effect October 12, 1890. Woing North. Golng South. ■ T. ai STATIONS. 5 Cadl Ciar. Man. dar. CadI' Man. Malí Ex. Exp. Exp. Mail' Exp. A. M. P. H. A. M. p M p M 6 00 3 80 Lv...Toledo.. .Ar i ío'll 15 . 6 05 3 36 ..Manhattan J'n.. i 05ll 10 6 40 4 02 Monroe Junct'n 12 25 10 30 6 47 4 10 _ Dundee 12 1610 22 7 C8 4 31 Milán n 57 10 02 7 27 4 55 Pittsfleld 11 37 9 40 7 40 5 07 Aun Arbor... n 25 9 26 - 7 65 5 25 Leland's n 12 9 10 Worden's „ South Lyons... „, ? JU f 5 Hamburg 10 55 8 50 8 22 6 01 Hamburg Tu... 10 48 8 40 8 50 6 28 Howell J'n.... 10 25 8 20 8 56 6 32 Howell 10 21 8 17 9 40 7 35 Durand 9 40 7 20 " 8 45 Kast Saginaw.. 8 10 5 60 }0 20 8 10 Owosaso 8 55 6 30 10 25 8 15 Owosso J'n.... 8 46 6 22 H 80 9 12 Ithaca. 7 45 5 18 12 00 9 27 St. Louis 7 2S 6 00 12 45 9 85 Alma. 7 23 1 4 55 P. M. A. M. P. M. 1 25 10 13 7 00 ...Mt. Pleasaot... 6 45 4 16 45 1 67 10 45 7 88 Clare 6 15 8 40 80 3 85 9 20 Cadillac 10 85 6001 4 2o 10 00 Harrietta }o 00 5 20 f! Jü .....Copemfah !! i 8 65 4 20 6 22 11 40 ...Onekama J'n 7 40 9 55 7 00 12 SB Manistee.. I ZZ 7 10 2 15 6 35 i 00 Frankfort 6 55 2 All passenger tralns run daily except Sunaay Conneetionsat Toledo with rallroadsdiverglng At Manhattan Junction wlth Wheelíng& Lat?5i E. R. At Alexis Junetior witb M C P R IR wí.ZLV1' A' Monro Janction M. B.. and M. ,k O. Ry. At Müan with W., 8fc L. I P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with h. 8. A M. 8 H'y , o "IVA,rbor wíth Michigan Central R. R., ana era K R aud U. T. Br. At Ashley wlth the Toledo, -iasmaw & riisnecou raüway. t i"'.Alr.&N' Ry run through coach from Toledo to East Saginaw and return on each train Po chango of ears between Ann Arbor and East ITwTashisí-, a. j. paisley, Superintendent, Uen. Passenger Aeont. GE ). H. H.VZLEWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. Michigan CMEMM " The Niágara FallsRoute." " CENTKAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Going East. Going West. Mail 4.42 p. m. 9.43 a. m. Day Exprets 5.29 p. m. 8.57 a. m, NorthShoreLimitedt C30p. m. 10.19 a. m. Chicago Expressf 2.19 p. m. N. Y. & Lim. Exf 9.45 p. m. Night Express 6.05 a. m. Evening Express 8.58 p. m. Atlantic Expressf 7.50 a. m. Pacific Expressf 10.30 p. m. Grand Rspids Ex 11.00 a. m. 5.55 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Satarday. + Daily. O. W. RÜGGLES H. W. HAYE3. Q. P. & T. A. Chicaeo. Aí't. Ann Arbor. Wheeling and Lake Ere THE NEW THROUGH LINE BETWEEN TOLEDO AND S0WERST01T, STEÜBE1T7ILLE, MAEIETTA. I THROUGH COACHES BETWEEN Toledo & Marietta. TIJROUGH SLEEPERS IiETWEEN P1TTSBÜRGH and CHICAGO, AND DA Y COACHES BETWEEN TOLEDOand PITTSBURGH, Vla Akron. Cuyahoga Falls, Kent, Ravenna, Leavittsburg, Warren, Nlles, Girard, Youngstewn, New Castle and Allegheny. The ONLY LINE running through "BEAUTIFULZOAR." A. G. BLAIR, JAS. M. HALL Traffic Manager. Grn. Pass. Agent ifYou Have CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCHorCOLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTINCof FLESH, Ov any fiisease ichere the Throat and l.untjs are Infiamed, Lack of Strength or Xerve Fowert you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURECODLBVEROIL Wlth Hypophosphitea. Palatablc as Milk. Aëh for Scott'g Emulsión, and let nc explana! ion or solMIaHon induce you ia accept a suhstitute. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & BOÏÏHE, Cñemists, S. Y. & Mitchell'sKidney Piaster J -J Absorb all dlseaso in the Kidncys aif 1 'y p reBtorethcm toaher.:;h':onii;'.ioii I m" Olii chronic kidney I ,:rcrcr-3 sJ I 1 they got no relief nnt:l V. -; tril "I k:tciii,l's kt:;: v I'i.aí.te:: i. St-'(lbyrm!?r1t!iovprywhiT'ï, -rs''iitl y rr.-' '"".'. Nuvclty fiatt-r Worlts, Lovvel), Mus.


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