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Z Michigan, Houghton Michigan Mining School PA State School of Surveying. Mining. Elecírical and Mechanical Engineering. Physics, Chemistry. Assaying, Ore Dressing. Mineralogy, Petrography, Geology, Drafting, Machine Design, etc. Tuftion free. For catalogues and Information address M. E. Wadswobth. A. M., Ph. D., Director. The IVIajority Of so-callel cough-cures do little more Üian Impair the digestive functions and créate btle. Ayer's Cfoerry rectoral, on the contrary, wliile it cures the cough, does not iuterfere witli the functions of either stomaeli or llver. No other medicine is so safe and cflicacious In diseases of tlie throat and lungs. "Four years ago I took a severe cold, whieh was [ollowed by a terrible cough. I was very stek, and oonflned tomy bed about four munths. 1 employed a physlelan most of the time. who fmally said Iwas in consumptlon, and that ho could not help me. One of my nelghbors advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and, bcfore I had flnlshed taking the fust bottle was able to sit up all the time, and to go out. By the (toe I had flnlshed the botfle I was well, and have remained so ever since."- L. D. Bixby, Bartonsville, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRBPAEED BT DE. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mas. Sokl Ly all Druggista. PriceSl; Bix bottles, 5. GO WEST! VIA THE TO LL P0IXT3 IN Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico Arizona, Oregon and California. GEO. E. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., sS Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. ÍTHE CREAT Germán Remedy.f gïRÜTHSFORTHESIGK. ■H Fr thiisc. (ieathlrl $1,000 will b paidl lllniliousSpellsrlepenïl fora caso whr8SUL- ilonSrbPircuBirrBK riiUR Bittbes willjt Hit will cnre you. ' ïotassist or cure. It CT tL,.m,.,i..t,i,"-'i"' V HthattircdandaUfione cieanse fie Titiatcdna Mfeeling; H to, usc hlood wtwvn you secl IHSm-VHUB BITTEBS ; its impurities burst-f Hit iflll cure yoa. :Djrtlirogb the skin! ■""oiiëraTwësThrë B limpies, BIotclies.B Mcloa cornea 'S "dSo. Itoly on ESthe milis and F!' 'ÍLTT Jm'E nshops;clerkB,wlio('.o Í""1 b(5alth wU1 iol Ijlnot procure enfficient aBanaBBBIll Moxercise, nnd all who SljXInuIL isITtersÍ ■lareconflnodindnoro, ,Ti!1 cure LiverCom-Hi ■Ishonld use SutPHUB ,.ünt. Dont be dlg.HI ■SiSbeiiS rascdi itwiUcures IMsickly. ' "" V If tou do not wlsli ,íí!;,I'1'I,IV'RniTTER5M to euirerfrom w!1' h"llrt T UP anil atism, use a bottlo of make you strongandKÏ Suli'hue Bitters ; "calthy. H itncTcrfailstociire sulpiiur BittersIJI lïouTbe without L will make yoirr blood n S''bottle. Try it; you iuro,ridi and will not reére it. ""l 3"r lesh hard. I "TndïeTTTiëÏÏü Try 60LFHUR BIT-I I health, wlio are all FEBS to-night, amll 1 rundown, phould use Tou will sleep well I Sülpiutr BTTTBB8. anti feel hettcr forit. t Do you want the best Medicíil Work published? 8end 3 2-rcnt stamps to A. P Ordwaï & Co Boston. Mass.. and receivo a copy, free. ..LUo , 'JLATOR MENSTRÜATION O MONTHO VS'JKNtaS Ir TKVEN DUR'.WS C,ri.WCiï. 0V VïtGRÏ.KT OKHGti ',S:.aBEAMnffitQ jBOOK T _:- MAUEDfREE BRADFIELD RE': 1 ATLANTA GA. SOLDBY V. K. EBEKBAflI. ' ancel'sSpecific' CURES frroMN liïtiIiiT, KxhniiMiinn. Prcmnture Oc tfty, i.'ui:iiil ir Tuint Impoieuey, and AU WVAK:ris ii froru ovor-taxation of miiid or body. MEN SnfTftiiuj! trom V.o Piscases anti walrneas thftt havo ririu tu yttuthfülimpmdenoe can rclvou aspeedyauil permanent restoratioii to bcalth and liapplness. l'rice, S'UO hv iiiiiü Hccurcly mciiIimI. J TTTK SPECIFTC is prpparod from thoprcscrlption o an oli ande [perlaaced piiyHician.andmaybert'lied on as a reniedr acqiialed In effleacy, and wo tbori-fnr rcommpud it to the notieo of the Medical Proftaswn Otncralljf. oiÖce and taboratory Manctl'g Speclflc, 13 E. 30th St.. New York iry. fiiiiüüjiio íií;úLuU!i ' onu l y tírne i?' vcrv. pt%íI i "..... ■ uveliy JL'lüktur 'orlut uwumm.


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