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Mrs. Charles Smith was the guestof Mrs. H. W. Robinson, January 9. The infant child of H. Wagner has been very sick, but is better at this writitag. There is to be a donation party at the church, January 21st for the benefit of Rev. S. Bird. Rev. S. L. Calkins, of South Lyon, preachts at the Methodist church next Sunday morning. H. W. Robinson, our old and reliable merchant of this place, was in Toledo the 7th and 8th of this month purchasing groceries to repleniah his choice stock of groceries now on hand. Mrs. D. Davies, of Ann Arbor, was the guest of H. W. Robinson's people January 12. Katie Pfeifle spent Saturday and Sunday with Mary Robinson, of Leiand, and the latler made ii ilying visit over to South Lyon on the S. L. & N. R. R. Mason Whipple is suffering from sciatic rheumatism. The grangers will meet at W. Dancer's on Friday the23dfor installation of officers. Christian Trinkle had the inisfcrtune to break his leg while felling a tree last Friday. There was a large attendance at the P. of I. meeting last Saturday evening. There will beanother meeting on Saturday of thia week, Rev. J. H. Mclntosh preached at Lima Center last Sunday, and Mr. and Mra. F. Cooper, of Chelsea, are holding meetings here this week. An old pioneer of this town died Thursday the Sth at 3 p. m.- Mrs. Denison R. Jenks, aged seventy-nine years. The funeral was held at her homeoccupied by hersince 1842. Tpsilanti. Mrg. Chas. Ferrier and son Harry have gone south to spend the rest of the winter. O. M. Norton, an ex-bardware merchant of this city, has decided to lócate in Lansing and resume business. Mrs. W. B. Clark, of Hurón street, a well known and greatly respected lady, died Saturday morning of peritonitis. Rev. Mr. Williams, of Chicago, a sonin- law of Armour of that city, has declined a cali to the Congregational church of this city. Ourcitizens object to having the Ann Arbor & Yysilanti cars loaded down with a mob of half drunken boys and men on Sundays. This eeemed" to be decidedly the state of afi'airs on Sunday. Mrs. Prof. Lodeman will give a talk on the "Mannen and Customs in Germany" next Friday evnning, in the parlors of the Ladies' Library A-?sociaiïon. Mrs. LodemaD's Ufe abroad has given her ampie opportunity to gather much interesting material on the subject. The dismissal of Prof. Bellows from the Normal by the board has met with disapproval on all sides. The citizens as well as thestudents feelthat the loss ofeuch an inptructor as Prof. Bellows, will not very soon be made good. An earnest petition for his reinstatement is being oircula;ed among the students. tillan. The motor car fever ha? reached Milan. Mrs C. E. Shannon has returned from her trip. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sill visited Djtroit last week. A. E. Putman will soon start a branch store at Alma. Charles Wilson is taking in logs in 1 arge quantities this week. Dr. Raymond, of Detroit, visited Milan friends the first of the week. Mr. Bell, of Quiney, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Thompson, this week. .Mrs. F. Gury entertained the Presbyterian ladies at tea Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith are enterainin friends from Bay County this week. Charles Thompson leads the young people's meeting at the Baptist church Sunday night. The Baptists and Presbyterians observed the week of prayer at their separate churches. Mis Grace Huntington returned the first of the week from a Ihree weekV visit with Detroit friends. Mr F. Hill and Mr. M. Day leave for Alma next week, where they will run A. E. Putman's branch store. Rev. G. L. Sloan is drawing a full house every evening and much spiritual interest has been manifested. Died, Mrs. H. Eddington, Tuesdny morning, after a thort illness. A husband and eigbt children are left to mourn her loss. Dr. P. Porter, of Detroit, was in Salem on Friday. Miss Tweedale, who has been visiting friends n Saginaw, has returned home. Miss Nellie Nollar gave an "At Home" to Kome of her friends last Friday evening. Mrs. Geo. Merritt sustained a fall last week, fracturing the bone of one of her arms. Mr. Mott, of Xorthville, has been spending a few days visiting his sister Mrs. Ryder. Rev. Mr. Clark, of Northville. liils the pulpit of Summii Congregational church for this winter. Dr. Tweedale attended the meeting of the County Medical society at Ann Arbor last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thayerjhave estabhshed their home in Northille, where Mr. Thayer is in the employ of the governinent fish hatchery. The stockholders of the Salem B. and C. factory have elected Mr. Jas. Murray, general manager and secretarv. Evangelistic services are being held every night of this week in the Congregational church, and may be continued longer. Mrg. L. Dake receivedan ugly gash in the left forearm last week, partially severing a large nerve, eaused by the slipping of a carving knifo. The week of prayer services held in the Congregational church were well attended. The Methodist, Baptist and Congregational denominations were resented.


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