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Michigan State News

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TIn E the ■ ailways tor themonthof October aggregated 83,001,205, an increase of $40,119 over the i ding month last year. This was Üie smallest nonthly increase in five years. Th ■ total earnings from January I t , ;.44O,304, a n Lncreari forthe perio 1 of $7,386,582, or 10.HS per cent. All of the cornpanie-. excepi si.x of the larger ones, showed slLrht lacreases in total earnings. the 1 : 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ showing a decrease in freight. Passenger earnings were increasin.7 on aearly aU roads. He&ltb In Mtelilg in. Eeports to the State Board of Health by fifty-eight obsorvers in different parts of tha State for the week ended January 8 indicated that cholera infantum. iniïammation of the bowels, scarlet fever, maiarial fever, measles, diphtheria and typhoid fever inereased, and inilammation of the kidneys and ■whooping cuiih decreased in area of prevalenee. Diphtheria as reported at twenty-eight places, scarlet fever at thirty-five. typhoid fever at fourteen and measles ;:t sixteen places. gild tnto th i-ake. A half acre of ground and $40,000 Tvorth of buildings slici off the earth at Iron Monntain and Into the. lake and quieksand the other nnfht. Parts of the buildings were carried fifty feet. Fortunately the occupanta were forewarned. and no livcs were lost. The bluffs are underlaid with quieksand, which is frequently carried out by gprings, causing acres every year to move into the lake whcre the shore is aot protected. KntghU of the Cirip. The Michigan Brigade, Knihtsof the Qrip, held Ita animal convention at Kalamazoo. A beneficia! feature was InCOrporated in the organization. it being the intention to pay 500 on the death of a member. The dues were also slightly raised. The olficers elected vere: George E. üardeen, of KalamaZOO, President: 3. L. Met'auley, of Def;roit, Secretary; (leorge C. Cooper, of Lansinr, Treasurer. An ld Firin Dissolved. The wholesale dry-goods firm in Detroit of Alian Sheldon & Co., föunded nearly half a eentury ago by Zachariah Chandler, has ceased to exist, having been dissolved by mutual consent. It was in 1833 that Mr. Chandler laid the foundation of the firm which lias flourished throu}fh many stages of commercial life to die a natura! death by the mutual consent of the partners. A Bloody r.ecord. Linwood, a little station above Bay City,has a most bloody record. William Mitchie. nine years ago, was killed by a man named Parent, now in prison for life; John I. alone cut Archibald Hule to death three years later; recently Kobert Smitli shot bis brother dead, and this is the hamlet whcre a mutilated oorpse was found hanging in a barn by I!ay City officials. lilletl Him wlth hemd. Mike Downey. a young man from Saginaw. was shot and instantly killed at Ewen, Ontonagon County, by Joe Thomas. The murderer fired five shots Into his victini's body and then fled to the woods. Thomas was fiually eaptured by Sheriff IYrd. who, fearing a lynching, run his prisoner out of the place by hand-car to the county seat. Beekeepers. At the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Michigan Beekeepers' Association held in Detroit the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: Senator R. L. Taylor, o( Lapcer, President; M. H. Hunt, o( Bell Branch, V;iyne County, First Vice-President; W. Z. Hutchinson, of Flint, Second Vice-President; George E. Hilton, of Fremont, Secretary, and Dr. A. B. Mason, of Auburnrtale, O., Treasurer. licliií;iii Kasonta Home. At the fourth annual meeting of the directors of the Michigan Masonic Home in Grand Rapids the election of officers rcsulted as follows: President William L. Dunham; Vlce-President, R. D. Swartout; Secretary. General W. P. Innes; Treanirer, Jacob Harth: Directors, Ed D. Bencrtict, Herman N. Moore, Samuel E. Watson, Thomas D. Braaileld, Thomas W. Strohan, W. C. Dennison. Capture of an Escapecl Hurglar. Torn Burns, alias Jim Sanders, a notorious burglar, wbo, ivith five other prisoners, escaped irom the jail at Kalamazoo in Oetober, was arrested inMilwaukee and returned to the Michigan authorities. When he eseaped Iiurns was awaiting trial for an extensive silk robbery on the tirand Trunk raihvay. Plenty of Game. Game Warden Smith, whose term expires next March, has resigned. During three years there have been 726 arrests for breaking game and fish laws and 004 convieti ns. The wardan says' gaine is rapidly incrcasing in the State, with a. large supply of quail, partridg-e and iluck. and that deer are multiplying. short hut Newsy (toma. Oil-bearing rock has been found at Gladstone. P. S. Whipple and wife, of Plymouth, celebrated their golden wedding. John Powell left Traverse City for his home at Cedar Hun. The team ran away, throwing him out on the frozen ground and killing1 him. Antrim Couuty is sn moral that it is now in the second ycar since a jury trial luis been held. i wedding of Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Tomkinson was cclebrated al Kalamazoo. Property valued at $624,206 was destroycl by lire in Detroit during the year 1890. Rev. F. E. Hunker and Relie Richards were married at Kalamazoo. The nevií-married eouple had just beei OOnsecrated to engage in twelve years work in Central África as missionaries


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