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Michigan, Houghton Michigan Mining School JPA Ntttfe íchool of Surveying, Mining, Elec I trical and Mechanical Engineering. Physics, Chemistry, Assnying, Ore Dressing, Mineralogy, Petrography, Geology, Drafting, Machine Design, etc. Tuftion free. For catalogues and Information addrcs M. E. Wadswortu. A. M., Ph. D., Director. The Majority Of so-called cough-eures do little more than Impair the dlgesüve functions and créate Lile. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the coutrary, while it cures the cough, does not interfere with tlie functions of either stomach liver. No other medicine is so safe and efflcacious in diseases of the throat and . luugs. "Fonr years ago I took a severe cold, which was followed by a terrible cough. I was very siek, and confined to my bed about four months. I employed a pliysician most of tlie time, vho flnally said I was in consumption, and that he could not help me. One of my neighbors advised me to try Ayer's Cherry rectoral. I did so, and, before I had finished taking the first bottle was able to sit up all the time, and to go out. By the time I liad ftnished the bottle I was wel], and have remained so ever since."- L. D. Bixby, Bartonsville, Vt. Ï Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, f rr.EPARED EY [ DE. J. C. AYER & CO.LoweU, liase. Sold by all Druggista. Trice íl ; six bottlee, $5. When Babj was síl-s, we g..7e her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whfci "be had Children, she gave them Castor!. VMflfl&ffiSkkt Smipr little furtimrshnvehpenmadeat J'V pSjljB' (rinriers are rnsílv oarninp from 5 to fi Y-. JêBo Htadny. All pis. IVi' show youhow Ti V MNtt. an atart yon. ( jim wc rïi in fpnre lime H.HaIlettfeCo.,BokS80JPortlaiHl,SUrina jjfc ■. i si Hl TËSttwWrVt A ■ k %Tfie Greafest Blood PurifierQ KNOWN. g I Tliis Grc:it Gorman Medie! m1 ithc. dilMHchcapestanil best. 128 doses of sI,"L-# lPHUltBITÏKKSforil.OO,lessthan# lorie cent a dose. It will cure tlicJ Bil H w''í-t cases oí skin diseasc, tmxam m l ua common pinnile on the foce Jf jfi Ito that awful disonse Scrofula.Jr Si 8CLPHÜB BITTERS Í3 thcff best medicine to use In alljW cases of snch stabborn andAYour I decn seatcd diseases. Do#nevsjrfuul I aot ever taks tfofoider.l'sc UI BLUE P1LLS BS5DSH IlIornicTOiiry.thcy.ircdcadff.-r, ,,,V: „' I III the puroet nnd best 01' U3e Blmedlciuu ever made. Agjjlpljnj BïtlerS 1 I II !HIsyonrTongTieöoatedij_ ' En 1 Ulwithaj-elhnvst'ckyjBrrOri'twn'.tuntil youtaj % Hl subsuiuci'? ls'i'oarare ututble ti walk, orín llbreath foul ondiraroflat on your b.iek,l I loffensive? YourJiiiit get somo at onee, ltl I Illstcmach Is outnvill cure you. Sulpliurlll IM of order. UseJrBitterá i a H UBiíusThQ Inyalid's Friend.K Himmediatelyjrrhe yoiing, the apert aml L III Is jTour ï 'v-wtevx ng are soon made well by IJ Illine tliick,its use. Rcmemlier wliat youlil I II ropy, clo-jpre:id here, it may save your 111 lluuy, or#üfe, it luis saven hundreds. II & Dou't vvait until to-morrow, f Try a Bottle To-dayi E3 !■ S Are you low-spirited anl weak, jij 3 Bor Bii&ërtnK from the oxcegses of II #Vf.uthy lf 60, SULPHUE BITTEEsl II '#will cure you. la vjx Senil 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., tilBoston. Uass., for best medical vork publi&hed? i TMOTHERS I -CHILD1 sH0BvEbNoSr BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA SOLO Br ALL DRUGS1STS. "" SOLDBY C. E. EBEKB V II F rMancel's Specifie, ' CURES f rrvrnis hebility, KxliniiHtion, Prntiaiurr I)eI w"y, Pnrtial or Total Impoteiicy, and AU WEAKae09 arising from over-taxation of mlcd orbodv. h .. MEN STTlTonii" i'roin the DlsetMca aml weakness that have S (iriin in youtlti'ulimprudence can rcly on ix speedy aml '%tgruiaiieii.restoration to health audliappiness. .00 by mail Hccurcly sealed. 9 1 I KF7 C Is prentired from the prescription of ■rienced pnysldan, and may be relied on i )H ■tualed in effleacy, and wo therefore ■die notioe of the Medical Proession uid Laboratory ManceVs Specifie, ■ ÍK. 30th St.. New York City. m natiG Piasters. Kl r.nirrAT!c haexs. e R, Nearalgi and Sc :atira. M fjvheie, or by mail, 25 cent 3. er Wdrka. LowoU, ÜIum.


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