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It is the bath attendant who sponges his way through lifp. Emma Abbott was in constant fear of pneumonía, and upon her last professional visit to Cincinnati it was noticed that the windows and doors in her room at the hotel were stuffed and blanketed. Hake a Note of It ! Itead it over and over again, spell it out and sing it, until it is indelibly fixed in your mind, that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is an infallible cure for chronic catarrh of the head, with all its distressing complications. Impaired taste and smell, offensive breath, ringing noises in the head, defective hearing, nose and throat ailments are not only relieved. but jiositively and permanently cured ! This is no fancy of the imagination, but a hard, solid fact, proven over and over again and vouched for, under a forfeiture of $500, by its manufacturera, the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. "A word to the wise is sufficient." " I will bet that woman's aterror holding her own," was remarkedat a reception. "What makes you think so?" "I neversaw one show more backbone." A IhiIj i-erifit impnlon Painless Childbirth, our new book tells how any woman may become a mother without suffering any pain whatever. Also how to treat and overeóme morning sickness, swelled limbs and other evils attending pregnancy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians as the wife's true private companion. Send two-cent stamp for descriptivo circulars and confidential letter, sent in seal envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland. 0 "Your name is Julia?" "Yes, your honor." Teil me how old you sre." "Twenty-flve, your honor." "So! Well, now that you have given your age, we will administer the oath. "The Gem of Tennessee Valley.'" It is in the Valley of Tennesse, aname synonomous with the "rich planters before the war," that the greatest developments in the New South are apparent. Dayton, a city of 6,000, surrounded by an inexhaustible supply of coal, iron and timber, is the "Gem City of the Valley," and offers unparalleled opportunities to northern men, money and brains. Two furnaces are now in full blast, and "behind in orders. Among the other industries now in operation are two flour milis, pump works, with a cast iron pipe works, a stove foundry and a huge rolling mili under way. A strong northern syndicate has been formed to promote the interests of Dayton, and under their auspicues a grand public 'auction sale of lots will occur at Dayton, Dec. 3, 4 and 5' To accotnmodate those desiring to attend the sale, the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton E. B. will sell excursión tickets at one fare for the round trip from all points on the line on Dec. 2 and 3. For rates and further information cali on or address any C. H. & D. Agent, or E. O. McCormick, General passenger and Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. Send for a handsome album of Dayton views Ampie accommodations at the hotels for all. 0 Ilarry - "Your remarks, Miss Jennie are so spiced with wit that they quite fake my breath away." Jennie - "I'm glad of that, for your efforts with cloves have been flat failures!" 1. milis Try Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Due's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839 ; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the illa to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disordered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor. Mich 0 Anastasius, the chief of the fanious Greek brigands, whose cheerful habit it is to kidnap harmless travelers, is a type of perfect Greek beauty, a veiv cultivated man, who speaks four languages, and has the manners of courts. Mr. Murphy entered a barroom and called for aglass of whisky. After drinking it he said to the barkeeper: "Charge it." "I don't know you." "My name is Murphy." The barkeeper, turning to the proprietor.inquired: "Is Mr. Murphy good for a drink?" "Has he had it?" "He has." "He is." How to a 't a Handsome Husbnnd. "Whene'er somo lucky Indian malden Found a red ear in the husklng, ' Muska !' cried they altogether: ' Muska!' you Bhall have a sweetheart- You shall hare a handsome husband." The handsome man always admires the beautiful woman. Then Ptmply make yourself beautiful. Remove all blotches, pimples, "Forked signs of turkey tracks" from your features, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription, a tonic to the nervous, circulatory and procreative systems. lts use brings roses to the oheeks, and sparkle to the eye. Take it, and you will, like the Indian maiden, flnd a "red ear,' in good health, an omen of future happiness. Guaranteed to give satisfacción in every case, or money paid for it refunded. Mr. Spurgeon sits in hisstudy a couple of hours with his face ' ried in nis hands, then goes to his de. jota down a few headlines, and is reai-v for the pulpit. A Chance to JHake Itloney. Mr. Editor:- I bought one of Griffirh'a machines for pUting with gold, silver or nickel ati'i it works to perfection. No soontr iMd 'he peoplehearof it than I hid more spoon, ktiives, forks snd jewelry than I could pla'e in a rnonth. Tne first week I ileared $31.30, tho first mnnth $167.85, anrl I think by July lt I will have $1,000 ca?h and give my farmempiderable ttention, too. My dauahtir made $27.40 in four days. Any person can get one of these machine") by sendine $3 to W. H. Griffith & Co., Zanesviüe, O , or caa nb'am circulars bv dressing thena. You can lcarn to use tn machine in ore hour. As thi is my firft luoky stresk, I give my experience, hnping others may be benefited as much as I have been. Yours truly, 0 M. O. Moreheai Two Strike, the Indian chief wlio is causin; mucb of the troublein the west, is a trave ins msn, having been to Europe withthe Wild West show. He is 62 years old. i rtilH to n W„ L. DOÜGLAS áfr 4 f BJ . ff"" aml other Bpocial$3 SHÜc ,::'r,::é:s: rauted, anl so stunped on bottom. Address W. la, OOL'tiLAS, Brockïou, Mass. Moldby WM, KEIMI 4KDT A O. gjHfr, 8TREMQTWMINQ PIASTER EVER IMVBTim tíffl This tnule-mark tvíH be found on all genuino gfooda Look for it wbon you buy. Don't be foolcd. Thero Is no other piaster or esternal remedy lito tho Hop Piaster, eittaer in composition, qulckness of action or rcliability. They ffive instant relief and permanent cure for evcry troublesome pain, soreness, actie or weakness in any part of the body. Csed in thousands of homes always with absolute confldenee and succeas. Sold by reliablo medicine dealers eTerywhere gent by mail on receipt of prico. 25 ets.; 5 for $1.00. HOP PLASTER CO., PROP'S, BOSTON. GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1373. Ï. Baker & Ces Breakfast Gocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is theref ore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. We Pon placlng believe UCU. coutracts we and have n verifylng a F. thetr thorongh fulflllment knowledge Dniioll _, a,n4 of nUnClI nnrivaled all facillties the O in ins & all and departments outs On for of LU. careful newspaper and advertising, intelligent gained service, in e an offer experience Unuucnonor our of rieWSpaUCI services twentv-flve ■ ■ ' to years AdVBrtlSing wh successful Diiroqn contémplate business; DUlCdU, spending we ' 1U have or the S10.0OO best in equipped newspaper office, I f! advertisinK by I U a?3 far who iïit Spruce comprehensive ■ t as O the well Olif o3! as a&d the Noui best most H BW advertising convenient for system Vnl 1!"' of lUllL money. ever irade. like HUdl "'FgHy "" derful lamp!" A lamp ÊjSSk jplBÍa fg? absolutely non YÍVTf ""TiBhfci HHf explosivo and tjflraftpBBHyf breakablo, which JjÈjp&aS&MÈEs rives a clenr, soft) BBBBBBS& of 85 candie power y5iï$La&cv Purer and brighter BMny than gas light, softer ií than electric light, -tf !v inore cheerful than &?SífVÍ either I That lamp is TtfjWlX'f l'1" ' "The Rochester." Ko Smalte, No Smelt, Fo BrokcnChi7nneys. Only ilve years old, an.í over ino niillinnn In i: I0t lt must be a rochI lamp to sucli u ttu I iiiii sneceas. Indeed lt Is, for lampt may come un' lainpfl muy po, but te " Itocheter " nhiucs ol r] Over ',000 arliwlic vnrieiie - JLaiiKinx and Table Lamps, Báuanet and - Vïise t'd Piano ) nmps-cvcry kind. In B L'orceluin, üruse, Nickel and Black Wroiijzht Iron, Ask the lamp dealer for ir. i.ook f"r tho Inu!" mark Bta" p: "The BochmtkR." Í h hasi.t tbe firomiiiip Itochester and the Btyie yon ir.t or if tlieru U no lamp-store Dflar, sen-! t- im drc t for free I lustrated catiiktiriio ( ;tid rdnred p lelist), itnd wu wil] box and seiul yu au; Luui Ittfttlj by BXproMi riKlit to your duur. ROCHESTER l.AMP CO., 4Z Park Place, New York. Manufartvrfrs, mfi .■■' "êftfftnch ■ - Pa i '■ ' AñAAA A VIAK! I undFTtakc to hrfcflr v vil nu-"chm'-vfstri"fHiir"iit'"-tMn"iri' v T %ll I I I-v, lio .ni Md md rih, a! wbo. VW W V ,„,„ Th.uniHl Itellar. Vearlu fhelr-wn lo-nlii-." r-vrrthfy live.l w il] nUo funiih the ;'umioD orpmil.viti' n fii. !i jroU run t-nrn thnuu Ko mom-v f"' tuf anti .1 -n , . . Mtul ■ abov, Kanltyand oolckly I .).. -■ hm . „e Kurfccv fnm taun dUlrtil -rcuniv. "I liitvf klmnty -cuirln mul j.n ilfd with HHi)uvmni I Itlicfl DiilutK-r, M-h méUnS oyi t-;tu(K a im ■ aarb. li X XV Mul SH.H. ruil MirtlrultnFRKK. Aililn-w t .n., i:. ', ai. ,;... .., .. -j o. fl iiftwitu, AIuluv.


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