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Upon the second reading of "some more suggestions" in last week's Register, we do not wish to delend poor botter-makins; in any sense. We desire that farmers should be forced to make 'zilt-edged butter to compete with bogus butter, so called, but we wish to cal! the attention of "one bred upon the farm" to one fact which appears in his article. He says: "When one can buy oleoinargarine, which the best butter experts cannot teil irom the verybest creamery butter made in Washtenaw, for sixteen cents, and has to pay twenty-five cents for the creamery butter, the intelligent man will save the nine ceuts by using oleomargarine," while a few lines below he pointa out a relief by calling upon the farmers to combine to make BUCfa a gilt-edged article that it cannot be beaten. We would like to have "one bred on the farm" point out the Ky in which this isto beaccompÜKhed, when the best hutter experts cannot teil the bogus from the best creamery mada in Waslitenaw county. It seems to me that the panacea will not acomplish its desired result. We know tlat very much of the bogus butter foniid upon the murket s very poor stuff Armou 's may be good, and if of the quaüty demanded there would be no way of convictime him of h violaiioii ui the law. If 'one bred upon the farm" ha never been 'lupetl he is certainly "iie of the f' i tímate oneR, while we who have bren duped demand protection.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register