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Manchester willenjoy amasonic social Soinorr w night. TbeLake tSliiro rnail will rebulld i'i bridge at HancliPsier. The addition to i Cliiiton woolen Mills will ccwt $30 .000. A Blifsfield lady will WK s:irt a snillmery store in JUnclu ster. South Lyon can ecure a 126-barrel flouring mili vi n will nuse a $1,500 boiins. It will take :i uarload ot Btone i" aiake the itepa foi Kt. Joeeph'e cburcb io Dexter. Acow wasbroughitoChol.seatheother day and became so unm-.mageable that M had tobe killed. The Baptist younjj; ;i'op!e ofChelsea held a box social, lat nigbt, at the resiience of Jay Kvereii. The Stockbridge Drivina Asdociation iuring the past year recelved $3,376.19 ind dubursed $2,742.21 Kev. J. A.Philli]is, pastor oflheSa'.em Baptist cliurch, hamvsignedandwlll re"BOTe to Garrett, Indiana. The editor of the Stockbridge Sun figred in a recent rur.away, and he describes the event In thrilling faehion. Alvinzi Totter, one of the early reniáentB of Dexterand i war veteran. died üast week. He was fifiy-six yearsold. A number of bioodthirsty youths irom ürooklyn have enlisted in the jegnlar araiy. They wiah to fight IniiaiiB. Frank and Alben Speener, of Fairfleld, will remove to Dexter and engage in the manufacture of lawn chairs and spring beds. The South Lyon debating club is going to find out whether the negroee iiave received more unjnst irentment firom the whites than the Indians. The Dexter social club gave a dancing party on Friday nigbt, Music was ftimisbed ly the Whilmore Lake orhestra. Never was Dexter more gay. Eev. Fr. Louis Cook, of Detroit, delivled an interesting lecture before the C. M. B. A. of üexter, last week. His theme was the beneüt of organization. Tbere will be a carpet raL social at Grange Hall, South Lake, on the evenmg of January 27. Crazy quilts, tiddlele winks, pumpkins -what next in the aoeial line? The donalion tendered Kev. and Mis. ïailey Wednesday evening, at the town ia)l was a most decided success socially and financially, netting Mr. Bailey $107. - Chelsea Standard. Prof. Bellows, lately discharged by the Hormal Board, has written toGrand Rapïds parties to see what cncouragement wooJdbgivenby residente of the valley itT to a new Normal in3titute. Horace Baldwin, president; George Boynton, vice president ;S. L. Gage, seoietry and treasurer; Albert Goodrich, jentinel ; are the recently elected offieiaof Chelsea Union P. of I. Tomorrownightalecture will begiven ïithe WhitmoreLakeMethodistchurcb. A. H. Herrón, wlio liku all editors keeps hjs eyes fixed on thefkies.will discourse on the subject of astronomy. The Chelsea Patrons will meet at liima town hall noxt Saturday evening xn debate the qtiestion: "Resolved ihat the McKiuley bill is the best tar'ff ïi)l for the farmers ever passed in Con&ess. Merritt Boyd is in reieiptof a quilt anade by his mother, which containR piect of goods from which the boys' dreeses were made when they were children. It's quite a noveltv. - Chelsea Standaril. étanley discovered a good many ihings, but tts dollars to ginger cakes tbat he couldn't find the pocket in li is wife's dreas to save his soul. There are aomethings which no man can do. - Saline Observer. Tne fomber camp which is located in .?eter Cook's woods near Urania, is op rated by from flfteen to t wenty The timber cut is oak and is lUd ís iurniture stock, railroad ties and ütiMfug material. Chelsea has a young ladieb' gymnasinm. Those young ladies believe in being atile physically to protect themselvi't-, umi the man who tries any of 'h fonny business on them will tiiink been struck by a Kansas cyt-ibne. - Dexter Leader. TheY. P.S.C.E.oftheChelseaCongregatïonal cliurch, elected the following offioers on Tneaoaj evening: President, Mis A. VanTyne; vice presidenta, Misa Oora Hnrrinrtuii and Mr. Bailey; spcrplary.Cora Invin; ireasurer, Mrs. E. E. liY(ir. Thi1 Ruciety is in a flouii&hing eonciition, havinv! teveral hundred dol'jj"ï -:i2i vts treasary-- Chelsea Standard. Tlie Superior correspondent of the Ypeilantl Commercial postineas follows: Have yon teeu thal yi-nriing pig that ArthurC'"ivert purchased ut, the Lansing Stnte Fair? We have hf-ard considerable nbout ttiat animal, bu! when hestood iefoie us in all tí beauty, e were forcïbly reminded oí the luiignatre of the Queen of Sheba on th uicanion of her ■iiöil to the gieat Solonion, - the half had set been tokl me. While we i-hftll nol attempt a very minute Jeaoriptiou of ÜMltony quadruped,thofülioHinstanza mDperhapsconvey soinetliingof n 'dia ThÍB general make up: Hc's long and bru&4, Hls noeela short, Hie tceth are white ut. pcarl; Hls preuy llitle tapcrlug tall tlaiiK in a graetful curl."' The .Rastern Michigan Agricultura) .Bocietv has elected the fullowiu ofliers: President, Willinin Campbell; Tice-presidents, John McDonjzall and Norman Reduerj Beeretary, F. P. Bojajilns; treaaarer, Win. S. Whittlesey; aoarehal, C. L. Yost; executive commiliee, Henry Stumpenhusen, John E. Bvtta, J. C. Bemiss, W. H. Hawkins, M. K. Case. MessrH. Savciv tnd Gootliicli have jorehased the Watling farm, iormerly iheJ. V. VanCleve place, calleil in aii srly day 'Claremont," for a stock farm. Thus "ïoo nay break, you may shatter the vase If you will, lat Uie scent of the roses will hang round it Mili.'' On this farm the tirst Durhain stock ia this section was pastured, and the laste for improved stock began to be jpatified in Michigan. And on this Suin, too, the flrst John Chinaman ever aeen in Michigan, sojourned for a time.


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