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Michigan State News

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Bank Commissioner Sherwood n hit annual report snys that during the past year flfteen new bank, witli an aggregate capita] f 1817,000, bave eomiiu'i). -■-. There air ut banks in Mli and their assets toot up 950.64S.4i5, an increftseof 117,684,080 in the lust two years. Sixty-seven "f these aré savings banks, and the 134.000 depositors . losits araounting to 38,000.000. He r that banks with a capital of i;i.r,000 be ir.ili. rized to begiu business in placea ■■■ "' ' not over 1.000. fhe only bank closed during the y ■ - ■ Carson City ing Bank. which transferred and ased to the State Bank of the game place because of the inability of tlie city to support two banking insütutlons. Thè expenses of the oommlssionei's departraent tor the year were 1.09; receipts, $6,810.15, made up of iecs frora different banks. M.:.llli in MiclilKiiii. Reports to the State Board of Health by flfty-eight observen in different parts of the State for the week ended January 10 Indlcated that inflarnmation of tlie Icidneys and whooping cough lacreased, and scarlet fever, malarial fever, iDf-aslt's, diphtheria, typhoid fever, inllamination of the brain, membranous croup and eerebro-spinal meningitis decreased in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at thirty places, scarlet iever at forty-two, typhoid fever at nineteen and mcasles at thirty-two pi MlcMgtn i:iillrouln. The annual report of the Railroad Ckjmraissioner, John J. Rieh, shows that during the year 18ÍI0 iifteen new railroad corporations have filed articles of assoeiation. They have a capital stock of 514,000,000 and wiU build 929 miles of road, part of which is already under construction. The corporatc indebtedness of all campantes has increased to 8431,705,677. Thcre are 7,018.73 miles of railroad in the State. The gross earnings tor the year apgregated $90,838,071.68; net income, t&l,800,370.54. gwlndled Slxty-Blght Familie. A vcry amooth swindler visited sixtyeight families in Kalamazoo and secured $150. llis method was to f,rve a receipt for $12 on a prominent groeer upon payment of iour dollars. Wlien the amount had been 1 raded out and not till the expiration of nlnety daya the holder of the receipt astu pay ih' balance of eight dollars. The firra name of H. A. Odell & Co. was forged on caen receipt. □ - í'or CrodltorSi The repori of Uu receiversof the .T. E. Potts Sall iü Lumbcr Company w;is filed at Detroit nnd proved a grreat surprise, It vfaa at the time of the : ' li'ai the (allure was not aait now provea tobo. The íollowinff is a recapitulación oí the report: Qiabilities, 8930,848.14; ba Úmee of liabüiiic :miiI contingent llabiltties over nsset 1.77. One Lire f.ost. The Newberry Furnace Corapany's plant, locatod :it Newberry, was the Ktne ol a t i'riüe explosión, supposcd to have rcsnltcd (rom an aecumulation of gas. A number of men were at work when it oocurrod and one man was killed outright and soven others more or les.s dangeronaly burt Thrèa Voutliful Tliloves. VVilliam Kneobone, aged 14; Casper Brandlo, agod 18, and Thomas Paul, aged 12 yeare, broke into Darlin's store at [shpomlng and stole a mniibor of pocket knivi-s and other articles. They were caught by Officer Paync as they wore leaving the store. Short luit NcM-ir Item. Lansiny's temperanoc record is 850,109,004 gallóos of water consumed during 1890. A Leaking },r:is stovt' suffocated Charles V. Senderaos as he slcpt in liis room at Jackson. In one roeeli orer 5 10 minera were discharcd on the Qogebio range. The dates tor the farmers' institntc at Eaton Rápida are February O and 10. The passenger depot at Ueed City was destroyed by Ore, cansing i loss of S12,000, partly Insured. Mrs. Anna M. Aust:n. aged ■":; years, dlftd ;it the city líos it ;il in Lansing irom cxluuislion ca,,, .■! by an oporation in removing a Bix-pcmnd tumor. At Manistee au unknown man and Lawrence Crowley, aged L8 years, were drowned In the Lake. Thry fi-ll through holes in the icc. Maniste hai ma lo a thirty-five acre addition to its southern limit. The Harrow-öpring Company't factory at Kalamazoo waa destroyed by fire, oatuing u loss ol (10,000. Junes O'Rourke, in Insano man conflned in the jail at Iron River, set firc to the bulhiing and was fatally burned. (oorgo Bradley, a well-known farmer living near Iviilaiiiazno, entered the marricd state for the sixtli timo. Reed City lost her union depot Uy üre. WilHiun Heerinir, asred 68 years, was íound dead in bed ;it Grand Rápida. Heart discase was supposed to have been the trouble. The Warren A l.iv.i . Lumber Company at Hay City fllod chattel raortguges, in favor of luniks inil otlior creditors, amounting to 980,880. John Dudgeon, aged ?o years, mie of the most prominent men in the vieinity of Ealamazoo and iiirli in the eouneils of the Democratie party, died of stomach troulilcs. John stinson. hi three sons andtheir hoiuekeeper were arrestcd thlrty miles north of Detroit by American and ('anadian offleer. A oounterfeitlng outfit and bnshele of counterfeit American dollars were seizod. Tlie Oeorge T. Smith punfler plant at Jackson, over whlch there has been so much litigation, was sokl to a Cleveland lyndlcate repreaenting thé Central Oil StoVe ('ompany for 85,000. The oritrinal oost wüs, BiOO.OOd


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