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BUSINESS CARDO. í"1 R. WILLIAMS, .tttoriit-y at f.nw, Milán, Mách. Money loaned for outside partlts. All le;al usiuess glven prompt atteution. LEX W. HAMII.TON Allorim n( Lmt, W li j mollee li' both State and Unltod át e ;mrts. Office Rooms, onc aud two, lt Bou mu :ew brick blocfc. córner of Hurón and Fcranii i'.ruetó, Anu Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK AND ST0RAGE. Now we are rcady wlth a New Brick Storchouse for the storage of líouscholds, Plano, Books aini Stovcs ríanos and Furnlture cirefully movud. Allkmclsoflk-nvyiuidLIghtdraying. KRK1GH1 WORK. C. E. GrODRrEY, Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street, Tcl'llione 82. WM. W. KICHOLS, D1NTAL PAULORS over Savings Bank c.pposite Court Squaie. Teeth exlraoteil without pain by hhb of Gaíi or Vitalizeri Air. " WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, ml til klmls f wnrk In cmi'li Mh a)' promptlj ezafloUHl. shop Cr. of Church-M aud S l'nivereity ave. Telenhoue 9 : P. O. Box 124S. MARY F. MILEY'S AHT EWIBROÍDERY AMD STAMPI KOOMS. AU Materials for Fancy tVoik constauUy ou fland. Zeh)■9 Yarn. Germantown Wools. Canvas. Felts, etc. Agent for the P. D. Coret. MARI' F. MUIT. lio. lt E. Whln{toii-it., Anü Arlmr. C. H. MILLEN'ri INSURANCE BUREAU Uo, 07 K. Hurón st., Ann Arbor. Oldest agency in the city. Established nearly half a century, and representing over flfty million of assests. Home Ins. Co.,of N. Y H?H?2 Continental Jim'Sl VliiffñrR 2,490,654 ffiSffsrïrziiz:: ú Oriental, oí Hartford 1.8O5,f,63 Commercial Uuion Ins. Co., of I)Edon..l3.6S9,2., Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co 18,. 86. 094 Loses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. O. H. MILLEN. Henry Richards, Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LÜMBER, FENOS POST8, MAPLE PLOORING, etc, also PljltapúlL And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv AGENT FOR THE CHAÜP10N BINDERS ND VOWSRS, No. Detroit St.. -- Aun Arbor, Mloli. LÜMBER! LUMBBR ! LUMBBR ! you oontemplate buildinji o&l at FERDON LUHBER YARD Corner Fourth and Depoc Sts., ai d gret our figures for all klnde o) LÜMBEE We manufaoTure our oura Lun bei and Tuarantee VERY LOW PRICEF. 4-GlTe u vnll iiitl wil) nink lt tc tour iiilcrcM, ur lui te hikI -.i urnlil Ntock filllj MiiMtuiiiN onr wt. 1lin. JAKN ruLRKRT, t-r. . U Kt'rH. HniM 1IISIY & SIABOLT, lsTO3. 6 A.SSTX3 8 Vf ashlngton Street, Ann A;t)i , díiohisan. lave aJrvv 'M riniid ft complete ston of rv 'brqgbrV Line Teas, Cofees and Sngars All prime Articles boilKht for Cash and can sell at low figure. Our frequent large involce of Teas is a sure sign that we give bargalus In QUALITY AND PRIOE. We roast our own coftee every week, always frosh and good. Our bakery turus out the very ust of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and hrincir LEGALS. l'roii Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COUNTY OF WiSB IKNAW. ( " ' At a HWtoa of the ProbateCourt lor the County Of Wushtenaw, bolden ut the Probate Offlcc in the City of A nu Arbor, on Mc nday, the twelfth day of January, in the year one thousand elght bundred and uinety one Present, J. Willaro Babbltt. Judgo of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Grani T. I'kkky, decea&ed. comsti ck K Hül, Admlnistr.itor of laid estáte, bavlng rendered intoCoutt hls tiiml lgcouu$, m IW li Administrador, and on reading and üiitig the petltiou of Orant M. Morse In the premisos, Tiiertvpon t ix UriU red, Tbat Tueday,ihc loth ilay of t-'c bruary next, at ten 'elock in the Jorenoon, be assigned tor esamlnlng and allowing sn li account, aml mm Ihe heirs ut law of sald de ceased and all otfter persons Interttted in s-iid tslateare required to appear atasotslon of-unKui t, tben to !■( duld n :it the Probate OSlce, in the City of Ann Arbor. in said Ouuniy.aiid t-h w pause, i( nny therc i . wliy the satd account should not be all.iwcK And it is further ordered, tb:1 AdmlnUtratoriilveuolloetothe persons in eretted in said eftate of the pf-ndeucy olsaid account, and the hearing thereof, by cauMng a copy ot thla Order to e publlehed In th Ann Aroor Kig [steb n newspsper priuted and circulatlng in su Id county thrte ifUcoeRsivo weeks prvious t mum day ol hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, [A true i-npy.l Judge ' Probate Wn. U Dotv. Probate RrglMer. 41 lr(ï;il ïtrdi'r. HTATK OF MICHIGAN,-. CuCNTY OF Wai III ÏNAW. ( i a -t-siciii of the Probate for the County o' W'nslii n -nv. holden a; tlio Probate i Uien in t:i city of Ann on Tuu-day, the thlrUtenth day of January int:.ejear out) thousaud h:ndred and ninety mie Present, J. Wlllarri Babbltt, Judge of Probate. 1 n the matter of t e of Josepu J. Kilis. deeeased. Carullue P. Klis ami Leonhard Oruiitr, oieo utont of ibe Iaat wlll and twtamentof Mud clecease.l. come into eourt aiul represent tbat tbey are now prepared to ronder their animal account as such executon Thereupon t is ordered, that Tnc-d.y, the lfth day (f February next, at ten o'clock in tite Ibre noón. be assigned for ixaminliiK aml allowitiK such accouiii. and that the devisera, legatees and ht-irs-at law (if said dect-astd, and all o.hur persons Intorusted in said eslate, are requlreil to appear at a ses.-imiof said Court. then tobe holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, in said County. and show ruust. . iuj tliere be, wtiy the said account i-hould uot be allowtd: And It is tui: In i ordered, that Baid ezecuton sivcncitn-e 10 iLie persons inttroted in Kald ehtbte.ctl the prn-icncy of sa, cl sooount, and thbeaiiiiK thereof. by cai'Sing a copy ol Uih order to be publi bel in the AN.N ABBOE Kkuistkk, a newspaier prlnted and ctrculatod in aid County. three wet-ks pre'inus to said day of bisar: 3tf. J. MI.LAK1) BABBITT. Juciie of Probate, . . inu1 cop' .! .i y. ii iioty nuintf il Mnrtgaffe r eltittnr. DKFAl'l.T HAVIKO HICKN MAUE in pnyment ot' a certain morttjage, niale aihl exefiited by M. Ukatkr, of Mounville. i Washtena wi;onniy and State of Miclü Hunsou Sf.ssionsoi tbc city ol Ann Arbor, Oounty acl ! State aforesaid : said montage bears late July 10, 18"5, and reoordud same day, at 1:10 o'clc uk i' ! M.. in Liber numbi-r 64 on page (StW of mortgnus ot Wahtenaw County. state of Mi. hiim. and til tr. ïsclniiued to bedue thesum of 1 wo Hundred and Fitty two üol'ars, primtipal and interest: ftlso twenty dolían Atturney'i te e, au provided ■ M mor'g'age; also all other legal cot and wïij m1 in fureclOblng the sald morwaiie. taxo an.l in-urance iuoludttd; therefore Ñoucel ii i yirlven that we will sell at Public Vendne, t i ti mies' bidder, .n nturdny. irll ' ■ I yi. ■ thesouth fremt door of theCourtlIous '. r i'cli1( P. M. of that day, in the City of Kin 'i r benig the building where the C' ?ilH Cott f r Washtenaw Couniy Is held), the premisesOtcril... cl in i-aid mortgagu. or so mueh thereof al v. il .-.t . Ij said mortiitigt'. Preuiises described as tohow : Belng lu the Vlllage of Moorcvil'e, Washtenaw County, State oí Michigan, lots numbers tour (I), and five(f) and i-li (fi). in block uuuitier two (2). uorth of range niHObei oue(i) west, exceptingtlmt ixirtlon oi lot numbcr four(t). heretofore deeded oy two couvt yanci-s by lliiiry Maner and wife lo Jaines McMulleu, and recorded in Líber -4.S, on pages CIS and i17. in the O .. ot HegltUU of Devdl lor Wahu n.i w County, state of Mlcnluau, acvording to the rtcordtíd plat f the village oí Mucre ville. Duted, Ass Aübor. Jannary S. 1891. EbWAKll TUKAoVCELL, IlAKKIür L. SE-IO.N--i. Executors of the last will of Hauson Ses-iiiis. deceasod. Kcl EalHte for slc. State of Michigan. County of Washrctuuv - s In thu maiter oí' the estáte oí William H. Dell, de cM'.l. Notlce Is bereby nlvmi that in of an rJvr graute-1 t the uudersigned exeoutorof the lmt wltl and testament of the said by the Houomble Judjie of Prubate for ttie coumy of Waahtenaw, on the sixeenth day of Iiecomber, A. D., lS'.tu. there will I e sold at public, vendue. to the hlghest bidder, at the late residi-nce of s Aá decïeascl on the prcmins below desrribed iu tbe townnhlpof Saline, in iím1 fxunty f Washtenaw. In Mld btáte, on Wednesduy, til ï iourth day of Feb u.iry, A. l). ten o'clock in the forsnoon of that day (subject to all cncuinbranc-es by mortgaye or otherwise ezlsilng at tbe fine c,f the dealfa ol .-id deceasedtthe foilowlng described real estáte, to wit: The northeast quartcr of the northweftt quarter of sectlcjn ten (IDi. Also part ol' the west halt of the northeast quiirtor uf said section t.'ii (10j: rommenclng at the north quarter post.thence fouth thirty on e (Hl) liains and thirty (:(0) links, thence north sixty (61) desrees, east Dina (ü) chalns and twcuty-fl e (96) links, thence north three (3) destrees, thirty (30) minutes, wesitwentyseven vn chains twenty-flve V1È) links, thence north eighty-'.even 'KT; degrecs thirty (80) minute, west i-'íkIh () chalns and Beveuty-flve (75) lmk-i to the pluoe ot' heginnlng Als.) ciunmencing in the middle (f Chicago road where the center north and soulb line of stction ten (10) crosses tbc said road. and rannlcg thence t outh on said line tliirty-lhree (3-i) i linins, nlne t9) links, thenee eart tbiiteen (18) chains. thenee north thirty-si.t (:üi) chalnt Bnd sixteen (l(i) links to a poot, thenco south sixty-three and 76-100 (68 Tu degrees, west twenty-eignt (28) links, thenee north nine !i degrees, vest three (3) chains and thirty six (86) llnss to the cenler of ('hieago road, thence w uih sixty-thrce nd 7i-10O (0375) degrees, (rest alona tbc reuter of said road thirtcen (13) Chain and sixty live (65) links to the place of beginning. All of taid land lying and being on seetlon ten (10) in township four ( i) south range flve(5) east, Saline, Washteniw County. Michigan. jesse a. Dell. Dated December 16. 1S90. 40 Kxecntor. ofCbiuseery snle. In pursuance and by virtue of a derree oí the Circuit Court for the County of Wa-btenaw, State of Michigan, in Chancery. Made and entered on the thirteenth dayof October, A. D. 1890, in a certain cause therein pending wliercln Pallas Werren. Adniinistrator of the estáte of Hiram Warren, deoeased is complainaot aml Martin Kerns. Kosiua Kerns and John George Kerns, are defendants. Notice ia HerebyQiven, That I shallsell at public auctlon orveudue. to the hlghest oid.ier, at the east maln entrance to the Court Hous?, in the City of Aun Albor, County of Washtenaw, state of Michigan (that being the plai e of holding the Circuit Court of said County), on Wttduesdny. tbe twenty-eighth day of January, A. I. isííl, at 10 o'cloek in the foreuoou of aid day, all those certain tracts or pareéis of land in tbe town-hlp ui Sidcrn, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and deseribed as loilows. to-wlt: Bvglniiing at the souih west corner f Sec tiou numberelghteen. in town one south of range number seveo east, running tnenca north five chalns to a f-tane in ihcccvitcr of the highway on ttie town line of Saletn and Xorthtield. llicncc east flve chains to a stake fr m whlch an apple tree Blx Inches in diametci. and belng north twenty-eight degrees. west elghty-elght links, thence south flve chalns to a stake iu tbe ceuter of the bighway, running thence east froin the aforesal.l section corner, thence west iive chains ín tbe eentre of the hlghway to the place of beInning, contaiuing two acres and one half of land, be the same more or ltstf, Also, beginuins tivcchnins eat of the south-west eornrr of sa l seetlon etghtoen in suid townshipof tíalcm and running theuce east along the seetlon line in tbe center of the hiinvray fltteen chains and eieren links to s utake, thence uorlh parallel to tbe west ilneof said section thirty flve cnalnsand M.tyfour links to a take on the east and wist quaitër linefrom whlch abeecb tree twenly-four li in diameter, besnng west 60 degreei cast liity-six links and sumir maple elghteen lnohe in diameter, bearlns uorth twonty-uine degrees west loity-fivt' link-, thence along ihe qu-irtcr liii" ritteen chaina and nlxteen links to a stake five ehaltl and elght link east of Ibe iuaitcr post in the w.'t line ol tbe Beet on and Irom whleh a beech in twenty eight Inches iu diameter beint; north Bva dvgrees, east seventy-five links, mul wbiif oak tree thirty inciies In diameter i.-int; nonh tnirtyeight degrees, west ninety-nüie links, thence soulh paralkl to the west line ei seollon tweuty nloe chains and eUhty-tour links ton stake from whicli an applo tree six inches in diameter biing north twenty clgbt degrees, west eighty-eight links, thence west elght liuks, thence south flve chalns to the place of beginniiig, containlng tlfty-three acres and twenty one hundreJtha of an acre. be the carne more or less. Dated thls tenth day of December, A. I)., 1890. l'ATKICK McKkRNAN. Circuit Court Oommisslooer, Washtenaw County. Michigan. Sawyer & Know'lton, Sollcltora for Complainant.


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Ann Arbor Register