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Saín Langsdorf rettirnedfrom St. Louis onTuesday. A. W. Gass?r and 11. II. Cuthbert were in Detroit on Tuesday. Charles A. Green, of Sonora, Mexico, is visitÍDgA. W. Humilton. Mr?. Wm. Whitmarsh, of Milán, is visitingMrs. W. W. Watts. Mr?. M. Slufser, of Wauseon, Ohio, is visiting Mrs. H. G. Prettyman. A. P. Ferguson and wife left on Tuesday morning for Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and other western points. MissHattie Rogers, of Ann Arbor, is visiting friends at Nash vil le, Mich. Edward Roberts, editor of the Ft. Madison (la.) Daily Democrat, is in the city. Miss Edith Seylerleft on Tuesday for Detroit, where she will visit for two weeka. Miases Lucinda Lohr and Edith Schleede are spendinir a few days at Wayne. Miases Matie Schlenkei and Frieda Schaeffer, of Toledo, are visiting Misa Amelia Schleede. Miss Mattie Chauiberlin.of Flat Rock Mich.. is vifiiting Mrs. M. M. Green, 54 east Washington-st. Martin Schaller, fortnerly of Ann Arbor, but now of New York, is spending a few days in the city. A. L. Noble returned on Sunday evening from a trip to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Butfalo. Mrs. Mary Foley has returned from Detroit, where she visited four weeks. Her daughter, Miss Minnie Foley, is spending the winter in Chicago. James Clancy, an old Ann Arbor boy, now prosecuting attorney of Delta county, is visiting his mother in this city.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register