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Mt;. Sears is convalescent. David Cowden and family, of Delhi, have moved to Jackson to livo. Parties are now supplying their ice houses from the surrounding lakes. District No. 1 school closed last week on account of sickness of the teache The officers for the Webster Reading Circle this year are: President, Eay McColl; vice-president, Ralph Williams; secrelary, Willie Scadin; treasurer, Miss Nannie Phelps, and librarían, Arthur Lincoln. DlzbarOa Mrs. C. L. Downer has returned from Detroit. Bert Galpin purchased a line colt whilein the nor h. Robert Martin notv carries the'mail from Ann Arbor to Geer's. Mrs. Veeder Shankland hap been very sick the past week, but is out of danger now. H. H. Camp and daughter went to Clinton Monday. Miss Camp will spend a few weeks with relatives there. There has been a meeting at the M. E. church for the past two weeks, and it closed Thursday with about forty convert8. Dexter. Prof. S. T. Morris has charge of the high school during Prof. Walker's sickness. Adam Deckert and wife, of Owosso, havejust returned home after a week's visit in Dexter. The Spooner brothers have rented DanSackett's house, for the manufacture of spring beds and lawn goods. Ray Buckelew of Webster, lias sold over 100 coarse wool lambs, averaging nearly $100. A nicer flock is seldom seen. Pittsfleld. There was a pleasant surprise party at Ed. Hammond's last week. Cone Sperry entertained a few friends at his house last Friday evening. A. Alber, so well known in Pittsñeld is in the employ of the Two Sams. Mr. and Mrs. Let Warner will entertain a party of friends Friday evening of this week. Mefsrs.Patil Seyfrie.! and 'Alee' Kubler amused (heir friends iu the Mills district, Monday evening, by ealllng on them in masked costume and playing the tramp by asking for something to eat and a diink of eider. Stonr Creelt. Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris a son. H. Fullington lost a valnable colt last week. Arthur Br.dget has returned to Ypsi lanti, where he is attending business college. Miss Clara Ford has returned home after an absence of several months in the west. G. C. Crane yisited friends at Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti via the new railroad, last week. Thomas Newton was in Augusta lately, in the interest of a Montreal in surance company for horses. Revival meetings are in progress a the Stony Creek Methodist church, a the York Baptist church, and at the Quaker church, which many of the Stony Creek people attend. Hilan. Mrs. C. M. Fuller visited Ann Arbor Saturday. Miss Ida Allen visited Ann Arbor Saturday. Born- January 11, to Mr. and Mre Chas. Clark, a son. Mrs. Fuller, of Dexter, visited Milan friends Thursday. Miss Millie Hitchcock has returned from her Detroit visit. Several of the Blue Lodge masons visited Adrián brothers Thursday, Mrs. Chas. Steener is the guest of her daughter, Mr?. Harris, near Oakville. Mrs. Wilber, of Quincy, Mich., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Mell Barnes Miss K. Lamb, of the state normal was the guest of Miss K. Knight, over Sunday. The Excelsior Renovating Company are doing a fine run of business in Milan and vicinity. Geo. Millen, of Ann Arbor, took several risks, Friday and Saturday, in the Life Insurance business. The Methodist ladies held their tea social at Mrs. Wm. Whaley's residence Wednesday afternoon. Miss Grace Huntington had a very 111teresting Y. P. S. C. E. meeting at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Married- January 11, at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. J. S. Sloan, Mr. E. Wright and Miss Xellie Andrews. Rev. Mr. Weed, of Lansing, is assisting Rev. S. W. McGregor in a series of meetings at the Presbyterian church. The following officers were installed at the Woman's Relief Corps, Wednesday: President, Mrs. Wm. Whaley; senior vice-president, Mrs. D. Case; junior vice-president, Mrs. A.Smith;secretary, Mrs W. Robison; treasurer, Mrs. F. M. Thorp; chaplain, Mr?. A. D. Jackson; conductor, Mrs. Chas. Davis;guard, Mrs. T. B. Fulcher. Salem. Mrs. N. Ryder is home from Grand Rapidr. Mrs. S. Doane, of Ypsilanli, is visiting friends here. Harrv Haywood spent a portion of last week with friends in Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Austin spent Friday and Saturday with friends in Northville. M. Withee nd C. Forshee were home from Cleary's Business College last Sunday. H. Hurd and wife, of Plymouth, visited last Saturday with Mrs. Isabella Smith. Rev. W. H. Shannon occupied the Chelsea Congregational church pulpit, last Sunday. Mr. Harris, of Orchard Lake, who was visiting his daughter, Mrs. S.D. Chapín, has returned home. John Sutherland, of Canada, has entered the office of Dr. Tweedale, to study medicine. The D. L. & N. R. R. has appointed G. Denio, of this place, passenger car inspector, at Grand Rapids. He entered upon hisduties last week. A mimber of citizens have combined nd will fill the Smith ice houee for heir prívate ime. Ilev. W. Bnsb, of Leslie, preached wo acceptable sermcns in the Congre;ational church last Sabbath. Mr. Newton, of Cherry HUI, spent Jabbath with Prof. Chisholm. Some gentlemen are advocating a ívnights of Pythias lodge for Salem. Miss Dell Weatherhead and Mrs. Dr. Millman, of Soath Lyon, were the guests of Miss Tweedale on Saturday. A musical and literary entertainment was held in Haywood's Hall last Saturday evening, in aid of the Baptist church. The program v s under the direction of Mr. Chisholm, and participated in by the senior pupils of the public school. It wasa decided succes?. Ylsll:inl. Miss Ella Spencer spent Sunduy with Miss Cady, of Ann Arbor. W. A. Alban counts himself aí une of the firm of Harris Bros & Co. There's a rumor that one of our popular book r-tores is to change hands soon. Miss M'mnie Adams is going to spend two months with her sister, Mrs. D. Campbell, of Ft. Scott, Ks. Mísh Bessie Younglove, of Chicago, gave a pleasant reception to about twenty little friends last Saturday, at the residence of D. Quirk, in celebraton of hertenth birthd'y. Mrs. E. P. Allen experts to leave for Washington to join her husband next week. Her mother, Mrs. Samuel Cushraan, of Sharon, will take charge of the home during her absence. Mrs. Kate Glover Brooks, of Boston, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Glover, gave a pleasant reception last Friday afternoon to twenty-flye members of the young ladies' cooking club. Fred Showerman, who has filled the position of shipping clerk for several years at Hay &Todd's woolen milis, will become travelingsilesman for that firm, and his place as clerk will be filled by Ben Boyce. The failure of Mrs. Pease'a health will compel her to resign the leadership of the Presbyterian choir, much to the regret of the congregation, as they have been highly favored in the way of good singing, for the past three months. The Light Gaards held a spirited meeting Monray pvening. Eighteen members were admitted and after some lively ballotimi Will Smith was elected cuptain; Cody Kirk, first lieutenant; Frank McKeand, second lieutenant.


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