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Young lady (in Wanamaker's great bazaar) : "I wish to get a pack of playing cards." Clerk(with dignity): "We donotsell cards." Young lady (freezingly): "Then I would advise yoü to . stop advertising deal tables." Aflvlce To SIothfr. Mrs. Winslow's SoothinijSyrupshould always be used for children teething. It Boótlies' the child, sol'tens the gum, allays all pain, curen wind eolio, and is the beet remedy for diarrüOBa. Twentyfive cents a bottle. 0 Mrs. Carry Steele, a colorad woman, of Georgia, has founded a colore dorphan asylum where destitute children may be cared for and taught trades. THe Puml and ltesi Artieles known to medical BC:ence :irf used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingrediënt is carefully selected, personally exatuined, and only the tmsi retained. The medicine is preparad under the supervisión of thoroughly competent pburmacisU, and every tep in the procesa of manufacture is carefully watched with a view to wcuring in Hood's SarRaparilla the best possible result. 'J Miss E. O'Duffy, a yonng woman about 20 years old, is one of the largest import - ers of and dealers in wild animáis in this country. A C'liance to Sake noney. Mr. Editor: - I bought one ol'Qriffirh's machines for piating wan gold, silver or nickel an1 it works to perfection. No sooner did che peoplehear of it than 1 h.d more spoons, knives, forka and jeweiry than I could plaie in a month. Tne first week I cleared $31.30, tb first moDih $167.85, nd I thmk by .Tuly lt I will have $1,000 cth aad give my farmoonpiderable attention, too. My daughter made $27.40 in fuur daya. Any person can get one of these machines by sending $3 to W. H. Griffith & Co., Zanesville, O , or can ob;ain circulars by nddressing them. You eau learn to u.e the machine in oce hour. As this is rcy 6rst lucky ftrek, I give my experierice, hopiDg others may be bene6ted as muoh as I have been. Youra truly, 0 M. O. Moreheai Baron Hirsch, the wealthy banker of Vienna, will shortly Bubsidize schools for Jewes.-es in Galicia to theextent of L500,000. w.irih lts WeiKlit In Joll. If a ])iice can be placed on pain "Mother's Friend" is worth its weight in gold as an allevutor. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with either of heroiher two childreu than she did altogether with her last, havini; previously used four bottles of "Mother's Friend." It is a blessing to any one expecting to become a uiother, says a custoiner of mine. Hekderson ÜAi-K.Drugjiist, Cartni.IU, Write The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for furthtr partitular?. Sold bydruggist. Clarence V. Greathouse, formerly a San Francisco newspaper man, has succeeded in winning the favor of the kingof Corea, and has been madedeputy king. X I mij s rcriect ( utnguln Painless Childbirth, our new book tells how any woman may become a motber without suffering any pain tfhatever. Also how to treat and overeóme morning sickness, swelled limbs and other evils attending pregnancy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians as the wife's true private oompanion. Send two-cent ttamp for descriitive circulars and confidential letter, sent in seal envelope. Address Frank Tiiom s it Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland. 0 Sitting Bull's war club is now in the possession of an Ohio editor. It is a vicious-looking weapon, fibout 2i feet long, and bear.s the .sijzu of hard service. THe Willj IrlHiiniHii, hen told by a doctor li i hver was aliiidm gone, eaid, "Faith, it's glad I am, it'i silera bothered me!" Tne liver, more (han any other organ, is the index of the ody. Wilh a morbid liver the whole system is out of gear! Most powerful for the restoration of thia "citadel ofhealth," is Dr. Pierce's Golden Metical Discovery. lts action is direct, prompt, effeetual ! Recommended by eminent phicians, it has gained a universal reputation as the "Great Liver Regulator! Correct the liver, and yon cure many illsl The "Golden Medical Discovery," is warranted in all cases of liver disease and blood disorders to benefit or cure, or money [ romptly and cheerlully returned. The Plymouth Mail - mean thing- has notitied the poets of that village that hereafter they must pay five cents a line in order to secure the publication of their gushery. Otherwise the office cat wlll ote tlie manuscript as fodder. I.ikIIcm Try Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of th naensus (frora whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, ór money refunded. The larger portion of the ills to which ladtes are subject is the direct result of a disoidered and irrepular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., prorietors. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Sm, druggists, Ann Arbor. Micb 0 zNët: CAPITAL, $250,000. WM THE Esyta MongagQ C&pany Offers for sale, at par uterest. lts owu even per cent. flrct mortgage CO' pon bonds (In amount from $260 to Só,00O) on improved farm and city property Kemi-atinual interest. Absolute guarautee ol Interest and principal. Interes payable in Ann Arlxir. Kor partlcuiars in regard o these safe and deslrable loans, consult Y. D. HARRIMAN, Att'j , Axn Arbor, Mich


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