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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iS l HAIR BAI.SAM tT&, = JHlfeTer Fails to Kestore Gray K'SsJiBíMi Hair to its Yeuthful Color. 1 se Pnrker'a Gitlffer Tonic. Jt mres th woral Cough, vtk I.imga, Dibility, Indigestión, Plin,Tak8 iutinic.aucu. HINDERCORNS. The on'.vfire cure for Corrí, ítepi nJIpaiu. lic. at Unicista, or EUBCQZ í: CU.. Vfr A VME86 & HEAO ROISES CUSEO? BjgP" A ETl'eokx INVISIBLE TUBULAR EAU tkBoÊ JICÜSIMHIS. Whfapcra hard Coro. ftrUbl.-. S'irrcflrhTal1 Itcmd Tul I . HoldbyF. HISCOX OMlj, &8ttr'dffkj, flw ïwfc. WriUfor Mk t pmfb fKSJf OFALLPLASTERS S tor many years used and pre-oJ TSscribed by Physicians, but onlyj irecently introduced generally. f% A DR.GROSVENOR'S 5g Apellc&psids R PLASTERS. J C) The best Porous Piaster madeiflt ?or all aches,pains and weak places.? ÍUnlike other piasters, so be surecö ■ Jand get the genuine with the P'Cp I fture of a bell on the back-cloth.)" F(Grosvenor& Richards, BostonxR FROIWPAÏNTRyiT BOILINC WATER OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. TARÏND THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR PILES Saít Rhcum, Eczema, Wounds, Burns, Sorss, Croup, Bronchitis, Etc, PRICE OO CENTS. Send three two-ccnt starap3 for free sample bo and book. TARllÖTOAP, ABSOLUTELY PURE, FOR MEDICINAL, TO1LF-T, BATH AND NURSERY PURPURES. TAR-OID CO., Chicago, I1L Sk. TKNOTflOllKa rUSTEX EVER INVUfTttt vrSK" Thla trade-mark will bo found on all genolne goods. Look for it when you buy. Don't be foolcd. Tbere Is no other piaster or cxternal remedy lifce tho Hop Piaster, either in composltion, quickness of action or reliabllity. They fflvo Instant relief and permanent cure for iTery troublesomo pain, sorenesa, ocho or weakness In any part of the body. Csed in tbonsands ot homes Iwys with absolute confldence and succeaa. Sold by reliablo medicine dealera ererrwnere. Sent by mail on recelpt of price. 25 rts.; 5 for gl.OO. HOP PLASTER CO., PROP'S, BOSTON. We Pün placlng belleve UCU. contracta we _,-5ad have D verlfylng a I ' tneir thoroagh iulflllment knowledge DnuioM -. a.n4 of nUWcll unrivaled all 1 facilities tha O in ins & all and departments outs P iï of UU. careful newspaper and advertiBing, intelligent gained ser-rice. fu We au offer experience ffeWSpaDer servid twenty-flve h i " to years7 AÜVeitlSing wah'o successful Ruroail contémplate business; DUICdU, spending we 1 have or the 810.000 best In equipped newspaper office, n adverüsinK by I U a?3 far wno L&t Spruce vito comprehensivo r Bet as C ü1 well 01., n03} as an(l the lloui . .best most nCW advertising convenient fpr system Vnrlt the of I Ui IL money. m irl TÉW uSUiSflft And the best lamp ylIMiUlMmtM ever made. like Alad"EÜL jg- ■ - Z din'sofold, a "wonvï Bt-a derful lamp!" A lamp @4% aHBoH (7?& abnolutt'ly non jSLg_' 'LJgBlrJl exploHlve and uny aaHraWaggQr breakable9 which VaffStaeEPi 'S pives a cloar soity raWHBWHBB ?.í brilliant white light Wf' of 85 caiuMe power TWroy Purer and brighter vSmBK than gas light, softer g-SÍs than electric light, A -iv more chccrful than WÜPSTSvP either 1 That lamp is TSSpffiffi'-" "The Rochester." Ko Smolri, No SmtXt. Xo Broktn CJifmnryj. Only Hve years old. ami over tira milliona In ur. It must boa good lump to nmke bucu a telliiiK succeas. Indeed It is, for lamp ma; como uiii lampa muy po, but the "Bocheter" sninos or. lurevcr! Over 2,000 arlidtic vrieti ïrangtriff and Table Laraps, Ilanquet and Btudr. Vastí nnd Piano 1-amps- evcry knul. In Bror.ze, Turcelain, Hrass, Nickel and Black U'rought Iron. Ask the lamp dealur for it. Look fnt thu traile mark stamp: "The Rocukstkk." If h ■ has n t the Kenuine Kochester and tlie Btyle you ant crlf thereisnn lamp-store near, senil tont direct for free illustrated catalogue (Hnd r'dnced pncelist 1, nnd we wlll box and endyuu any luiuy safel} by expresa, riKli t to your duor. UUCIIESTKlt 1.AJIP CO., 43 l'urk Place, New York. Mfinufart UTffrt, nnd tnle Ovncs nfHachr.'trr P'itmt The Lanttt 1'imv t " IT".. -■-ƒ. [IgcdblessíI " Don't ask me to mend it. Take it back and gct a 5." f REE- Get from your dealer free, the fyí. Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about liorses. Two or three dollars for a sa Ilorse Blanket will ruake your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile , . , 5A Boss Stable Askfor 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. 5A BLANKETS ft?lE THE STROMGET. f, . i.ÏNUINE WITHO'I' "W". R . ■I IJV W AYU1H & "' N tlM famosa Uorse Bral i ■ i jTtoolsi's Cotton Boot GtiffiSk compound fl ïjïfiOomposed of Cotton Root, Tansy and Ly y3 Pennyroyal- a rccont discovery Dy an monttUy- Safe, Effoctnal. Price $1, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your druírgíst for Cook'3 Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or inoloae 2 stamps for sealed partioulars. Addresa POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Jöcfc JJBUfBIIIII ■!■■■-■ Illl'l ' I I' CEVEN CEVtWTEtM StVCWTV To cure Biliousncss, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, tako the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Vso the SÏIAI-I, Sise ((Oliltlo Tionns to the bottle). TllEV ARE THE MOST CONTENIEST SnitAhlo lor All Agón. Price of eltticr sizc, 28c. per Bottle. if RVIIISRt'"II-'U panel size J.F.SMITH&C0.Mtcr.ot"BlLEBLilN3."$T.iaUIS M0 ■ B f R Q rua genu I npnnirdnt.urEl linaofwrrV Sla I Inl I lfii.ny lid banonbly, by tlioie o Hifi 1 I U &■ W 'hor icx, young or bid, m! in thei II VU I owiilacalltipi.nlieroreitberlira.AnT IHWIIk H -, ui , l.i tlirnurk. Eu; to lcm W lSimish everythioï. We (tart you. Nü rik. You can devota your sparo moment, wc al) your time to the work. Thi il an entitvly new leuil,.iuil britigs wonderful tu cett to every worker Uefrinners are earnin ÏVom 25 to f 50 parwtk aud utiwardi ana more aftur a little extierience. We can furnitli you the tmployinent and teach you FHKK. No anafe to expíala ham. Ful Information Hlfcl:. TIC I i: Ifc „., H(il6Ti. ailMi. llYOU WISH to Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Ca No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. Robber Shoes nnless worn uncomfortably tlght, ijcneralíy elip off the feet THE "COLCHESTER" RUBBER C6. make all tbelr Phoos wlth Innide of heel Hne1 wltb nibhcr. Thl3 ctlnm to the shoe and niwents tb rubUr truin sllpplng ofl Cal. lot the 'CoichePtor' 'ADHESBVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY Win. Allaby, John Bnrr. Doty A Feltur, T.. Ornner, W. It In hardt A Co., A. l. Seyler A Kon. A.NX ARBOR. 0000.00 a yr is brinfr mede by John R. Biy" iomlin,Troy,N.V.,nt work for us. iradtr, Kfl t ;uu may not make as much, but we can V-ftteart. yóu juirklj how totara from & to Ljjf-w 1 Bf f 1 0 a dfiy at tln Hart, and mom sa yoa ga BP flHBflL Buth mim, all I nn.v Irt f V ' F""BAmeric. you oo ctimmnc at hon.t fYfl jan. JVfin all your timeT spare momnta ontyto XJ BÊL &tli" work" A!I rt y Bl'KK fc-f k r&9j very wcirktr. We ttirt you, furnlihln f-',r evcryUiitin. KAf JI.V, SPUDILT leantc1. TteÉawV I'Ai;"rJ l LAltS KHEK. Addr at once, L. m&ii W"W "■■ 10KTLA.M. BA1ÜB. MANorWOMAN JShoul carry tome Life Insurance and .VV OPTIOX POI.KÏ, as now issucd by the National Life Ins. Co,. OF TSBMORT. Providts fori"any emergency that can ?me. can be paid for Infivc, ten, or twenty years and contalns the followlng guaranteea: FIRST- Apald up policy after three yeare which amount is written uu the lace of the policy. KEC'OIV 1- It guáranteos you an Akkual Case v AI.UE, or if tho insured ueeds, or desires to ral money, the Company will loan on this policy, and still keep the policy in force. This ia a great ad vantage to a pereon woo may need moneyin business or to protect credit. T1IIRD- It guarantees extended Insurance for the fiül amouut of lnsurunce, for su long time as the cash value will pay for iu This Is a valoable option to niany who maj through physical.or financial mistonune desire their policy carried In fact this PoIIcy tyotect? gaijijit jlihefjiity In Bnsinefs, aud also makes an absoluta provifr ion in case of death, for wife, children or credit ors Remember this Policy ia ONLY written by the National Life Immance Company of Mompèlier Vermont. EORUEIW. 3IIM.EN, Spo lul A ,-nI, 1 Mantillón Block. ANN AEBOR. MICH. Insuraccr, Leal Sstate and Laan Agency HAMILTCN & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, I'IHKT Fi OOI'. ■ Partles desiring to buy or sell Eeal Estalt wiil flnd it to their advantsge to eall on ns. We represent the following first-class Fire Ini-urance ('ompames, bavir.g an aggregate capital of ever 8o,000,000l The fclrnml Knpia " '.■ us. Co., Tbc Oht Farinrr'fc i.m. ., (insnm oiily IwelliiiKNj. The (CTCiiini Kirc Ins. '.. The Pooplr's Flrc Ins. t'o., The 4'ltlzenM'Flre Iiin. Co., The Westohcster Flre In. Co., The Nilwaukee .IFccluiniiN Fire In Co., The New Hnmpshire Flre Ins. Co., The orltiM M. rn Fire Ins. Co. Rates Lov. Lossee llberallj ad]utted klí pal promptly. Wealsoimme Lifeand Invesiment Policieein the Conn, Mutual Life Imurance Company. Astil JSS.üOO.OOO. Peiwns deiirlng Accident Ineuracoe, cn have yearly Policies written for them oi Traveler'd Coupon Insurance Ticket lssued t low Hatee li the Ptandard Accident Insurance Comrr of Petrolt, Jlich. Money to Iobd at Currf Rate. Office houn fTom 8.n. tol2y. nd ?■ 5 p M. llaiullKm A .r I 11. FOR MEN ONLY! tfJMl-W5For L08TorPAXLDiO MANHOODi aJiirUllflfHOeiier! and NEEV008 DEBILITYj rij 1 4 ' I H I ! I Weakness of Body nd Btind, EffMt rwnimiilln Errora or Exoestes in Old or Younr, llobusl, NoMt HMI(M)I)follj llnlnrrci. Uowlotnlirnn] BiiHlhcnKKK, I DKVKUHKIMPIl(,.lNS 1'iKTSOt flODT. ih.ilulflT onfalMnii ÍIOT1K TKKATÏIENT- ftentfltf lm m dty. Brn tMlliy fWm O AUts and FantlgD ('nuntrlp,. nriu them. I TSTAITTD. il LOCAL OR" U TRAVELING. II to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses Steady Employment guaranteed. IIUSK BKOTIIER8 (IDII'AW. GOLD HEDAL, PABIS, 1878. Ï. Baker SCo.'s tBreakfast Cocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, ia Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthemng, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grooers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. djk J% J% 0% g% A YKAR ! I undrrtake to hritfij IJ1 J 1 1 11 teach iiy firly in tellipem p.non ofeitber Tk Illiri, hoc n-nfl and rite, and who, III ■■ I I lftT iuUrui-tion.will work (iiduitriouslr, lérV W V Whowto mm Thou-nnd Doll.r. f ar in (hirwn }■■ lir í.-h, m In-p-vrrthcr Hvo.I will n!so furniib h l'.uttfQ orrmjM'irnii-nt.Ht wliiih vuu ii rum tlmt amount. Co moner for mvunlrss mi-if iisful us abovc Kmtilvami fjuirkljr I rt-irv hut i.ite wrofMT frwm enh district orcounty. I hae uuht nml j.iovidid with eniployment a Inrco lumbtrr. wh.i re makin? orrr #SmKI litirttcb. lnKW ml SOI.II. Full par-rit iilnr FltFI-. AddrtM at once, B. . AM-i:.. lïox 4Mi AuLUilu, Mnine.


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