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Vote for mayor. Dr. MrLaclilan has a new telephone. Miss Amelia Schleede entertained her friends last night. The Wolverine Cycle club will dance at the rink tonight. James Bash, of Gfddesburp, gave a box social last night. Every reader shotild cut out ihe coupon on this page and vote for mayor. The young ladiea of the Foley Guild give a pedro party, Saturday niglit, at A. O. II. hall. The trial of the divorce case, Christian F. Kapp vs. Magdalena Kapp ia set for January 24. Circuit court did not convene Tuesday, on account of the funeral of the late Chauncy H. Millen. Ernest W. Wines, formerly of thiscit y, was married to Miss Mabel C. Miller, of Grand Rapids, on January 3. Misa Emma Kern per gave a progressive euchre party on Tuesday evening to twenty-two of her friends: It is rumored that a fine brick block will be erected next spring on the corner of Fourth-ave and Ann-st. The Baptist young people will enjoy a social, Saturday night, at the residence of Mrs. L. H. Goodrich on State-st. Anumberofthe young society people will give a dance at the Ladies Library building tomorrow evening. Aslightfirein the restaurant of Chris. Carey on Detroit-st, brought out the fire department Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Elliott, an aunt of Geo. Miley, of this city, died in Detroit on January 9. She leaves a husband and one son. On January 15, at Kansas City, was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Beemer, a girl. Both are well known in Ann Arbor. Bishop Garrett was suddenly called to Texas last week, and, in consequence, did not lecture Sunday evening as was announced. The firm of Harriman & Manly has been dissolved. Mr. Harriman has formed a law partnership with Prof. B. M. Thompson. Mayor Manly has been appointed member of the soldier' home board, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna„tion of Judge Brown. Mrs. Wm.Loveridge, of Hersey, Mich., died on Tuesday in the sixth ward, of paralysis of the brain. Her [remains were taken to Hersey. No one should fail to hear the Shakespearian lectures by Jame3 Kay Applebee, of Boston. They will be delivered next week, January 26-30. C. D. Haines bas sold all his interest in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti street railway company and the stock is now all owued in Washtenaw county. The Ann Arbor Agricultural Company has been reorganized. John Finnegan, assignee, on Saturday formally deeded the property over to the company. Professor Heneage Gibbes, M. D. has an article in the January number of The Physician and Surgeon, entitled: "Is the Unity of Phthisisan Established Fact?" J. F. Hiller's threeyear-old horse ran away last Sunday morning on North Main-st and sueceeded in smashing the buggy. Mr. Hiller was but slightly injured. The Grand Rapids Democrat of last week contamed a ibur-coluiim interview with Hon. Alpheus Felch, containing many reminiscenees of the old governors. A freshraan medical student was held up by two tramps last Friday night, on Detroitst near the meat market of H. Meuth. He succeeded in frightening them away. The Good Templars' meeting at Cropsy's hall last Sunday afternoon was a fine success. The hall was fnll, and the mubic and the epeaking were of a high order. The choir of St. Thomas' church, B. St. James, tenor; H. Meuth, bass; Miss Ella Meuth, soprano; Miss Lizzie Foley, alto; will singat Dexter next week. Fr. Dowling, of Detroit, will give a lecture. The stoekholders of the Michigan Furniture company met on Taesday eveniug and elected the following directora: W. D. Harriniun, L. Gruner, Moses Seabolt, C. E. Hlscock, A. W. Hamilton, E. E. Beal, Paul Bnaable. Johi Ri'gan had in interview with Justite Pond on Tuesday. He said he was a shoeuiaker, tbat he bailed from Chicago, that he was going to Detroit; tliat he was Urunk. The justice aid lie iti iiti t remain in towu one day, bui no longer. A requiem mass, in memory of the departed Frs. Carey, Wernert, Joos and Van Erp, was celebrated at St. Thomas' church latt Monday morning. Fr. DeBever, of Ypsilanti, assis'ed by Frs. Kelly, of Dexter, and Goldrick, of Northfield, conducted the services. The Ladies Aid Society of tlie Congregalional cburcb are aiTangini; for a very flne entertain nieut cooti, coiiBisliiig of Btereoptivun viewa f tbs faiuoua Pa.-si ui Piay The Tf ipoiclmrf elan wiil not hohl any dam on VVrdiiwuiay evening f next wet k on aououu) if lli far.l llint mostt.fihe nifmberx expet tnttttrnil the Applebee leetures Dr E. A. Cliirk, mssiëUnt to the ehair of surery in the homoepa liiudpirt ment, has openeil an office in the HangBterfer blnck. Dr. Cl ark i 'hf son ot one of the most prominent physicianin Ontario. The Aan Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Coinpany met last Monday night and elected the following directore: Chas. Gieen, president; L. Grunt-r, vioe-presiilem; F. H. Betser, serretury and treas urer; remaining clireutors, Gotlheb Luluk, A. Tiuker, Geo. April and David Rinsey. Even the poorold CourtPr prints some good things. We referto ts articles froin the American Econoiniti pubüshed as original editorial, the numerous clipi)ing3 from the Detroit Tribune, New York Sun, etc , and the map of Washtenaw county, which adorns half of the first page. The following is conspicuously poted in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti cars: ''l'assengérs are hereby warned and Jprbidden nol to stand or ride on the platform," and yet most of the people riding on the road refuse to pay any attention to tbe notice and occupy the seats inside. The annual report of the VVashtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company, filed with the county clerk, shows that during the past year 139 members were added, and 84 dedncted, from the list of are-holders. The total number now is 2,419. Risks are assumed on property amounting in the aggregate to $4,661.500. Mrs. D.ivid Stoll died suddenly on Saturday night of heart disease at lier residence on Brown-st. She leaves a husband and six children: David, of Grand Rapids; Matthew, of Buchanan; Mr?. Charles Mills, Mrs. S. F. Grang-r and Misses Anna and Martha Stoll, of this city. The funeral services were held yeeterday morning at the Bethlehem church. One of our citizens states that one day last week, while nding to Ypsilanti and back on the inter-urban road, the car going both ways was filled to an almost unbearable degree with vile cigarette smoke from cigarettes smoked by the conductor in charge and a mere boy who seemed to be acting as bis as-sistant, The offlcers of the road should at once discharge such employés. Fred Frank, the boy who made a murderous attack upon Augustus Pierce last fall, on Monday withdrew his plea of not guilty and p'eaded guilty of "Maalt with intent to do great bodily hrrna, less than the crime of murder." The judge decided to suspend senlenee, acting in accordance with the written requestof theinjured boy and his father and the recommendation of the prosecuting attornry. Recognizing the wonderful hold tliat the theory of high license has upon the moral and religious conscience of the people, the Temperance Union proposes to open that subject for divcussion at their meeting in Cropsy's hall next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock: Aftera brief paper bv S. G. Jenks, several others will follow with ten minute speeches. Persona interested on either eide are invited to come and take part ñ the discussion. The tableaux frotn Ben Hur, whieb were exhibited at the opera house on Thursday and.Friday nights last, were almost beyoVid criticism. The costumes were goodi the selection of scènes was wise and the posing, with sotne exceptions, was all that could be expected. The young ladies looked very graceful and pretty; the men very handsoine and brave. Prof. Trueblood's delivery of the narrative passages was easy and flowing. The Ladies Library Association are to be congratulated over the great success of their entertainment. At the request of several young men and ladies, the board of education has concluded to conduet an evening clam in book-keeping, penmanship and actual business practice in the commercial rooms of the bigh school. Il is requested thereforethat all who wih toavailthemselves of these advantages will meet Prof. McClenahan at the high school, Monday evening, Jao. L'u, at 7.:;0 o'clock, and if a snfhcient niimber will register, i In; la-s will be continued forten weeks of four evenings each. The ternw are v ry reasonable. The exposé of minti-reading which Prof. Ghitch II proposea tomakeonSalurday eyening at Uoivereity II, dl bids fair to be interesting. He will rupeat on the str.;(, in vieiv of the andience, the feaU of r;hington Irvin; Bishop and other " mind-readers." The U. of M. Glee Club will give several selections. The tickets will cost only fifty cents. As the entire proceeds go to the gymnasium fund, those who purchase lickets will do eo with the feeling that they are contributing so much to this most worthy object. Otto Mogk, íi n employé ot' ttie Allmendinger Piano & Orgun Works, nffered t severe injnry on Tuesday nmr'iii g. Mis right hand was laujht liy a drcuUr n;iv and the three middle finíel' A'crt' lai'erated 11 sucli a way thal tney ";i1 tO l)e am(iiit,ilei!. Of une of n. r prominent business men wbo at tended thu recent meeting .it tliH slichiyan Iinnber Retailern at Kalim y.Z' , lh Tiraberman bas the following to say: "Thomas J. Keec-h, (f A n n Arlior, vrafl complimented by ih litle ut' '"Profesr-or," aml even soine of the 'Ie Ifuiilt-s lieard tliat he was a mem ber of the colleste faculty of hia town. but in a private interview wit 1 1 Ttie TiniberuiHii, we diacovered wliat was weighing mout heavily on his mind for tha moment. Havinj; recentlv pnrl'hased a car load of redwood shingles 011 the Pacific Coast, he was desirous of knowing the best method of treatiag redwo.i shingles in order they may have Ufa everlastin:; his query havinj !eei overheard, a third party stepped np and vouchsafed the nf'irmation that, if redwood shingles or other shingles were dipped in crude petroleum, the rain drop would bolinee off such siiinj;let.' when in place on thu roof, mach as do the rain drops fr in the impervious covering which adonis and prolejts the traditional duck'.s back."


Old News
Ann Arbor Register