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Michigan State News

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The tw ith annual reunión of the Thirteentb Infantry was beid i'i Kalamazoo. about seventy [ment mi n.ii■ Jannary 17, lv men, of which number o returned after the war. Presii :■ i'rntt made th ■ annual addreas. !t was C cided t hold the next meet ■ in Kalamazoo. The followina; were elected: Preuldwiit, ,i. E. White, Kalamazoo; First Vice-PresM.nt, E. 1'. Deyoo, Onopcr; Second Viee-Prrsicl m. A e. ICkunazoo; Thira V cr-ï'irüi it, il. II. T-Mk, Grand Rapids; V' ■■ W. Belden Liuvton; Treusu or, Wllllam Boy, Maroellus; Bi ' '■ W. (Theelan, Mattawan. REFINED COPPEr?. The Totil Namber of Poand Shipped Dartng the rast s. . inThe following is tiie amount of reflned copper shipped during the season ofnavigati ral mines in the Laku Snporior eopp r country, in pounds: Calumet & Heola, .:) 1 768: Tamarack, 3,680.1 ::!13; Quincy. ö,844,&19; Franklln, 4.E61.78S; Península, 600,838; Atlano, 2,mu.ím: Huron, 1.900,000; Central, 1,068,170: Coppcr Folls, 42. 888; Allouoz, 1,086,309; National, 77,475; A.c uian, 11,978; Knowlton, 13,789: 1,809; Adventure, 13,485; Hiiton, 12,760; Koarsargo. 1.075.459; sundry small lots, 9.SG4; total, 74,760,030; manufacturod oopper, 8,936,884; total. 77.880,414. lïrt'w Iucky Nunibcrs. Governor inans has made these appointments: Inspector Generai, 11 A. B. Lothrop, Detroit; AdJutant-GeneraL Judson S. Farrar. Mount (Jlemens; Quartermaster-General, Frederlck B. Wood, Adrián: membars Soldiers' Home Board. Rush J. Shank, Lansing; L. G. Rutherlord, Grand Eapids; Charles H. Manley, Ann Arbor; J. Wells Sprague, Greenville; State Salt Inspector, Marshall Ca'-ey. Saginaw ; Insurance Commlssion, William E. Ma-ill. West Bay City; members State Boarl of Agrtoultare, Edwin Phelps, Pontiac; Ilcnry Chnmberlain, Throe Oaks; Warden Upper Península Prison, Marquotte, A. William rialmbourg, Isphemlng. ii-;ii h in Wohlgam. Reports to the state Board of üealth by fifty-two obsorvors in different parts of th ' Stat," for the week ended January 17 indicated Hiat inflammation of the bowels, typho-malarial fever, membrancrus creup, diphtheria and scarlet iever increasêd, and cerebro-spinal meningitis, whooping cough and cholera morbns decreased in area of prevalence. Diphtheria nras reported at thirty-l :■ r at fifty-five, typhoid fever at twenty-one and measles at thirty-one places. An ündornorrant. Fifteen persons have been drowned in Little T ay since 1S83. Of this number thi itwo or three have been recovered, and these by merest chance. It is believed that there is an onderciirrent which sweeps in around the southern shore of the bay, oarrying all bodies out to the openlalce. Wlien the Champlain was burned several of the bodies were carried in by this enirent and found above Petoskey, twenty miles frm where the people were Ürowne !. Co of Jackson Frison. It eest to run the Jackson State irisonthe past two years 3196,381, or an average of $133 per man. The total earnings were 9197,648, showing a surplus of 51,161. Nearly S'20,000 worth of permanent improvements were made. The average daily number in prison during the two years was 536, a deerease of 10 over the previous two years. Sixty of those now there are in for crime involving life. The Mdlers. The State Millers" Assooiation in session at Lansing elected the following officers: President, W. IJ. Knickerbocker, of Albion; President, C. J. Deroo, of Holland; Secretary, M. A. Holland, of Stanton; Executive Committee, C. F. Colby of Dowagiae, S. J. Titus of Hattle Creek, C. 1Í. Chatfield of Bay City and the president, vice-president and secretary. A Riek Flnd. The Grand Ledge Sewer Pipe Company made n valuable discovery. By boring throngfa the aandstone rock underneath the fire clay they have been taking out they found a strata of fire clay forty-seven feet in thickness, which now makers a strata of this valuable clay sixty-four feet in thickness. S'i .- hu' -- ■ .„,. An Elm Hall 65-year-old widower married a 14-year-old malden and there's a big row being raiaed about it. l!ay City had 130 flr i alarme in 1890, and tlie losses foot u:i S'238,000. The Changing House at the Fitch mine near Ishpeming was burned. Loss, mcluding1 miners' clothes, 82,000. At Iron Mountain a policeman arresteil Stephen A. Jack. 'J'his disgrace preyed on .lack's ïnind, and lie was found hanging in his cell dead. Mrs. Chandler, the widowof Zachariah Chandler, the famous Michifrun Senator, is erecting a beautiful house in Washington, lts walls are of pink-yellow brick, with trimminga of gray-yellow stone. Henry Crow dropped dead at (Jrand Rapids of heart disease. George Ryder, a farmer near Coldwater, was found dead In bed. W. 1'. Edison, brother of the famous inventor, died snddenly at Port Huron of hearí i The shortage of tiie treasurer of the Patraña f Industry has been made good at Port Huron by Treasurer Krause's bondsmen. The sixth biennial report of the Industrial Home for Girls shows that m two years ended .June:;, 1890,148 girls were receivad. The lir'.icst number, sixty-five, came from Wayne County. John C. Boardman, of Mackinae City, died a few years ago. leaving a beautiful widow, and, as was then supposed, no money A teareh of his effects shows, however, a will an.l property amounting to S40.00U. All tho money goes to the widow, and already the vounir crallaiits are slsfalnir for her favor.


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