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LOOKIHG BAOKWARD Upon our 40 years of experience and the testimony of our judamentot' Diamonds and olher Precioue Stones ■which we handled during that time, we find that it pays to deal in fine f? ods. L00KI1TG FOEWAHD We feel aesured that the People of Detroit and vicinity wil continue their appreciatiou of our honest efforts to give them their money's woith and more, and evtry time they purohase they will cali on us and eee our large and fine selected stock of Diamonds and other Precious Stones and Holiday Novelties. F, Rolshoven & Co. 156 WQ3DWARD VENE. DETROIT. rMüGheirs Kidney Piasters Aï'Sorballdisease in the Kidncysand restore them to a hcalthy conditicm. Old chronlc kidney BuCerers e-iy they got no relief nntü tliey triod MITCÏIEITS KIDMY PL.ASTEKS. Sold by Druggleits everywhcre, or sent by maïl f or 50c Novelty Plaator Worka, Lowell, Maw. THE FIGURE "9." The figure 9 in our dates will mako fi long stay. No man or womar. now living will over date z document without using the figure 9. It standf in the third place in 1890, wbere it will remain ter years and then move up to second place in 1900 where it will rest for one hiindnxl years. Thore is another "9" which has also corae to stay It is unliko the figure 0 iu our dates in the respeö that it has ulrcady moved up to flrst place, whi it will jxirmancntly remain. It is called the "No 9" Hlgt Arm Wbeeler & Wilson Sewing Machine The '", 'o. 9" was endorsed for flrst place by tt experts of Eüropc at the Paris Kxposition of 188fl where'after a severacontest with the leading nu chines of tlie World, it was awarded the onl; Grand Piizc given to family sewing machines, al othersca exhiblt haying reoeived lower awordf of gold medals, etc. The Fronch Governmr ut alsorecogniedit.s.superioritybythedecoratioiioi Mr. Nathuniel Wheeler, Presldentof the compuuy. with the Cross of the Legión oí Honor. The "Ko. 9" is not an old machine improved upont ïs an entlrely now machino, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand est advance in sewing machine meoüoniftm of tbe age. Those who buy it caa rest assurod, tL. r fore, of having the very latüst and best. WHEELER & WILSON JTFG CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STABLEK, ll w. WnahluKtnn-at. i h . ■ ii tbe Newspaper ,V-,.r fi. V'u iVFR & 'Uta B A pamphlet of lnlonnation and ]Ê ■ stract of tbe laws, flbuwing ïiovr toMSt BObtain Patents, Caveats, Trude VB Marbs, Copyrights, sent fret.BJ ■Addreu MUNN & CO.yM JHJitil Oroadnay, fl ;- ■ : :■ ■ - ■ ... VV. !. "ld DJ WJf. RKIMI I{IT & CO. KREMEMBER ñg LINCK IS THE NAME OF THAT ■ M Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH, HAY-FEVER, COLD (o the HEAD, SORE THROAT, GANKER, and BRONCHITIS. Prtce S1.00. Hnt Bottle For Sale by leading Druggists. FBEPASED ONLT BT Kllnck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co. 82 JACKSON ST., CHICAGO, ILL.


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