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A Romance, She was fair- and my passion bejrun ! She smiled- and I could not but love But vhen from afar I detected catarih No beauty my passion could move I In despair she sought doctora Ín vain, Till she learnefl of " Humaníty's boon ; " Now her breath Ís as sweet as the dew Which falla upon roses in June. To-night as we slt in our borne. And I kiss ber sweet lips o'er and o'cr, We lesa Dr. Sage In our bliss. For the joy that he brought to our door. There is no disease more trying to friendship than catarrh ! l'he constant effort to clear the throal and nose, the foul breath, all the features ofthedisease, make it as much dreaded by the friend as bv the victim. Humanity has rause to bl'ess Dr. for bis "Catarrh Remedy." The manufacturers offer to forfeit $500 for any case Ihey cannot cure. BradfleUr témale Kegulator Should be used by the young woman, she who suffers from iiny disorder peculiar to her sex, and at charge of life is a powerful tonic; bene fits all wlio use it, Write The Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. for particulars. Sola by all drugists. nambí Bui ? "Ho," said a well-known statesinan, "I shall never believe that woman bas tue proper judgment and sense to casta ballot, or interfere in politics, wliil she is so weak-minded as to passively suffer, year after vear, from disease peculiar to females, whenevery newspapershe picks up, tells of the merits of "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Xot to take advantage of this remedy is certainly an indication of mental weakness!" There is a wholesome kernel of truth inside the rough shell of this ungallant speech. The "Favorite Prescription" is invaluable in all uterine troubles, inflammations, ulcerations, displacements, nervous disorders, prostration, exhaustion, or hvsteria. For run-down wornout women, no more strengtbening tonic or nervine is known. The Golden Rule. Sunday School Teacher- What is the fo'den rille, Johnny Biliin? johnny (xon of a jeweler)--Tosell ten sarat tor tourttíen karat. ('atnrrll is Curable. Pe-ru na will rare the worst cesef Let him who doubtt) it write either if :he followinw pereons: Nicodemu, Shellsburg, Uèüford county, P.i , had catarrh in head and throat; doctored with beet phvsicians without relief; lot speech, was unable t'i do any work; could neithnr eat nor hieep. Kntirely cured bv Peru-na. Mrs. J W. Reynolds, New Lisbon, O., snffered for many year? with chronic catarrh of the hings, head and throat; continuoua :ongh; many physicianu í'ailed to cure. Permanently cured by Pe-ru-na. Thotismda of testimoníala could be produced. A valuable treatiseon catarrh sent free :o any address by the Pe-ru-na Medicine Company, Co nmbus, Ohio. A ('oiiiiiioii Vuse. Wickwire - There never were so man}1 chances as now to get a good income out of a smalt fortune. Yabsley - Wluit I'd like is to get a ?ood fortune out of a small income. A Ctannce to Hnkc noney. Mk. Kditor: - I bonght one ot'Griffifu's maoliities for pliing with g'.'ld, silver "r nickel and it works to purfoctinn. N i Boooer oiil the peoplehftar of it than I h I more spnoti, knives, foiks f.nd jewlry than I could plate in a rno'ith. Tne firt week I cleared $31.30, tbe first moDth $167.85, and I think by July Ut I will bave $1.000 cish ami givn my farmo qtiderable atteution, too. My dauijhtfr made $27 40 in fuur day. Any [eis n can get one of these mnchinos by se dini; $3 to W. H. Grifflth & Co., Zanesville, O , or can ob'ain circtilirs by dilressiiis; tho'ii. You ca'i learn to u'-e the machine in ore hour. Aa thi is my first lucky streek, I give my experience, hoping others may be benetited js muoh as I have been. Yours truly, 0 M. O. MOREHEAl She Tlioneht No Aii.v wiiy. Small Girl (on seeing a Chinese watheu man) - What's that, mamma? Mother - That' a Ch maman, dear. Small Girl - Do all the folks in China dress like that. Mother - Yes dear. Small Girl- Gracioas ! how they must laugh when they see each other. A Ladyn i-erlecT 'uinpnnion Painlesa Childbirth, our new book tells how any woman may become a mother without svffering any pain wliolever. Also how to treat and overeóme morning sickness, swelled limbs and other evite attending pregnancy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by phyaicians as the wife's true private companion. Bend two-cent stamp for descriptivo circulars and confidential letter, sent in seal envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co., Publisbers, Baltimore,' Maryland. 0 Oirted. "So your son won't woik," said one Congressman toanotber. "Ño" was the reply. "I've tried to persuade him to employ himself at somethinir, but he won't do it." ".Maybe he is what they cali gifted." "I should say he was. I've given him everytbing he has, and more, too." leadles Try Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure 6uppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1SS7. A safe, reiiable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, ór mciney refunded. The larger portion of the i lis to which ladies are 6ubject is the direct result of a disoidered añil irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Pprice, S-. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggista, AnnArbor, Mich o isTIT AïiBOB FRUIT-:-FARM! PEARS ATD (RAPES A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Flowers, urm Kllwanger & Bakry. O' der Enrly by Muil. Syrups. Medteinal Wines. Raspberry Syrups, Boneet, Uandtlinn and Other Domestlc ürape Wines, prepared especiaüy for Invalide. 99" Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs. BMIL BAUR, W. Hubon-St.


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