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Hangsterfer's FRENCH, HAND MADE Bon Bons 25c a Box. Pol np 1" oni' p'iuml Fancy Hoxes. iold t 1m.- here t fcrtv and tifty cents. Fre-h ('andius made everv day. BS O! III MAIN NI , ■ UNAIÜUIII ; zi-CA?Itü, $250,008, j THE EsjstosÊ Mortgags C.pany Offers for Uf, ai ïar anuaeoiu niet est. Ltx owu mvi n per cenL. iirst mortne n jhíu b ;lu anioimt Irum $rí0 lo $5,000) OQ improved tann ani city pmperty .enil-annual Interest. Ab iute jïuaramL't: of in tere -t and prinelpft] Interval payable iu AiiH Arbor. For panicuiarn in regañí 0 these saie and ïtMmble loaus. consult W. ü. HARKIMAN, Att'y, Ann Arbor, S] h ii. ' DRRUTH Df New York, the well known and succe&sinl Specialist in Chronie Diseases and Dlbeases of tbe Eye and Ear, by request of many friends and potients, has declded to visit ANN ARBOR, Thursday, February 12, 1891. Conmltation and Examination frek and strictiy confideutlal, In his PARLOKS AT THE COOK HOUSE JB ■ DK. FRTJTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NKW YORK CITY, Ably osslsted ty a f all corps of competent p)r sieians aad eureona, treats with unparallcU Buccess a'.l Chronic Diseases and Diseana o the E . and tar of evory nature upon the latest scicr.til priacp-ti. "lo particularly Invites all who: caaes have been neglected, badly treated or pr, nounced incurable. Fatients who ara doing w nndcr the caro oL their own physicians need ncal' on us, os our provinco is to trea.t those wb cannot f.d reli -f otherwlse. BeHevine thp.t s( enceis truth and "trulh ismighty aul will pr vail, when known, and kuowing disc Can be cnred with positivo certuinty, he invit ■ the ailïioted ïo cali and receive advice iree and i í curd of the;r dlseasefl. There is no hubject thnt requires eo miK udy and cxperlenceas the treatmentand cu v of chro'ilc disea-ses. Thea-tonisbingsucccss n: maarkablo cuna performed by him i3 due to i thorougo. knowledge of the Btructure and fun Uon8 oí the human Eys(2m, and theeure of d. oase by natural remedies. Let those giveo up i , Dthers cali for examination. Hehassuccesfitul . tieatt'd the following diseases sincehisarrival ! this State: Eye and Ear diseases, Chronic Die 1 :af"i, Chronic Inflammatimi oj the Womb, Cftrov Jnjlammntiun of the Badder, Painful or Irregul McaMruation, Peter Sores and Uhers, ivcontSien of Urine, Tape Wonns, Crookcd Limbsand Enlarg, n Joints, Spiiial Curvatura, Club Foot, Hip Disrase, White SweUing, Dischargina Abecrsses, Sirilityor Barrenntst, h'ervowncsii and General Teb. ity, Impotency, Diacase of the Kidneys and B'audi Leucorrhca or Whitcs, Btoches, Pimples?, Skin D: . eases, Duspepsia, Constip'itwn, Dmp?y, Cáncer, Ly leptie Fits, Erysipelas, Gravel, Bolín, Qleet, (]sw rhoea, IIydrore'%Z''2.rrjiKase,Healache, Piles.Hi (eria.SyphUis.Si. yitttsDmce,C'hroi!ÍcDiseníe'-u,É. larged Tonsils, Fistulain Ano, Hernia or Èuutm Ovarían, Tumors, Paralysis, Prolapsus Vlcri, Bro. chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Srrotida, Consumptio i, Chronic Cough., Female Weakneeê, Bpermatorrht ■ Rhritmatixm.etc AllsurgicalopiTations performtú Hree Kxamiiiallnn of the l'rlut . Eacn person applying for treatmentshonld bril [ an ounee of their urine, which will n-cei vea car y íul Chemical and microscópica! exsmination. Bemarkable Cures perteetc-d Ín ol.i cases wnicn nave bn noglectea or unskill(ul: treated. No expe .ments or íailures. Parti.s treated by mail r exprese, but where possiblo personal consultation preforred. Curable caaes mteed, List of questiDtis íree. Western Add css, . KK57XH, ïoïcCo, O. Jm TíVT'rst Clas9 j The LareoKt, Vutct ond lnct In the World. I issenfer Mïaomoflatlons inifxrflled. NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW ElHIOPlA, DeC. 27. I ANCHIIHIA, Jan. 24. CIRCASSIA.Jan. 10. KTHIOPIA. Keb. 7. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. CALEDO.NIA Pee. 10. ITALIA, Dec. 10. CALIFORNIA, Deo 27. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE raten on lowett terina to arul f re mi tho principie SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH AND ALL CONTINENTAL PQINTS. Exetmíoo, Tickets redtu ed, mftdaavaübleto retara by either tbe nctureaqae Ciyde v; Nortb oí irt-iund, or Ri ver Uenev A' souti, of Ireland, or Naples A: (iibraltar. CIRCULAR LETTERS Of CREDIT, DRflFTS ANÜ MONEYOROIJtS íorany amountatlowt-strurrantratc-s. Apply to ECny of our local hgi mis, or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. jATit. fit. (A4 II. Aeill. LÜÖSË'S EXTRACT RED CLOVERJLOSSOM CONCEBÍ' S a Female Weiikiu s Sores, Ulccrs, Tumors -s, Itlootl r.ii-onii,K, Sült lili, ui, Catürrh. KryAipclas, Kheumatfgm aud alí Blood and Sktn Diseases. Price 8i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Boules for 5. i Ib can Solid Eitra: L■50. J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. 8Id tv aiidruggists.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register