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SAW MILLS ENGINES. Imiirovi'il Variable Fr il ion Fecd Send for catalogue and special prices. A. B. FAKQITII AR CO„ Torh, Pa. Many Clergymen, Singers, actors, and public speakers use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is the favorito remedy for hoarseness and all affections of the vocal organs, throat, and lungs. As an anodyne and expectorant, the eftects of this preparation are promptly realized. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has done me great good. It is a splendid remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs, and I havo nnich pleasure in testifying to its merits."- (Rev.) C. N. Nichols, No. Tisbury, Mass. "In my profession of an auctioneer, any affection of the voice or throat is a serious matter, Imt, at each attack, I have been relieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This remedy, with ordinary care, has worked such amagical effect that I have suffered very little inconvenience. I have also used it in my family, with very excellent results, in coughs, colds, fe."-Wm, II. Qtiartly, Minlaton, So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. SoW by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six botties, $5. VFhen Bam .-.-. is glcL, we g."9 her Castoria. When she was a Chlld, she cried for Castoria Whei. sn became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whfc He had Children, she gave them Castorhk fr".- ahjflZifegfrw Smig linie fortunpstinycheenniadea' jSBnÜLi fcV "-■■!-: for us, by Anna IVige, Austln BafjggflflHMBk 'I'exaa, and Jim. Ilonn, Toledo, Ohio WwWáVfcjdKJmnfBfc1''13 cut Others nredüingftswell. Why faPp gftffJIB" "{ yu? Some earn over #500. 00 a Iv. 7 KgjjBmonth. You rnndo the work and live ■ CSèAk ■ËW'11 homi wherever you are. Even bp 7 J? PVflHr KillT1rs are ensïly earning from #5 to P (f Bw lüday.Allagr'a. We show youbow n.llullett t Co.,ilóx "'OJPorUaiVdMaiue THE CREAT Germán Remedy. tRÜTHSF0RTHE81CK.I I Fur tliose iloatlilv ?1,000 will ho paid InBllloasSpellsdepena fora case wlieresuLIjlonSuLPnuur.iT'rEKS PHüB Bitters will gljit ill cure you. notassist or cure. It □ Do you mIiKt witl. "0TCr fai'3t3 ■Jlthattiredandallgono cieansethe v.tiátedSffl Ifeelmg; ïf so, uso bloo(1 whcn you 6ec I .ílDL.I;!IUB BlTTEES i its impnrities I it will cure you. inR throngh the skiu I I Operativos who are ' Pimples, Blotchcs, I gclosely conflned in i1 Sores. Rely onU Qthe milis and sl "'."'i, Bl?ii J "1'Q ■■shops; clcrkcwho do in(l tealt!l wiU iolS I Inot procure sufficient 'ow1 1 llexercise.andallwho T7TrinHüTríñi llTSbeSS S IH If vou do not wlsh S!-r,LI'l,I5IIiBlTTEB5lI I Ito suffer from will build you up and! I latism, use a bottle of nrwke youstrongandl I IIsui.i-iii.-r BITTER3; healthy. Itnevcr falla to cure sulphcr Bitters III PJ Dou't be without fi wlllmakeyourbloodïS I3 bottle. Try it; you pure, rich and strong.U will not regret it. and your flesh hard, nj LadieindeÏÏcate Try Sulphcr III health, who are all reits to-night, and III rundown, shouldnsc vou will sleep welll II SuLPmiRjRiTTEiw. ánil feel hetter for lt. III Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? Bend 3 2--ent stamp to A. 1 Oroway & Co Boston, Slass., aud receivo a copy, free. j flLrllLI ITcHILD BRADFÍEL.Q REGULATOR CO. ATLANTAqa SOLDEY C. E. EBEBBACH. "lalceisSpTcïfiV CURES i Dcliility, Kxhnnxtinii, Prcmatnrc Decay, l'arlial or Total Iinpoit-ucy, und All WEAKness arismg from over-taxation of mind or body. M E N ufTmnc from the Dlseases and weakneas that hare niu in .vouthluliiripmdeui'p ran rely on a speedy and crinanent restoration to Lcalth andhappiness. Price, $2.00 by mail sccurcly sealed. THE SPECIFIO is prenared from tUo prescriptlon o 0 old and xpertenci'd pliysioian. and may be relied oa snaremi-dynnequaled in effleacy, and ie therefore bommend itto the uotlce of the Medical ProetHon rail office and Laboratory Jfano-r. Speciflc 9 13 E. 30th St.. New York City. IltGliSll'S HEDtt FtósE NSTAKTDSIJZFrOR AIX mïtTSATTO .'.!:.' 0 BcRBcrFBforRaenmatism.KonralgiaeTi Pc! ■ . BülU by droguista everywï-erp, er by mail. is i MoveltT VlOMler i urk, .owoii,


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