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MANorWOMAÑ 3Shon[ carry 6ome Life Insurance and ASÍ OPTIO. POUCT, as now issued by tlie National Life Ins. Co,. OF VERMOMT. Provides. forany emergency that can arise. can be paid for inflve, ten, or twenty years ard contains the followlng guáranteos: FIRST- A patd up policy after three vean which amount is wrltten on the face of tha policy. SECOSTI- Itguarantees youan Annual Cass Valué, or if tho iusured needs, or deslres to ral money, the Company will loan on thts policy, and still keep the policy in forcé. This is a great ad vantage to a person wlio may need money in buslntss or to protect credit. . Tí?IRIíIt rantees extended lnsuranca for the full amount of Insurance, for so long time as the cash valué will pay for it. This is a valuable option to many who may through physleal, or flnancial misfortune dcsire their policy carried Iu fact this Polier fyoteclj gaig dVefïty In Business, and also makes an absoluta provisión in case of death, for wife, children or creditors Remember this Policy is ONLY written by the Veimon 'isuiance Company of Montpeüer, GEORUE w. MIMES, Kpcdal AKent, 1 IlHiiillton B!oek, ANN AEBOR. MICH. Znsuranc?. Leal Sstate and Loan Áencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST H.OOIS. _ Partles deslrintí to buy or sell Real EstaW wUl flnd it to their advantaee to cali on us. We rapresent the following flrstclass Fire Insurance &P000-eS' g a ftsgreRftte c"Pttal of The Grand Rapldg Vire Ins. Co.. The .riinin Klre Ins. Co., The Peoplr'R Flre Ins. ., The 4'ltlzriiN'FlrcIns. Co., The WoNtrhestor Klre In. Co., The nilwaukeo Tfrrhnnlc's Flre In íí1 Ï-0" '"Pshlre Flre Iiis. Co., The Korlhwestrru Flre Ins. Co. Tlate Low. lapsos IiberaUy adjnsted and pal WeRlsolm9 T.ifpanrl Inveatment Policios Ín theConn, Mutual Life Imurance ComnuiT V 166,0a 000 Perron denirlnK AccTdeñt ínsn?. iw, nnn have yearly PoIícícb wrltten forthem or ! ravoler" Ponp-m íuMimnce Ticïet issued at LOW Rtxef Iti tho Standard Accident Insurance Oor.ipsr of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loan at O-,rr-. Rrttf. Office hounj Jrow ú t "12" tiii ? ' b p ir ITamilioii Green. FOR MEN ONLY! HJlF-ll-W!í'or LOSTorFAlXINO MANH00D; ÍLjULEjUrfTnQeneral aod NEKVCU8 ESBLUTYj Ffi'i J'l H I IWeakness of Body and Kind, Effect MliHII'llllnf Errori or KxcB(eB in Oíd or Younfr, Uobail, Noble OaMIOOD fallr Hentorra. Huw to rnlara ni Hlrfiiii-hrnKKiK, l'MIKVI!l.orKnoil.l'SllUTSIlFRniT. AbioInlelT onfilllnii I1OSK TKK.lTJIKNT-llein-0 lo dar. Rea tfitlíy from 60 Sutr nnd Foi-olgn CoDDti-les. Wrrt thnk DeicrlptlTe llook, rxplnntllen and prooft nittlfd ((■led) ir- iíirew KRIK MEOICAl. CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. WA1TTED. II L LOCAL OR" TRAVELING. II o sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expensen teady Hmployment guaranteed CHAÑE UltOTlIIUCS OJIPAÜT. GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Go.'s Breakfast Gocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicaís are used in its preparation. It has inore than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far moro economical, cosling less than one cent a cup. It is dclicious, nourishing, strengthcning, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. . St I F !" "ho '" "■"' "■"' ■"' ""1 ". IÍW V V Ul I., Thre Tbou.nd Hollín. , vrrtbeyllve.l wllUleofimlb tlic !iatioaarvmiluynii-ut,at whii-h tuuchu eam thatamount. So moii.y for mpunlMi nuit fsaful a. abnve. Kaitly and nuirkl l.'iiriied. f dMn bnl OM wurkcr [Voni vacb district orcounty. I liavo airead itught nd prorfdcd with enipluymtitt a larM uii.h.r, .h. ara making over HOOO v.areach. Il'i NEW .l SOI. II. FulHarticuInni-RKK. Addrc.a at onc, B, C, ALI.E.Y. IIux J3O, Auilultu, Jlulue.


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