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r.MAY, Feb. 1. 10:80 a. m.- Preaching servid'. 12:00 m Sunday school. 6 (80 r. m. - Youok People's Meeting. 7:30 f. it.-Preaehing service. The ordlnace "f the Lord's Sapper at close ( mornins service. Neighborhood rayer meetings for next wet'k will bo annoanoeü from the llllit. onuri'ualioiuil 4 Illlrrli. Si nday, Fel). 1, 10:80 a. m.- Preaching service. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. :.'o r. m. - Young People's Meeting. 7:80 i'. i. I'reaehing Rervice. Wkdnkhday, Jan. 4,7:30 p. m.- Prayer meeting. linil-h' 4 Imrrh. Sunday, Feb. 1, 4:30 p, m. - Social service in the parlors of the Congre;utional church. Oerntaa Kvanicrllcal Iletlilclicm 4 luirrli. Sünday, Feb. 1, 10:30 a. m.- Preaching service by the pastor. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. 7:30 p. m. - Preaching service by the iastor. Wkdnesday, Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m.- Prayer meeting. Thubsday, Feb. 5. 2:00 p. m.- Meeting of the Ladies' Society at Mrs. Aug. DeFries, corner of Williams and S. Fourth-st. 7:30 p. m.- Meeting of Young Ladies society at Miss Flora Schuhmacher's, Subject: Job 14.2. Merman Lulhernn Zlon' i Imrrli. Sunday, Feb. 1, 10:30 a. m.- Preaching service by the pastor. 12:00. - Communion. 7 :15 i'. m. - Preaching. Wednksday, Feb. 4 7:45 p. m.- Young Ladies Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. John Lutz, of W. Secondst. Tuursday, Feb. 5, 2 p. m.,- Ladies' Society will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Hettich Sr., on Huron-st. jlrruiaii MellKMlUt EplHcopal 4'hurch. Sunday, Feb. 1, 9:30 a. m.- Sunday School. 10:30 a. m. - Preaching. 7: '!() r. m. - Preaching. WiiUNKsDAY, Feb. 4, 7:30 p. m. - Prayer meeting. M-l lliHlil I lHt-);il 4 Illircll. Kev. B. II. Buít, D. I)., l'asior. Sunday, Feb. 1,10:30 a.m.- Preaching service by the pastor. 12:110 m.- Suiulay school. 7::0 i'. m„ - l'reaching service. All are welcome. Wicdnkbday, Feb. 4, 7:30 P. M. - Prayer meeting. l filies' F. M. Society every second Friday ín each month. Ladies' II. M. Society every foiirlh Friday in each month. I "r'-shvioi-inii t )linri'li. Büsday, Feb. 1, 10:30 a. Preacbing. Sn iijfi-t : "Whiii, isihe use of the Prayer Meeting? " I2:(io m. - Sunday School. 7:30 i". m.- Preaching. Subject: "A Trim Methotl of Reasoning for DoubtC." Thubsoay, Feb. 5) 7:80 p. k.- Prayer meeting. Lad i i;m' F.M. Society, every second Friday eacb month. Ladies1 11. M. Society, every fourlli Friday each month. 4:00 p. m , hint Sunday each month, "WilllDB lluirts." S . All4lrAWN :ilfir.ii. Rev. Henry Tatlock, rector; Rev. VV. O. Waters, assistant. Sonday, Feb. 1, 8:00 a. m.- MorniiiK 1'rnyer. 10:30 a. M.- Holy Communion; Sermón by Bishop Garrett. 12:00 m.- Sunday School and Prof. Scolt's bible rlass. 3:00 p. m.- Sunday School at Geddes and Foster's. 7:30 p. h.- Kvening prayer, followed by Bishop Garrett' sixth lecture before the Hobart Guild. Subject: " Redemption." Monday, Feb. 2.,- Puriflcation of St. Mary, the Virgin. B . m. lluly Communion. Wki.nhsdav, Feb. 4, 7:30 P. M. Eveninn prayer. Thubbday, Feb. 6. 7:80 p. u.- Meeting of ll.ibarl Guild in llarris Hall. Friday. I'eb. 0, 4:00 P, m. - Litanv. l'iillnrinu 4 liurcli. Rev. J. 'I' Smult rlatul, minister. Buhday, Feb. 1, li)::!o a. m. - Moming servic-f. Subject: "Kvidence of Immortality." 9:46 and 10::',0 a.m.- Children'sReligiOHS ('lasKt'K. 12:00 tc.- Student's Bible Class. Subed : "Races f the World; Beginnings of Bebrew Hiatory." 'l to 8 f. m. Eleading Room is open. 7:80 P. M.- Evening Service. Subject: "A Sanday in the English Lake Begion ai the Borne r Wordsworth." UoxdAY, Feb. 2, s:00 p. m- Unity Clubi Paper l' Vrui. Charles E.Greene. Subject not annonnced. Paper by Prol'. .). C. Bolfe o.i "Modern Greek Life." Wkdnksdav, Feb. 4, 2:30 P. M.- Ladies' Union. Paper by Mth. J. B. Angelí on "Life in China." Paper by M ri. Coon on "The Present StatiiH of the Temperance Question." Papers to be followed by discussion. Alrlvan H. K. 'Imrrli. llcv. Mr. Coltman pastor. Sunday, Feb. 1, 1020a. m.- Preachirin. 2:00 r. m.- Sunday School. 7:30 m.- Preachinj;. A cordial invitation is extended to al


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