Real Estate Transfers
The real estáte transfer tur the week ending January 24, were tu follows: Agatlia H. Elber to Frederlck Graf, part of lot 8, sec 9, Saline villagc $ 800 leo. Paul to Joseph Staib, part ut u w % sec 'j, Bridgewater 900 Joseph Mount to G. L. Mouiit, part of w 'L nec81.8haron 1.000 C. W. Maroney to E. A. Hoag, lot 8 and e % lot 2, block 21, Congdon's Uil add, Chelsca.. 476 Mary E, Lamed to TheouhlluB Lamed, w x, e li wc 18, Northfleld. 125 A. P. Wilcox to F. D. Butto, neDeK ec86, Augusta _ 800 Jno. Webb to Uallup and Turk, umi % of e Uneiísecl. Lyndon 80 Miki Haight to Jane Hatght. lot adjolning lot owned by G. W. Sly, Milan 650 F. J. Kress to G. R. Jolmuon, part of n w !4 uec 3, Ypsllanti town 1.800 H. P. Glover to A. A. & Y. bt. R'y Co., lot 6 and lot 24, McCornilck' sub liv, and plat of lot 12, se Vi sec 6. Ypsllantl town 400 Chrislian Brauu to W. II. Davenport, part of w % n w % ree 16, Saline 400 W. 0. Jacotms to J. E. Maaklns, lot on n w cor of Wellí-m and Baldwm-av, Ann Arbor 1,000 Mm-k & si-huí id to Anua Kreën, part of lot 17, bluck 5 s, range C e, Ann Arbor 400 H. W. DextertoJas. Blair, part oflot 10, bl'k 101. Dextcr vlliage 182 Jas. Blalr to Peter Klder, part of lot 10, bl'k Ü0, Dextervlllaee 100 Harvey Hall ui W. F. Sackett, land In Man li.-ier 1.950 Jas. KlUton, by hclrn, to KtolMclmer, lot 7 and w % lot .r, and part of lot 8, W. t. Maynard' plat. Ann Arhur 4,000 Ianii!Kiniint to (nlluii and Turk, umi %% , MO Ij l.yii'lnn 82 Gallup and Turk to Leonard Uallup, e %n o xi Buc 1, Lyndon 50 Egbert Rice to 1). Schofleld, lot 8, Cross & amlth'K add, ÏMllantl 95 W. l'. rovcs In I'. 'iulhiKtt'-r, w yt n w ]i sec B6, Nortlilield 2,200 v. i". Qrorei to il. w. Boblnion, part of h w 'yitec 25, Northlicld CO W. P.QtOTM to Jno. Wagucr, part of w 'Aa WÜC25, Nortliliulil 910 Umin Drury to A. il. Canule. Vork 500 Mary Oonkllng to a. W. Btüett, rpdlaaü... uooo QUIT CLAIMS. J. G. Graf, by beln,!to J. F. eraf. w 'Ane'A and n 'A w J h e ' , 18, Bridgewater Ï3.500 J. F Lawrciicc lo Aun árbol ('ity, lot at cor of DlTldon and Ñorth iti, Ann Arbor 350 F. D. and IC. Mutis to V. B. WDcol, njüe'i ne, none, Auguitt 800 il. Qeddea bï beiñ, i iC, Bonnett,eVjnwi ii 2,200 a. vv Ooopei to Aivin c. Welen, lot 16, W'k 6, Cheltea i A Wood to olirlM'a Bavlnga Bank, w :, lot 12, o y lot i;. Ion LI and n, blook 6, rjneliea l CooperA Wood to A.C. Uelch, e 'AueUl sec □25, Lyndon 1
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Agatha H. Elber
Frederick Graf
George Paul
Joseph Staib
Joseph Mount
G. L. Mount
C. W. Maroney
E. A. Hoag
Mary E. Larned
Thedphilus Larned
A. P. Wilcox
F. D. Butts
John Webb
Milo Haight
Jane Haight
G. W. Sly
F. J. Kress
G. R. Johnson
H. P. Glover
Christian Braun
W. H. Davenport
W. C. Jacobus
J. E. Haskins
Anna Kress
S. W. Dexter
James Blair
Peter Rider
Harvey Hall
W. F. Sackett
James Kitson
James Gaunt
Leonard Gallup
Egbert Rice
D. Schofield
W. P. Groves
H. W. Robinson
John Wagner
Louisa Drury
A. H. Cannie
Mary Conklin
A. W. Bassett
J. G. Graf
J. F. Graf
J. F. Lawrence
E. Butts
W. E. Wilcox
H. Geddes
C. Bohnett
A. W. Cooper
Alvin C. Welch
A. C. Welch