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Michigan State News

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Eeports to the State Board of Health )y sixty-eight observers in different arts of the State for the week ended [anuary lil indicated that cerebrosphiiü meningitis, Inflammation of the xrsrels, typho-malariál fever, soarlet 'ever. dysentery, typhoid fever and in - ermittcnt fever [ncreaaed, and memiranons croup imd remlttent fever derea ■ of prevalere. Diphtheria tras reported a1 forty-lnree places, scarlot vi r at forty-flve, typhoid fever at seventecn and measies at thirty-two )hnrs. n:.r Witiaiïs' StaiV. Governor Winans luis completed his military staü by appoiñtment of the followia r: Edwin F. Coneley; Deroit. and !). 1'. Byerley, I memers of the Stal ■ Military Board with the rank of Colonel; John Mitc-Ucll, onia; [raG. Humphrey, Monroe; James A. Leisson, M aominee, and John (iajerlin, Ja lonels and aids-der. and PatrLck I. Phillips, Port bluron, Judge Advo■at, .'!)■[;'■,. .n COVfeotlOl Tli. i Confectioners' Aasocia,ion in session at tiansing elected offisers as follows: t, 3. 8. Gray, of 3etroit: Vice President, .1. W. Symona, of iast Baginaw; Treasurer, A. E. Brooks, of Grand Rapids. Executlve Board, ). I). Thorp of D troit, 11 W, I'utnam a Grand Rapids, W. II. Marple of Lansing. M IS. CottreD of Jackson, J. E. Doyle oí Kalamazoo; Secretary and Commissioner, C. Fox, of Bay City. Central Ulehlxan Agrimlttirlti In annual session at LanBing the Central Michigan Agricultura] Society electoil offioera as follows: President, 'yrus Alsdorf. of Lansing; Secretary, I!. li. Baker, of Lanaing; Treasnrer, D. F. Woodcock; Board f Managers, A. M. Willett of Muir, L. V. Barnes of Fïyron. John Bussell of Grand Ledge, . .1. Wilson of IJeslie, Charles Fisheck of llowcll. II. I. Eingman of Battle Creek, X. I!. Kingof Parma. Coanterfeltn Capturad. Detective Mul hall. of the United States Becret Service, who has been hot onthetrailof Northern Michigan counterfeiters for some time past. has captured his game. Be arrested at Luther Abel I. Thayer, of Kalkaskia, and Gtoorgeand 1'ivd Lachine, of Luther. Ilefound witfa them a larga lot of counberfelt money and molda, and also seized their eomplctf eonnterfeiting outfit. l'ailiul to WldoWS. An old man namod Villiam EobinBon, alias .lames Kerel, was arrested by Federal ottieers at ürand Rapids for alleged pension frands, and at his examination it was shown that Kobinscn had a very soft place in liis heart for soldiers' widows, he h&ving married no less than twelve, without securing a divorce from any of them, in order to secure their pensions. A I!uy :1m ■. The following is the report of business transaeteil at the Seeretary of State's ottiee in .! anuary: Letters receiveil. 4,17."): papers, 1,498; books and packages, 50; postáis, i2: letters inailed, 5,328; books and papers, 4,08'i; postáis, 80: sent by mail books and packages, 4,082; by express, 6.SSJ: eommissions issued, 1,408. nis: Coppar Deal. The Pewabic copper mine in Houston County vu Bold by the special master in chaneery to M ason and Smith, of New York, for $700.000, of which 171,000 was paid cash down. This praetically adds the Pewabic mine to the Quiney adjoining it on the west and malies the latter one of the largest copper mines in the world. Mivcd rp in h .lurler Onsei Reuben Montgomery, a young farmer of Chippewa County, who went with William Coulter to "aee him tlirough" at the time he killed '. i i s father, was arrested as au accessory to the brutal murder. Montgomcry belongs to quite a prominent family. The evidence against him was strong. A Sudden Deftk. A sensatkm was cheated in the Kalama.oo [nsane Asylum by the sudden death of Mi is Jennie Barth, of Spring Lake, who went erazy over religión. She was taken to a batb-room by attendants. and while there was s verely scalded, the shock causing almost instant death. Jackson prison will eool off its several hundred prisonera aext summer with 380 ton.s of ice. Leander Sabin, an old resident of Traverse City. (lied suddenly at his home of apoplexy. Tbe Central Church of Christ at Detroit, just completed, was burned, causing- a loss of s.. -,,()(): insured for .10,000. Rev. Dr. Theodore Nelson waseleoted president of Kakuna.oo College at Jackson. vier Munsnn A. Wileox, resigne.]. Kire broke oi.t in Chapín mine at Iron Monntain and eirht miners werc lmprisoned below, but all but one wen' rescued. Nearly 1,000 young women are employee 1 in the cora . íactori al Jackson. The f armen and ' i oi [ndustry in the vicinity oí M .' (U-eided to raise a bonus torebuild the mili of H. W. WUson, tte. A Genesee County young lady who waa . li of promise snit has rewarded her chiei witness by bestowing her i;ijrr;-(i affectionson him. Mason County i-laims the cake for adipose tissue. Charlie Johnson, a L9year-old lad in Ai. il. township. dropfl the 810 pounds and aman in Eea township has a ft-year-old son who tips the beam at oinety-two pounds. A. li. Littlefield, of Cheboygan, says he conld fence in 100 acres near the new town of Oeipieoe. l'resqne lsle County, and in the inelosure have 100 deer. The animáis have been driven into the traot by the wolvesthat infest that district.


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